Friday, November 11, 2016

Three questions about the new welcome centre for migrants in Paris – Franceinfo

The first reception centre for migrants of Paris, created at the initiative of Anne Hidalgo, opened its doors Thursday, November 10, near the door of the Chapel, in the 18th arrondissement. The second, to women and children, is expected to open before Christmas in Ivry-sur-Seine, in the south-east of the capital.

The centre must accommodate, for about a week, the migrants who arrive in the capital, to provide them with information and a first accompaniment in their journey of asylum. Three issues to understand how works this innovative scheme.

That will make the migrants in this camp ?

The migrants, men only, will be accommodated in the “hall” of the center for 5 to 10 days, the time to rest and take information for orientation. Priority is given to newcomers. It will work with 120 employees and stakeholders, either permanent or occasional.

A day reception, which is installed in a balloon inflatable 1 000 m2, will offer a pre-assessment by the social workers of Emmaus Solidarity and the Ofii (French Office for immigration and integration).

The camp, visited by franceinfo, includes a health centre made up of nurses and a psychologist. A laundry room will also be available.

there will also be spaces, in which the associations are going to come to provide different types of activities. It is not only to be able to sleep warm, but also to reconnect

Julien Beller, architect of the camp


what will happen to the migrants after ten days ?

The mayor of Paris has insisted on this point : the camp does not intend to become a shelter for the medium term.

Past ten days, the migrants are taken in charge by the State and usually “put away” in shelters more durable, CAD (Centre of reception and orientation) or, for asylum seekers, Cada. It is also necessary that the seats are quite numerous.

last September, the State promised to open Cada and CAD number to prevent the embolism of the camp. In total, 140 CAD have already been created in 80 departments, to accommodate approximately 9 000 migrants from the former”jungle” of Calais.

But at the end of the year, France is expected to be less than 40 000 places in reception centres for asylum seekers (Cada), then they should be close to 100 000 to seek refugee status in 2016.

Those who will not have a place will be sent to emergency accommodation. the “the Paris, that wants to frequently say stays unhealthy, lack of monitoring, social, legal and health care, no food, no transport”, Florence Roy, of the collective, The Chapel in the struggle.

The camp will be-t-he big enough to absorb the “settlements” in paris ?

The fear is that, for many, there is a return more or less rapidly to the starting point : a tent on a sidewalk. This centre has been designed to replace the camps, “wild”, these makeshift tents that are installed a bit everywhere in Paris from the summer of 2015 and specifically in the neighborhood of the Chapel. But the associations have expressed concern that the capacity of the centre, 400-seat (600 by the end of the year), is sufficient.

The number of places available each day will vary from 40 to 80 beds. When the flow of refugees continue to increase in the capital, with 80 to 100 new arrivals per day at this time, Paris became the main point of attraction since the destruction of the slums of Calais.

The authorities have anticipated the overheating of the centre : the dismantling of the shantytown of Stalingrad with “sheltering” of its 3000 to 3500 migrants also had the goal of emptying Paris of his main camp before the opening, after Release. But this “mini-Sangatte” risk of re-form very quickly. And the queue in front of the centre, lie down.

The Gisti, a Group of information and support to immigrants, asked in a press release published on 28 October, “how to avoid the reenactment of encampments of persons who have not been able to be admitted into the hall, or provide a hosting solution ?”

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