Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jean-Claude Mailly is concerned about a possible “social 49.3″ – Le Point

Jean-Claude Mailly is concerned about a possible "social 49.3″ – Le Point

The number of working-Force warned Tuesday that a takeover by the government proposals to reform the MEDEF social dialogue would be “a social 49.3″. “I hope the government will not resume almost entirely text” MEDEF “who went to failure,” warned Jean-Claude Mailly on the eve of a meeting at Matignon between the social partners and Prime Minister on the reform of social dialogue. “If he enjoyed it, it would be a form of social 49.3″ ruled the secretary general of FO.

In late January, the negotiations on the reform of the social dialogue between trade unions and employers leading to a failure, the government had taken over the case and announced the development of a law. The Prime Minister therefore receives Wednesday at Matignon leaders of three employers’ organizations (MEDEF, CGPME, UPA) and five unions (CGT, CFDT, FO, CFTC,

CFE-CGC) to start consultations on the main lines of this reform, he wants creative jobs.

“The government is not obliged to take the case, he took it, it is his right,” said Jean-Claude Mailly, warning that he would “be very careful” in its proposals. “It is not impossible” to resume the text of the MEDEF on social dialogue “as it would have liked the text to succeed,” said the head of FO. “It is not excluded that (in) changes some commas”, “which would not be acceptable,” he denounced.


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