Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dubbed “The Republicans,” the new UMP shaped by … – The Obs

Paris (AFP) – The politburo of the UMP Tuesday adopted almost unanimously in the new name of the party – “The Republicans” – and new statutes, shaped by Nicolas Sarkozy, who will go after a vote activists in late May.

Only the UMP deputy mayor of Havre, Edouard Philippe, near Alain Juppe, abstained on the new name. The statutes of the new party have adopted them unanimously, as well as the principle of a “single list” for the composition of future political office.

At the end of the meeting, Nathalie Kosciusko Morizet and Laurent Wauquiez praised concert “renovation”, “renewal of practices”, “return of the collective spirit” in a family that was on the verge of bursting there a few months.

Change the name of a party largely tarnished by Cope / Fillon war in autumn 2012 and the Bygmalion case, is part of what former head of state had promised during the campaign house.

The name “Republicans” was leaked to the press, and sparked controversy. The left there saw “an inheritance capture” and “a” privatization of the Republic Mr Sarkozy. “Some members of the UMP, some relatives of Alain Juppe, called for a vote.

Activists will vote electronically on 28 and 29 May before the convention to be held on the 30th at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris.

The question of the name will be a choice between “Republicans” or status quo “UMP”. In any case, the data is ready. The logo, which cost 25,000 euros, was box. And the name was submitted to the INPI (National Intellectual Property Institute) . The request goes even to 10 November 2014, if one believes the website of the INPI

-. Juppé for the new name –

Toulouse lawyer, Christophe Léguevaques, announced mid-April a court proceeding against an appropriation “of a common heritage.”

“Change name had become necessary in view of the turmoil and business that have tarnished the abbreviation of the UMP last two or three years, “explained again on Tuesday former President of the Assembly, Bernard Accoyer.

Tuesday’s vote is advisory. The former minister and UMP deputy mayor of Saint-Quentin, Xavier Bertrand, did not hide he would have preferred as the new name “The Popular” but is there a “better things to do” than to tear on the subject.

As for the Mayor of Bordeaux and candidate for the primary for the 2017 presidential elections, Alain Juppe, he warned this weekend that he would vote in favor of the name chosen by Nicolas Sarkozy.

The former head of state said in a small group he had “never seen a name move as fast” and ensures “trust the choice of militants”. Thursday they will be sent a letter to convince of the merits of that choice. 210,000 participants will be asked to vote in late May before the high mass of La Villette, which is expected to attract at least 15,000 people according to the UMP.

Activists will also have to confirm the new status of the “vast gathering “Nicolas Sarkozy had called for since the announcement of his candidacy for the presidency of the UMP in September 2014.

In addition to the name, and almost more important, the principle of a” list unique “for a renewed political office, including the required presence of local officials, will also be put to a vote. NKM has also specified that the political bureau of 19 May will be devoted to it.

“The new statutes are in line for a democratization of the party, including the election of the president by universal suffrage County “adherents of the department, welcomed the former minister Bruno Le Maire, to AFP. “The single list in the future BP also goes in the direction of democratization and unity” of the new movement, ensures Bruno Le Maire, who had indicated its opposition to a name change in the domestic campaign.

He did not attend the BP, because at the same time he received the Medal of the German merit, but advised his supporters to vote in favor of all proposals.


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