After the terrorist attacks of 13-November, France has stepped up its legal arsenal and a police officer. But the efficiency of the device, which is contested by some as being repressive, it is difficult to evaluate. The capacity for each step of the chain and safe criminal : new tools of investigation and law enforcement, surveillance of sensitive sites, sentences extended… The state of emergency, he continues. What is the mp PS Sébastien Pietrasanta, rapporteur of the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the attacks of 2015 ? Interview.
Attack of Nice : was it really extend the state of emergency ?
The parliamentary commission of inquiry has considered the effectiveness of the state of emergency “useful but limited”, and lessen with time. Can you remind us why ?
Given what had happened in the night of 13 November 2015, it was necessary to declare a state of emergency, which has enabled us to conduct a number of searches and administrative residency in an effective manner. But the surprise effect of the first hour was quickly dimmed, as it is estimated that the state of emergency has been really helpful the first fifteen days only. After, much less.
Since the end of November 2015 so it would be really useful… Yet, he always runs to January 2017 for the moment.
The state of emergency, as its name suggests, aims to manage an emergency, a situation that is extremely peculiar. The register in the time necessarily returns to the spoil. It is almost a counter-sense. Nevertheless, the extension of the state of emergency allows the continuation of certain residency requirements, or the prefect to take special provisions in the matter of public order.
Some link its appearance to be liberticidal. Why is it maintained ?
I said in July to the national Assembly : only a political consensus, a republican, can we get out of it. But how do you want this decision after what happened this summer in Nice, among other things, and while we are in the midst of pre-presidential ?
What will be the responsibility of the, in this case the president of the Republic or the Parliament as a whole, which will lift the state of emergency ?
Who will dare to do it ? I am under no illusion, I am convinced that it will be again extended in January, at least until the presidential election.
Should we be afraid of state of emergency ?
Who may, then, have the courage to raise it ?
The state of emergency is decreed by the president of the Republic. It must then be extended by the Parliament. The extension will therefore depend on this one, but today the bidding is such in terms of the fight against terrorism that it sometimes becomes counter-productive.
are you referring to the proposal of Nicolas Sarkozy to detain the plugged-in S ?
Yes. This race is tied, in part, to the electoral period. One tries to flatter or reassure the population in a sense that does not correspond to a greater efficiency in the fight against terrorism.
The work of the commission of inquiry showed the failure of intelligence services. Where are your 40 proposals, which included the creation of a national agency to combat terrorism, as the minister of the Interior had not been slow, then, to scan ?
Since last September, Georges Fenech, [mp LR who chaired the commission, ED] and I have a mission is to common information on the follow-up proposals. We sent a questionnaire to all ministers. They have until the end of the month to say what they think of the proposals and where they are a possible implementation.
We’re also a few field trips. We were the last week in Macon, where we attended a year attack very rewarding on the question of the arming of the BAC (Brigades anti-crime) and PSIG (Platoons of surveillance
terrorist Attacks in Paris : the 6 proposals headlights of the parliamentary commission
The question of the management of relief aid was another highlight of the report…
indeed. A proposal, particularly important, was to ensure that the aid can intervene in the exclusion zone, even as the terrorists are not totally neutralized. This has not been possible on 13 November and which many rightly asked. By the end of 2017, all the fire brigades will have specific protections adapted to this situation.
November 13 : the families are not convinced by the parliamentary report
And once your questionnaires recovered ?
Our proposals are not accompanied by a performance obligation. We are force of proposals. We have disagreements of substance, but more about the method than the objective. Bernard Cazeneuve, for example, by the need to strengthen the cooperation between the intelligence services and to improve the intelligence of their territory.
The argument of the minister is to say “we have had many upheavals in recent years, the workload is significant, a complete reorganization can destabilize in a delicate period”. I am sensitive.
We also asked that the Ucofi (Unit for the coordination of intervention forces) should be expanded. It has been heard. But we can see that a rivalry persists, it’s hard to understand as a parliamentarian and citizen, between the Raid, GIGN and BRI. And this is not a report of the commission of inquiry which will, on this point, a shift in thinking.
On the judicial level, furthermore, the powers and means of the anti-terrorist prosecutor has been reinforced and the repression of terrorist offences compounded.
It was also an important element, indeed, on which we will have to nevertheless be vigilant. The new criminal policy is to be able to criminalize as possible – instead of the crime – those who return to Syria, which in my opinion is a good thing. But if we did not give more resources to justice, the assize court special will be hard to follow.
As in the words of the prosecutor, François Molins during his hearing, the criminal policy should not suffer from the problems of contingency. It is the same at all levels of the justice of anti-terrorism.
What are your views on the work carried out, in general terms, since a year ago ?
It has been legislated, expanded our workforce, reached unprecedented funding. All of our interlocutors told us of a before and after the 13 of November. In the european co-operation for example, even if much remains to be done, significant progress has been made, on the exchange of information in particular. The cooperation between our various internal departments is also improved, through the implementation of a number of cells actually operational.
The exercises and simulations of attacks are multiplying, and even if they may seem harmless, they are, according to me, what is most helpful in the preparation and the reflection.
France has been affected seriously and it will be so again, he should be preparing the best as possible.
interview by Céline Rastello
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