a former resistant, the founder of the communist Party of reunion island, the brother of the lawyer to the media, died in the night from Friday to Saturday. He was 91 years of age.
Paul Vergès, a major figure in the Reunion island, died Saturday at the age of 91 after more than 60 years of political life marked by the founding of the communist Party of reunion island and the constant defense of the identity of the island. The French political him homage.
Read obituary : senator Paul Vergès, political figure of The Meeting, dies at the age of 91
” a true Visionary, he was part of its recommendations to the Meeting, for overseas and for France in an informed analysis of the demographic developments, economic and social conditions of the modern world “, has responded to president François Hollande.
” A great figure of The Meeting is off. His voice will be missed in the political debate “, regretted Manuel Valls on Twitter.
” Figure of the fighting an anti-colonial “
Mr Verges has often been called ” visionary “ including by his political opponents – he was one of the first figures to warn against the global warming.
” I greet with a lot of emotion to the memory of Paul Vergès. Her fight for equality has changed the lives of all the Reunion “, tweeted the minister of overseas, Ericka Bareigts, itself on Reunion island.
The national secretary of the PCF, Pierre Laurent, has paid tribute in a statement
” His long life of battle had crossed the hand of shadows and lights that the amount of time it has experienced have cast upon all. But in him, the light took forever “, has written Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the candidate of The France insubordinate to the presidential election.
” Respect “
right, Alain Juppé and Nicolas Sarkozy were also affected. the ” the differences in Our policies were known. Nevertheless, I want to say my respect for the route of Paul Vergès, a tireless activist of the idea of freedom and the emancipation of réunion “, wrote the former president.
” I know what has been his dedication to The Meeting, his passion is to affirm the place of France in the Indian ocean and its struggle for development “, ” said the mayor of Bordeaux.
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