Sunday, November 6, 2016

On for Adama Traoré : hundreds of people refuse to “forgive and forget” – Les Inrocks

Two young girls discuss place du Châtelet. One of them is addressed to his girlfriend : "Do le, I wanted to make a sign, I have not had the time !" That she doesn’t care about the signage, on the cold afternoon of November, there are a myriad not far from les Halles. All feature essentially the same message : "Justice for Adama Traoré." at the initiative of the family of the young man, who died in unclear circumstances on 19 July, when he was challenged by constable in his town of Beaumont-sur-Oise (Val-d’oise), a "great walk" is being organised this Saturday in her memory. Of course, the relatives of Adama have finally got the scenery of the inquest into the death of their brother, called after the "management of catastrophic," of the case by Yves Jannier, the prosecutor of the Republic of Pontoise, originally in charge of the file.

"Keep the pressure against impunity"

They are satisfied, and, as explained Lassana, one of the brothers Adama, they "waiting eagerly for the appointment of a new prosecutor at the court of Paris", so that "the case is finally judged in an impartial manner". as a reminder, the family Traoré accuses Yves Jannier have wanted to cover a "burr" the police by concealing certain information, including the "syndrome asphyxia" established in the two autopsy reports of the body from Adama. Then, putting it away is a first victory. But the fight is far from over. the "Now, we hope that the indictment of the policemen will be able to be booked", claims to Assa, one of the sisters of the young man. The opportunity, also, to re-review in the quiet testimony of a fireman, who, as was revealed in the show Daily, ensures that on his arrival at the gendarmerie, Adama Traoré had still his handcuffs but was not in lateral position of security. The walk of the day is to "keep up the pressure against impunity".

"No longer silent"

How are they behind the large banner black and white, ensuring that "without justice, there will be no peace," ? 1000, 1500 – 800 according to the police ? No matter : those who are there are motivated. There is a small granny that carries with it its seat portable, a man on crutches, young, old, activists, feminists and far-left, Parisians, people from everywhere in France. A lot of people from Beaumont-sur-Oise and the surrounding area, too. You can see for example, Nabil, met the day after the death of Adama Traoré in the area of Boyenval, where the young man has grown up. In a big smile, while providing a cordon of security around the procession, it provides : "Well, yes I am still here!!! We loose nothing !" He ordered the demonstrators to yell even more loudly and clapping. the "police killings, enough, enough", "not forget, not forgive" or "Adama, we forget you not" resonate very loudly in the wide st reets of paris, under the eyes – and sometimes puzzled – by passers-by.

today’s walk is quiet, punctuated by several minutes of silence. Much more serene is, in any case, the latest in July, which had been blocked by the SRC, Gare du Nord, despite the authorization of the prefecture. In the crowd, many people remember of this prohibition. This is for example the case of Nawal, 17 years old. The teen, who has just proudly bought a tee-shirt stamped "Justice for Adama", had been saddened by the situation : "They did not want to admit their wrongs… At least, today, the event takes place." It is accompanied by Najette, 41-year-old resident of Seine-Saint-Denis, which has decided "not be silent". the "The death of Adama has stirred memories of the 1980s, when we heard about young people dying of heart attacks in the police stations. Now, we need to make our voices heard. It is a way for us to take our place, especially as citizens of immigrant origin."

reminiscences of "the crimes police officers in the suburbs", Hugo has also. This man of Portuguese origin, who grew up near Certy-Pontoise, one hears about it "since he was a kid". It was so "important", according to him, to come today to support the families Traoré and be a part of this procession which "the emotion is palpable". And, all the more "the police also use". For him, the recent wild events of the forces of order are unacceptable : "In a historical perspective, it reminds me of the leagues fascists. They say that they have a legitimacy beyond the State, for the use of their weapons. This is outrageous." as a Result of overflows in the Essonne at the beginning of October, where four officers were injured, one seriously, by fifteen individuals through an attack with molotov cocktails, the police need more resources and, overall, a right to more than self-defence. In the procession to Ad ama, who died on the floor of a barracks of the gendarmerie, such a discourse does not pass. All : a lot of protesters spontaneously these manifestations of the forces of law and order. the "It is no longer possible that there is such a contrast between the perception that police officers have of their profession and that of the citizens in relation to them", ensures Nasturtium, 18 years old, a student in letters. She is accompanied by her friend Oscar, who, since the manifs against the law work, but also the death of Rémi Fraisse, in 2014, is aware of this issue of police violence.

A fight against the cops and against the State

The name of this young man, death at a rally against the dam Sivens (Tarn) in the grip of an offensive grenade used by a constable, is widely referred to during the walk. Manuel, 25 years old, recalls the death of environmental campaigner and believes that if "at the time the whole world [was] mobilized against its death, in respect of Adama Traoré, a black suburban, we talk about it less. While this is happened to him is a lot more common". And to discuss how "Bernard Cazeneuve had been a little put on the spot at the time of the death of Rémi Fraisse [in particular, by the members of EE-LV] while in the case of Traore he was never worried". Alpagué recently about this in the hemicycle of the national Assembly by a member of parliament, the Minister of the interior has been kicked into touch and has not uttered once the name of the young man, preferring to pay tribute to the work of the forces of law and order.

For Lassana Traoré, this is a message "great" the politician sends to the family. Assa, it, "was not even surprised he reacted like that,". But plans to continue his fight "against the police, but also against the State, which has not reacted" on this folder. The sister of Adama, accompanied by relatives of other victims of police violence, stops not far from Republic to list their name. the "Amine Bentounsi", "Amadou Koume", "Lamine Dieng"… The list is long, the names ring out in the silence before being chanted by the crowd.

Together until the end

Among the names mentioned, those of Zyed Benna and Bouna Traore, two teenagers died in an electrical transformer in Clichy-sous-Bois, in 2005, after having been pursued by gendarmes. Has the arrival of the procession at the Republic, the brother of Bouna, like many other relatives of the victims, took the word : "As my family name is also "Traoré", when Adama died, people came to ask me if I was one of his cousins. I answered “no”. That Adama was my brother. Strength to us. Let us all be together until the end."

The time for a protester to ask "who owns the Visa card first gold" found on the ground or even to listen to the speeches of the rapper Kerry James and William, the professor arrested violently for filming an intervention of the forces of law and order, it begins to get dark and raining. Many walkers are already gone. It doesn’t matter : the family of Adama Traoré sing one last time the song written in his honor, the raised fist. In the sky, the statue of the Republic has barely illuminate.


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