EDUCATION In its annual report published on Friday, Jacques Toubon lists 30 recommendations to improve the situation…
” A gap between the rights proclaimed in the education and the effectiveness of this law “. This is what emerges from the annual report published on Friday by the human rights defender. If all children have theoretically the right to the education, it is clear that ” access to school in France today is not a real right for many children “, especially the most vulnerable, said Jacques Toubon.
>> also read : The six options for reducing inequalities in school
Children from families living in squats or camps, children are badly housed, homeless (from families people of the trip), allophone (having a mother tongue other than French), miners unaccompanied migrant, children disabled, hospitalized, high intellectual potential, or ” in conflict with the law “… so Many cases where young people are too often prevented from going to school, ” according to the human rights defender, who has listed 30 recommendations to improve the situation.
territorial inequalities. The report also focuses on territorial inequalities : between the most disadvantaged areas, socially and the other, rural and urban areas, between the overseas departments and metropolitan france, etc
The obligation of schooling not respected. Among the recommendations is the reminder to the mayors of ” the obligation to enrol in primary school ( kindergarten or elementary) children installed physically on their territory “. For registration, the only documents needed are a copy of identity document, proof of residence in the municipality (for example a testimonial given by an association) and a document attesting to mandatory vaccinations (the family has three months to present it, the child will be in school in the meantime).
For the mother, some municipalities consider that it is not a requirement, the education being compulsory in France from 6 to 16 years. Of course, but the enrollment of children in kindergarten ” is right when parents make the request, except to justify precisely to staffing problems “.
Too long delays of the assignment. The report also points to the too long delays in assignment in a school, specific or not, children allophones. And the human rights defender ” is regularly complained of difficulties for the enrolment of unaccompanied minors “, young migrants who undergo them also of the time too long. “These minors are not gradually integrated, but, on the contrary, left to the gate of the devices.”
The report also calls for the ministry of national Education “to systematize the training of stereotypes and discrimination in the initial and ongoing training and” education professionals, including teachers, to contribute to the fight against one of the evils of the French school system, which is regularly highlighted by international studies : the weight of social origins a student in his destiny of the school.
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