Monday, January 30, 2017

After the victory of Hamon, defections of elected socialists begin – The World

After the victory of the candidate ” rebellious “, a part of the parliamentarians of the right wing of the PS could be tempted to join Macron. Some have already taken the plunge.

Benoît Hamon, a candidate in the primary of the left for the presidential 2017, delivers his speech at the Mutualité in Paris, Sunday January 29 2017 - 2017©Jean-Claude Coutausse / french-politics to The World

Is this the beginning of a long series of departures or Benoît Hamon will he be able to contain the bleeding ? It is in any case one of the main challenges that will face the former” rebellious ” became the winner of the primary on the left : the opposition of a number of elected members of the right wing of the PS. Some might be tempted to join Emmanuel Macron, whose line “progressive” is nearest.

Read also : Primary left : the three challenges for Benoît Hamon

  • A meeting of the “reformers” of the PS Tuesday

For several days, a forum calling to rally the ex-minister of economy circulates among the socialist parliamentarians grouped under the banner of the ” pole of the reformers “.

In any event, the elected “reformers” need to come together on Tuesday. But according to the deputy Philippe Doucet, close to Manuel Valls, there could be ” less than ten “ of deputies, on the fifty that account for this ” pole of the reformers “, to join Emmanuel Macron. It has detailed, on RTL :

” see You tomorrow [Tuesday], we will discuss, but I think it is not so simple as that. First, because we don’t know what you think of Emmanuel Macron. And then also, when you’re a socialist deputy elected by the voters of the socialist activists and socialist, you also have to be accountable to your own activists and to your own voters. “

  • They have formalized their departure

Several deputies vallsistes did not wait to formalize their departure, and announced that they would join Mr. Macron. Thus d’Alain Calmette, member of the Cantal and support of Manuel Valls, who has posted a press release on Sunday evening, 22 hours, explaining :

” For me, having lived near the strategy of systematic destruction of slingers, arguably the most iconic of them is above my forces. It is therefore logical and in the consciousness that I am committed from this evening behind Emmanuel Macron. “

And also Marc Goua, socialist deputy of Maine-et-Loire, told the Courrier picard that he will vote Macron, justifying his choice by his opposition to the ” slingers “, which Hamon is one of the figures :

” today there is a divide with those who for the past five years have sabotaged that mandate. I was not always agree with the government, but by discipline I voted all the laws. It is a little weird that the same say today as it must bend to the majority. I confirm that I’m going to vote Macron. “

the senator of the Loire Maurice Vincent has also formalized his rallying to Emmanuel Macron. He explains on his website that ” several proposals headlights “ of Benoît Hamon are ” utopian dangerous “. He salutes the contrary, the project of former minister of the economy, which ” confirms the

importance of the european commitment, takes into account the rapid changes in our society, fosters innovations, such as the solidarity news “.

René Dosière, member of parliament for the Aisne, the scrutineer of the government expenditure that supported Manuel Valls, has announced that it ” does not support[t] not Benoît Hamon “ to the presidential election – holding that its programme ” is not one of the left-head “ without specifying to which would be his choice in the presidential election.

Finally, in a press release forgotten on Monday evening, Jean-Louis Gagnaire, member of parliament for the Loire, believes that Benoît Hamon has earned ” on a project appealing not feasible “ and announced that it joined the who, ” alone, can defeat the announced duel between the right of François Fillon and the extreme right of Marine Le Pen “.

there are also those who have not yet crossed the Rubicon, but seem to prepare for it. Frédéric Cuvillier, deputy of the Pas-de-Calais, ex-minister of transport and close to François Hollande, has in these last days, multiplied declarations favourable to the leader to walk !. Friday, on Europe 1, he felt that he ” need to be next to Emmanuel Macron to avoid the extreme-right “. And in the columns of the JDD on Sunday, he made no secret of his preference :

” for Me, it would be no problem. He has been an advisor to the president, minister of this government, it embodies also a form of reform is popular and he is in a situation that allows him to tackle the hard campaign with the conditions rather favorable. “

Dominique Baert, member of parliament and mayor (PS) of Wattrelos (North), also seemed to lean towards the former minister of the economy. He explained to prefer his “ cousin “Emmanuel Macron in” false brother ” Benoît Hamon, according to comments reported by a journalist of the Voice of The North on Twitter :

Asked on BFM-TV on Sunday evening, the mayor of Evry, Francis Chouat, close to Manuel Valls, did not rule out a rally to the ex-minister of the economy :

” It belongs to Benoît Hamon, since he says want to collect ( … ) create (…) within The Beautiful people’s Alliance the terms and conditions of a gathering (…). If it is on the project, which he defended then there will be a problem, because you can’t do the unit on this basis. “

” I can’t support the program of Benoît Hamon, it is contrary to my convictions ,” said the member of parliament for the Eure François Loncle, always on BFM-TV. the ” I am closer to Macron that of Mélenchon “, he still stressed with Paris-Normandie.

on The side of the entourage of Mr. Hamon, we want calm and convinced that the departures can be contained. “I do not believe in a phenomenon of large-scale departure. Many of the elect are attached to the PS, the rules of the primary “, ensured the World Régis Juanico, member of parliament for the Loire and spokesperson of the ex-minister.

Read the full analysis : Primary left : after the victory, the hard part begins for Benoît Hamon


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