Sunday, January 22, 2017

The weather Monday, January 23rd : sun and cold in the north, disrupted the shores of the Mediterranean – Europe1

on Monday, the weather will remain disrupted on the south-east of the country. The rain, still supported on Corsica, to lose slowly their intensity during the day, but will remain significant and will continue until Monday afternoon, giving further accumulations important on the east of the island, in addition to those already fallen on Sunday. It snow today above 1,400 m on the terrain of the island.

The wind in Corsica. rainfall, generally low, which will extend from the var Coast in the Languedoc-Roussillon region will diminish gradually during the day and régresseront gradually to the Roussillon. It snow today to 800/1.000 m on the southern Massif central and the east of the pyrenean chain, but locally lower on the east of Midi-Pyrenees. The clouds, although present on the southern half in the morning, régresseront gently to the south in the afternoon. The wind from the east-north-east will remain supported between Corsica and the continent : the gusts will reach 70 to 90 km/h, 110 on the caps exposed. Mistral and tramontana will reinforce in their field.

clouds to the north of the Seine. Elsewhere, on the three-quarters north of the country, the sun will dominate usually, after dissipation of a bit of a grey morning and a few patches of mist freezing. However, north of the Seine, it will be

necessary to wait for the return of clouds coming from Belgium.

Up to -10 degrees in the morning. The temperatures will still be very cold on a large north-eastern quarter of the country with a minimum of -4 to – 10 degrees over the northern half of the country, -2 to -4 in the paris region, 0 to -4 also, 4 to 10 on the mediterranean coast. The maximal, globally stationary but slightly higher in the south-east, will display 1 to 4 degrees in the north and east, 4 to 5 on the paris basin, 6 to 10 on the western half of the country, and 8 to 12 in the south-east, 14 to 15 on the Côte d’azur and Corsica.


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