Marseille (AFP) – Manuel Valls on Tuesday promised to return in late April in Marseille give “means more” in Marseille, after a hectic two-day visit on the theme of safety, education and urban renewal.
“We will return to Marseille late April,” said the Prime Minister, at round tables with students in priority neighborhoods, held Tuesday morning at the prefecture.
Be held while “an interdepartmental committee which I will chair with several ministers means that we will give the city more,” said Manuel Valls.
The announcement of this appointment -you came a day after a hectic day for the prime minister, whose arrival in Marseille was preceded by firing Kalashnikov against police officers in La Castellane, iconic city of the north and the Mecca of drug trafficking areas.
These shots, which were no casualties have been described as “unacceptable” by Manuel Valls. But they “do not surprise me,” continued the Prime Minister, “because here we know that criminal networks are particularly strong. They do not support, they do not accept that the state is trying to reclaim these areas for two years. “
On Tuesday, four” occupant (s) in respect of the apartment “in which police found seven Kalashnikov rifles, several of which have been used to these shots were placed in custody. The couple and their children would have agreed to hide weapons and drugs at home, according to a source
-. ‘Break the urban ghettos’ –
The head of government had come Marseille announce “no triumphalism” “encouraging” results to curb criminal drift observed two years ago in Marseille.
“networks of tens fell, it broke the habit was broken an underground economy that is still there to party, “said Tuesday the Prime Minister:” But we are going to tackle this order mafias “
When he comes back in Marseille late April. Prime Minister intends to sign the State-Region plan contract for Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA), with each of the two parties “more than 800 million euros” intended primarily for public investment.
“That’s what I said yesterday (Monday), there is the
But “it is a comprehensive plan that we carry, despite all the difficulties, for this city.”
“The urgency is the start of urban renewal, which is long overdue here in Marseille, “he stressed in particular”. The urgency is to start breaking urban ghettos “
Manuel Valls has also rubbed another hot folder Marseille: the future of SNCM. He met for the first time unions in the ferry company in receivership, which he promised state vigilance on the social, according to participants. And that while a significant social lurks even if SNCM found a buyer.
After the meeting at the prefecture, the displacement of the Prime Minister was completed in Victor Hugo school to exchange with high school students and teachers, especially around the device “best graduates.” It aims to promote equal opportunities for entitlement to 10% of students in each school with the best results at the ferry access to selective channel (prépas, IUT, BTS …)
This house is situated in a neighborhood of the 3rd arrondissement, Manuel Valls was allowed, under some whistles, a forty teachers who demonstrated against the reform of the educational priority (ZEP).
After flourished in the courtyard of the high school a plaque in memory of a student killed in August 1944 strong, the head of government visited the Centre for Documentation and Information (CDI) to discuss with students along with Najat Vallaud-Belkacem and Secretary of State for Urban Policy Myriam El-Khomri.
The Education Minister announced in the wake the device “best graduates” still confidential last summer was going to be developed and extended to more colleges (IEP, business schools …).
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