Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Valls chief of staff promoted prefect an appointment that pose … – Le Parisien

The Valls chief of staff promoted prefect an appointment that pose … – Le Parisien

12 Febr. 2015, 0:27 | Updated: Feb 12. 2015, 1:03

This is a promotion that is not illegal nor surprising. Sébastien Gros, Manuel Valls chief of staff at Matignon and one of his advisers faithful from the town hall of Evry, was appointed prefect official, according to the minutes of the Cabinet on Wednesday. This man aged 34, however, retains its functions to the Prime Minister.

This includes ensuring the organization of its travel.

Clearly, this promotion “senior executive” in “prefectural” means that it is not accompanied by a local appointment in a department, as is the case with most other prefects. Remuneration (salary grid prefects starts at 5.162 euros gross) will replace and not add to the cabinet member. The advantage is that it is left with civil servant status, insurance in case of political change in the leadership of the country.

The counselor, who was elected alderman in Nimes at PS municipal, Manuel Valls was already chief of staff at the Ministry of the Interior (2012-2014) and Evry (2008-2012). A graduate of the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) in Toulouse, who holds a master professional “political administration” and a master “Research in Sociology of Law”, it was also the coordinator of the campaign for primary of 2011. “This is an appointment that confirms political and administrative process,” said do we emphasized in the Prime Minister’s entourage.

It is also “customary the Prime Minister’s chief of staff was appointed prefect, if conditions permit and justify its course, “do we also argues Matignon. Certainly, the practice is legal from a

1996 decree However, it is often considered a privilege of the Republic. In 2013, 250 prefects, only 127 were assigned to a territorial extension, 37 were detached, 12 off, one outside the box and 75 in the said position “framing”, lists a Court of Auditors document. In 1987, senior executive prefects numbered 44 and 69 in 2005.

The Court of Auditors suggested the possibility of removing the type of appointment which will benefit Sébastien Gros. Manuel Valls had replied: “If there is currently no plan to remove the voice of access to the body of the prefects, this is one of the subjects studied in the context of the current debate on the functionalization of positions of prefects. “

The study appears to have resulted in a continuation of a practice since long. The exemplary republic advocated by François Hollande has not addressed this privilege

Other young advisers were promoted in the prefecture in the past. The former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy Laurent Solly, appointed in 2012 at age 36, Brice Hortefeux, appointed in 1995 at age 37 when he was in the office of Nicolas Sarkozy Budget Minister. The durable and future Minister Pierre Sudreau was appointed after the war, 32 years only

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