POLICY From Cameroonian nationality, the young man of 27 years living in France for ten years …
It does not have proper papers. Tiki Stéphane, President of the Young Popular (UMP members aged under 30), has no residence permit, says Le Canard chained to appear Wednesday. D e Cameroonian nationality, The young man of 27 lived in France for ten years. It was appointed president of the Young Populaires in December. In the wake of this revelation, Stéphane Tiki just announced that it
On his Facebook account, the young man claims to have made an application for naturalization. “What I read in the press on the situation concerning me is inaccurate and misleading. There is actually no subject, “says Stéphane Tiki in this message. According to him, “it is a shameful controversy.”
“My sister is French, my parents were married in France by Jacques Chirac, I made my studies in France,” argues-t he said.
Stéphane Tiki was appointed president of the Young Popular December 17, 2014, at their political bureau convened by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the UMP. Member of the strong Right, current Sarkozy of the UMP led by Guillaume Peltier and Geoffroy Didier, Stéphane Tiki was previously national delegate of Youth and National Secretary of the UMP. According to the satirical weekly, Stéphane Tiki had announced in December the Young Popular its willingness to be a candidate in regional elections in December.
As a foreigner, it can of course be president of the Young popular, but can in no way claim for elected office.
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