Thursday, November 10, 2016

13 November : “in Spite of this drama, I managed to improve myself” – Paris Match

Maureen, Alexis, Camille, Samuel, Valerie, Jean-Luc… They were all in the chaos of the Bataclan on the evening of 13 November. Together in Life for Paris, they overcome the attacks together. A year later, they testify to the difficult path of reconstruction. One day at a time, until the 13th of November, check out the story of each of them. Here is the testimony of Camille.

Life for Paris, the association of support and mutual assistance to the victims of the attacks of 13 November, is born out of the need of survivors to come together to overcome their difficulties together. Visible or invisible, of the injuries they are suffering are profound. The direct victims, caregivers, and loved ones of the deceased, today they are 650 to exchange on a private group (Facebook), a hard core of the association.

Life for Paris is today a recognized entity of government the stake, beyond the support and assistance to victims, is to become a force of proposal to improve the support for victims of terrorist attacks, those of today and tomorrow. Recognize the psychological wound in the same way as the physical injury, to extend the free medical care via health insurance beyond one year, allowing victims to declare themselves on a “one stop shop” that centralizes all the formalities… Such are the improvements that will see the light of day thanks to the energy of these citizens, the victims of the attacks of the 13th of November. To the first anniversary date, they wished to organise, in the way that seems most appropriate, their own day of commemoration.

Camille, 27 years old

” In my circle, a lot of people don’t know that I was at the Bataclan that night. I decided not to say it. Even if this event is a part of me, it is not really part of my personality. It is a moment that I lived. When around me, people speak of 13 November, they do it very naturally, while for me it is very complex. If the conversation lasts too long, I me eclipse.

I am not immediately followed by a psy. Was hot, I didn’t want to. Later, I did sessions of osteopathy and acupuncture. I needed to physically release the pressure. I am aware of the link between the body and the spirit, what I had not suspected before. This has also allowed me to know me myself. I then had a few sessions of psych until, quite quickly, I no longer felt the need. At the time of my support, I had everything stuck in my head. “Ca va!” I have always been like that, it’s my character. “If I want to get better, I’m better !” I had to realize and accept that I had to take the time to get better.

I still don’t understand how this could happen nor how I got out. These issues remain present. When you almost die, you realize how everything can stop at the minute. How to get to resume the course of his life ? A birthday, a wedding, my paragliding flight… For each event that is a bit exceptional since the Bataclan, I thought stealth where I say to myself that I could not be there to live it.

I do want to make something good of my life

This tragedy has brought to light some of the negative aspects in my life. I took the time to look and eliminate what went wrong. For me, this is what makes sense today. It was a moment that I was not good in my work. “What am I doing here ? I am not well. Why I don’t move ?” I dared to give my resignation and look for it in another professional sector. I found a job in which I thrive completely. The job of my dreams, nearly ! I see my family, I take advantage better of the people that I love. I listen to myself more, putting myself under pressure, not forcing myself on most things. This is all part of the person I am today. I am alive while others have not had this chance. This makes me sad, but I think I’m even more eager to do something good in my life.

It is many to resume the above

I entered in the association, in a first time in order not to feel alone. To exchange views with the group has enabled me to understand that my feelings were normal. Today, it is especially to see all of the beautiful stories that are being written. See that people are going to be better committed to getting better. It is a true emulation.

I testify today to show that, despite an event as terrible, I’ve managed to move forward and improve myself. It is many to recover. It is important to say it because people need to have the negative image of us. When I do the balance, I prefer the quality of my life now. There is this spectrum of horror, yet on a daily basis, but if I take it off the scale, I can say that I feel more happy today. “

also read : “I want to create beautiful things”

also read : “I can spend an hour without thinking at the Bataclan”

The book of the photographer Férial “No more our dead”, in Criteria Editions, 128 pages, 22 euros. Date of issue November 14, 2016.

reproduction prohibited


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