Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jean-Luc Romero : “we die badly in France” –

Jean-Luc Romero : “we die badly in France” Image Credit : AFP PHOTO JOEL SAGET Credit Media : Christophe Pacaud,Agnes Bonfillon Download

The Court of appeal of Lyon has just made a decision rare in deciding to relax Jean Mercier, a man of 88 years old judged to have been his wife, Josanne, to put an end to his days. His wife was stricken with lumbar osteoarthritis particularly painful, to the point of having also sunk in the depression.

five years ago, to the day, November 10, 2011, he was given a mixture of fatal drugs and morphine to the woman with whom he was married for 55 years. In the first instance, Jean Mercier had been sentenced to a year in jail. The same sentence of principle was required in the call.

“This is the fifth anniversary to the day of the death of madame Mercier, so it is a great relief that the nightmare court concludes finally,” said the regional councillor Jean Luc Roméro after the announcement of the verdict of the Court of appeal. For the president of the Association for the right to die in dignity (ADMD), Jean Mercier was guilty as "a gesture of love” : “pulled it out and opened the medication that he asked his wife.”

This is not the companion of a wife’s duty to do that.

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The regional councillor of Île-de-France (PS) expressed the hope that the decision of the Court of appeal of Lyon may be able to advance the debate on the end-of-life , and the euthanasia in France : “there, it was a decision that acquitted mr. Mercier and that fact that one might say that a person who helps someone to commit suicide because she has unbearable suffering could not be sustained.”

“This is not the companion of a wife’s duty to do it,” growls Jean-Luc Romero. The president of the ADMD stresses, moreover, that the very large majority of the French population is in favour of an evolution of the law French on the end-of-life (96%). "All the reports that have been done say, you will die badly in France", stated he.

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