Wednesday, November 16, 2016

For his opponents, Emmanuel Macron is “the candidate of the media, “that” nothing was proved ” – The World

A left-or right-handed, the entry into campaign of the former minister of the economy react to it.

Read also : live : Emmanuel Macron candidate for the presidential election

  • François Hollande called for the ” rally “

During an interview on France 24, TV5Monde and RFI, on Tuesday evening, the president of the Republic has responded to the anticipated announcement of the candidacy of his former protege with a call to the “rally” and ” cohesion “. He added that the left will not be able to be in the ” rendez-vous “ 2017 ” if it is not collected “.

” For France, it is the cohesion that is going to be the essential element. If France is divided, if France is fragmented, désunit at a time when it faces so many threats, ( … ), then France will decline “, he said, interviewed in Marrakech, where he participates in the COP22.

  • ” This is a very annoying “to Jean-Christophe Cambadélis

For the first secretary of the socialist Party, this nomination,” it is very annoying. Because the left is in a report today of 60/40 if you put the extreme right, and the right vis-à-vis the left.”

For Mr. Cambadélis, ” if it breaks down, if one day there is a candidate who is Macron, a candidate nominated by the primary [of PS], a candidate who is Mélenchon, a candidate of the communist Party, a candidate of the environmentalists, I give you the result : none of those I have name will be in the second round of the presidential election “.

also Read : behind The scenes of the war against Macron

  • ” Nothing affects me “, lance Manuel Valls

Without naming Emmanuel Macron, the prime minister has referred unequivocally to the announcement of the candidacy of his former minister. the ” The exercise of power ” he said at the university of Cergy-Pontoise, where he was traveling implies” have a sense of the general interest, in the sense of the collective “, ” deny ” the adventures of individual “.

in a speech In which he placed education at the heart of the ” project for France “, Mr Valls has also said : ” To take on this responsibility, it is necessary – dare I say it in front of you – an education in the conduct of the power, responsibility, a sense of the State. It takes experience, an experience that has been proven by time “, adding : ” It takes strength and not lightness. “

Before his speech, when asked by reporters about the nomination of Mr. Macron, he had only answered : ” Nothing affects me. “

  • Arnaud Montebourg criticizes the ” candidate of the media “

” I don’t know who is Emmanuel Macron “, said Arnaud Montebourg, candidate for the primary of the left, on France 2, Wednesday morning. the ” What are their orientations (…), for me it is a bit like Mr. X. ” He added :

It has a campaign team is very impressive, almost all of the magazines, many organs of the press. (…) It is the candidate of the media, since it is at its seventy-fifth "a" magazine without having made a single proposal. “

  • For Benoît Hamon, he has a ” historical responsibility “

Asked on BFMTV just after the announcement of the candidature of Mr Macron, Benoît Hamon, also a candidate in the primary of the left is said to be ” quite glad that he agrees with the ideas which are his own, liberal “. But according to Mr Hamon, a former minister of the economy ” has a historical responsibility : its application outside of the primary ensures quasi-mechanically-that the left will not be in the second round of the presidential election “.

” My belief is that the French do not entrust their fate to someone who has no experience, and, above all, which has nothing shown for the time being “, has said the former prime minister, candidate in the primary from the right, on RTL on Wednesday.

Mr Fillon, this announcement marks the ” the end of the quinquennium of Francois Hollande “, as “ this is the man closest to him, the one who has designed his program of economic “, which cause ” a lot of difficulties and disasters in the country. “

  • ” beware “of the” white knight ” Mr. Macron, according to Alain Juppe

In an interview in the daily Les Echos published Wednesday, the mayor of Bordeaux, a candidate in the primary from the right, judge Mr. Macron ” stands today as the white knight totally new “. But for Mr. Juppe, ” we must be wary of people who do the opposite of what they say and say the opposite of what they are doing “. He added : ” we must not be naive. This is with Emmanuel Macron someone who has fully endorsed the economic policy pursued since 2012, starting with the massive rise in taxes. “

  • Macron is “the incarnation of the elite in the world” for Laurent Wauquiez

Guest Wednesday morning on Europe 1, the acting chairman of the party, The Republicans, and support of Nicolas Sarkozy in the primary from the right, Laurent Wauquiez sees in Mr. Macron ” the incarnation of the elite of the globalized, which explained to a worker who lost his job, that it’s because she was illiterate “. Mr Macron, minister of the economy referred to on the radio of the used ” illiterate “.

According to Mr. Wauquiez, Emmanuel Macron, ” it is first of all a certain vision of where France should deny themselves in globalization. I do not forget that in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, Emmanuel Macron explained that if it was terrorism it is because France was not sufficiently occupied in difficult areas, and that it is our fault “.

  • To Florian Philippot, an application on a niche ” full “

” It was not a surprise, it was just waiting for the date “, has noted the vice-president of the Front national on Radio Classique, Wednesday morning. the ” the hope now Is that Emmanuel Macron will finally take out an idea, because it’s been six months that he is in the incantation, in the words hollow, the formulas, and not a single idea has emerged of what he said. However it already has a balance sheet “, he added.

Mr Philippot was also interviewed on the ” the interest of this application, because it is going to be added to a niche market laissez-faire president, europeanist, which is already completely saturated in this presidential election “.

Read also : Macron presidential candidate : proposals mixing left, right, new and old


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