Sued for using the stay of foreigners in an irregular situation in the valley of the Roya, Cedric Herrou has claimed, before the tribunal, acts as ” political “.
” I do it because it needs to be done. “Held in Nice for helping migrants near the Italian-French border, Cedric Herrou, 37 years old, took, Wednesday, January 4, its acts for which the prosecutor has requested eight-month suspended prison sentence. Before the court, the farmer has claimed responsibility for acts ” political ” : ” I do it because there are people that have a problem. There are people who are dead on the highway, there are families who are suffering, there is a State which has put the boundaries in place and who manages absolutely not the consequences. “
The prosecutor, Jean-Michel, Priest, for his part, denounced the use of this trial as a ” political forum “ and required against Mr. Herrou, in addition to the suspended sentence with probation, the forfeiture of his vehicle, as well as a limited-use licence to the purposes of his profession. the ” This is not justice to decide whether to change the law, it is not justice to give a lesson in diplomacy in this country or that country “, he also estimated.
The farmer, who produced olives and eggs in the valley of the Roya, one of the input channel to France, while migrants from Italy, continued to support the stay of foreigners in an irregular situation. Some 300 people, including many members of a group to assist migrants Roya Citizens, gathered in front of the palace of justice to the support prior to the start of the hearing.
Read our story : the Italian border, the valley of the Roya solidarity with migrants
police intervention
The justice complains that Cédric Herrou the facility in October 2016, without authorization, of a fifty Eritreans in a holiday centre SNCF closed, to Saint-Dalmas-de-Tende. The occupation of this center, denounced with force by local elected officials, The Republicans, had come to an end with the intervention of the forces of the order at the end of three days.
Questioned by the court regarding the manner in which had, since, changed the situation, the farmer replied : ” We have a thirty miners hosted at Saorge in particular, and I myself have three children hosted me, and the major also. “
In August 2016, Mr. Herrou has already been worried by the law for having carried Erythréennes, before the case is closed with no action. The president was, therefore, surprised that the two procedures which it was the object had not put a stop to his actions : ” Even if you condemn me, the problem will continue, “, has assené activist.
” A honor “
He also spoke about the way in which he began to assist migrants there is a year and a half. the ” At first, I saw people walking on the road, of the Black, so I took to the station of Breil-sur-Roya. And little by little I am interested in the problem. “
The farmer is also income on the decision to occupy the former vacation colony of the SNCF : ” Before the squat, there were 58 people at home. I had taken the decision not to go because I thought that I was responsible for the influx of people in me. With the association Roya Citizen, and with the support of other humanitarian associations, it was decided to open a place to house them. “
Before the start of his trial, Cédric Herrou had already defended his actions at the entrance of the palace of justice : ” What I do is not a sacrifice, it is an honor. “
On November 23, Pierre-Alain Mannoni, a teacher-researcher at université Nice Sophia Antipolis, was judged to have taken in his car with three young Erythréennes injured that he was taking them to the doctor. The prosecutor has requested six-month suspended prison sentence.
For several months, the citizens welcome refugees to Breil-sur-Roya, a village of 2,400 inhabitants, in the valley situated between Nice and the Italian border.
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