This Saturday morning, the earth trembled, in the Centre of Brittany. According to the national Network of seismic monitoring, the epicenter is located in Plumieux, a few kilometers from Loudéac.
7: 36 Saturday morning. The earth rumbles in the Centre of Brittany. ” As if a truck was travelling at full speed “, recounts the story of Sylvie, who was at this time still asleep. The noise wakes her up, but she immediately réassoupie. “ This is when I woke up, and I’ve discussed with the neighbors that I knew that there had been an earthquake, whose epicenter was here in Plumieux. Finally, I was not surprised. “
In the bar-tabac in the village of a thousand inhabitants, the word ” earthquake “ out all of the vents this afternoon. “ All the world is talking about it. The neighbor across the way has felt. Me, I was sleeping in a closed fist. I heard nothing, felt nothing “, says the manager.
” did You hear the big bang ? “
Yet, at its epicentre, the earthquake was of a magnitude of 3.7 on the Richter scale. Not enough to damage, but strong enough to be felt several kilometers away.
It is also few kilometers from the village, in Plémet, that the population has most likely felt the earth tremble.
In the PMU, and chatting. ” did You hear you, the big bang, around 7: 30 ? “ The manager, it, has well perceived a loud noise, which lasted only a few seconds. ” You’ll laugh. I didn’t really think of an earthquake. I thought it was the newspaper boy who knocked down the goods ! “
” The wardrobe, she trembled. And the bed too “
a Few hours later, by doing a search on the Internet, the couple sees the information. “ I knew well that I had not dreamed of “, is satisfied with Philippe. Nolwen, as it has ” ‘t feel anything, I was sleeping so good… “, she said, as slightly disappointed.
To Laurenan, about twenty kilometers from the epicenter, Tonio in him felt the earthquake. ” the Whole house shook ! “, Fortunately, without doing anything to fall.
The firefighters and cops of the department have not had to respond to the earthquake, which was felt to the east of the Centre of Britain, and up to Vannes, in the Morbihan.
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