Sunday, January 8, 2017

SAÔNE-ET-LOIRE, A bus accident left at least four dead and 25 were injured in The Dauphiné Libéré

14: 50 The prosecutor’s office in Macon has opened an investigation to determine the causes of the accident.

12: 10 pm : The véhiculevappartient to the Portuguese company “Rota das Gravuras”.

“The output of route is made on a portion of a straight line. We only know that it is a bus, a priori, in good condition, with a crew that is conveyed normally. It will be up to the investigation to determine the exact causes of the accident,” said the prefect of the Saône-et-Loire.

The bus is passed over the guardrail, and flipped over below the national.

90 firefighters are currently being used.

12 pm – According to the first elements of the investigation, no other vehicle is involved in the accident. The bus would have crossed the street to come and lie on its left flank below the road.

The four people who died were ejected from the vehicle at the time of impact, reports the JSL.

passengers travelled to Fribourg in Switzerland, after having spent the year-end holiday in Portugal.

11: 50 On the 32 people involved in the accident, 25 were only slightly injured or shocked and they include the two drivers of the bus, show our fellow-members of the JSL. A 2-year old child is among the injured, the most seriously affected.

11 a.m. : The prefect of the Saône-et-Loire Gilbert Payet is on-site, in the company of the prefect of Charolles and the public prosecutor of the Republic of Mâcon, according to our colleagues of the Saône-et-Loire.

10: 30 a.m. : Two of the most seriously injured people were taken to the hospital of Mâcon and a at the hospital of Paray-le-Monial. The other wounded were to be distributed in both these institutions, and, without doubt, to the hospital of Roanne (Loire).

10: 28 am : The Interior minister Bruno Le Roux has called on the motorists to respect the traffic rules and basic instructions of caution.

9 a.m. : Seventy-five fire and rescue units were mobilized on the scene of the accident, which occurred between Paray-le-Monial and Macon.

8: 28 pm

:, a bus Accident deadly in the night. Four Portuguese national (according to a provisional report) died in a bus accident on the RN 79, which occurred shortly before 04: 30 p.m. near the viaduct, Charolles, Saone-et-Loire.

The previous balance sheet was a state of five dead, but one person was able to be revived by the emergency services.

twenty people were injured, three of whom are in absolute emergency and 21 in relative urgency.

The bus, a forty-seater, was carrying thirty-two people, Portuguese nationals, en route to Switzerland.

The vehicle has fallen below the national the famous Route Center Europe and Atlantic(RCEA), deemed to be dangerous. This exit route is likely to be due to a floor extremely slippery.

The prefecture asked the residents not to take the road, because the pavements are icy, says RTL.

The RN79, a road murderous

The provisional report of the drama, in fact, the road accident is the deadliest in France since the march 29, 2016. At the time, twelve Portuguese nationals were killed in the collision of a van transformed into a minibus and a weight heavy on this same RCEA, but in the Allier.

The RN79 is nicknamed “the road of death” due to a large number of accidents. In August 2015, two accidents had already been four serious injuries and a total height of Charolles. In February 2005, a pileup involving two trucks and three cars had been five deaths at Beaubéry (Saône-et-Loire).

busy, the RN79 includes several sections at a time in a way that makes passing very dangerous. In April, the prefect of the Saône-et-Loire announced for 5.6 million euros of refurbishment work and securing additional.


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