Sunday, March 15, 2015

François Hollande: 75% of the French say “disgruntled” of … – France Soir

François Hollande: 75% of the French say "disgruntled" of … – France Soir

This demonstrates once again the unpopularity of the executive couple. 75% are unhappy with the French president and 55% of its prime minister, according to an Ifop poll published Sunday in the JDD. Thus, Francois Hollande wins one point in a month while Manuel Valls loses one.

According to that study, 40% of respondents say they are “somewhat dissatisfied” Francois Hollande (+ 1% in one months) and 35% very dissatisfied (-2%). Conversely 25% (+ 1%) of respondents said they were “satisfied” the head of state, 23% (+ 1%) of “somewhat satisfied” and 2% (=) to “very satisfied” .

Note that, despite its reputation executioner of hearts, the president won just women: 77% of women are dissatisfied (+ 4% compared to men). In terms of political affiliation, however no surprise: the right sympathizers are the least happy with Francois Hollande policy (93% of “dissatisfied”). They are followed by supporters of the IDUs (90%), the modem (78%), the Left Front (71%) and EELV (62%). The Socialist supporters are the only ones mostly happy with the policy of the head of state, with a satisfaction rate of up to 70%.

As for Manuel Valls, it displeased 55% of French of which 35% are “somewhat dissatisfied” and 20% “very dissatisfied.” Conversely, 45% of respondents said they were “satisfied” with the Prime Minister, of which 40% “somewhat satisfied” and 5% “very satisfied”.

Again, FN sympathizers are most dissatisfied with the action of the head of government (76%). They are followed by those of the Left Front (69%) and the UMP (62%). The EELV sympathizers them navigate between two waters, with 50% “dissatisfied” and as many “satisfied.” As might be expected, supporters of PS are the most satisfied with Manuel Valls (82%). Then come Modem supporters (57%) and those of IDU (53%).

And Ifop to note that when comparing the tandem Holland Valls before the county 22 and 29 March 2015 at tandem Sarkozy-Fillon before cantonal March 2011, the situation is worrying for the current executive couple. Indeed, there are four years, 29% of French said they were “satisfied” with Nicolas Sarkozy and 48% of François Fillon.


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