Monday, March 16, 2015

Manuel Valls, Nicolas Sarkozy has neither spine nor … – Le Figaro

In meeting Monday night in Evry (Essonne), the Prime Minister praised the unity of the left and fun of President of the UMP.

Special Envoy in Evry

This is a state, and city, the results will be analyzed at length Sunday night. This is the Essonne Evry, the city of Paris suburbs has led Manuel Valls for eleven years. And it is precisely in Evry, where he spoke for the first time an “apartheid” gnawing neighborhoods, the head of government meeting held Monday night in support of candidates PS and the outgoing president of the council, Jérôme Guedj, known for being one of the slingers.

Manuel Valls pinned Nicolas Sarkozy, who earlier in the evening attending a rally not far away, in Palaiseau. “You must be Mr. Sarkozy at the stake. The tie of Mr. Macron, not a subject. Be equal, it is not a cockfight. “Later, Valls returned to the charge. “Sarkozy told me to keep my nerves. It is a specialist in question. But when one is unable to choose between the far left and the Republican Left (…) is that no nerve or spinal or convictions. “

Valls has dedicated his speech to the former president. He also touted the unit left in Essonne. “It’s nice to see the left united in the fight,” he started facing the national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, Emmanuelle Cosse, the Secretary of State PRG Thierry Bawler, as well as PS boss Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, sitting in the front row. PS and EELV were launched together in this battle departmental in each of the 21 districts that make up the department. “Here in Essonne, we shared a common vision and balance,” insisted Cosse. “We also have disagreements locally. That’s democracy, disagreements and compromise, “she added after criticizing, without naming the Macron law that offers it believes nothing young people that work on Sundays or to become a millionaire. Guedj, the more toned you knew when he was in the Assembly, was not far behind. “He is him, I am me,” he admitted, speaking of Valls. He added: “When one has the heart to the left, it is not wrong to fight!” And Valls added: “. It is nice to see the left united in the fight”

Essonne however is one of those departments that PS may lose the benefit of the right. In the municipal March 2014, the PS had lost the cities of Palaiseau – City aubryste former Minister François Lamy – Brétigny-sur-Orge Juvisy and Athis-Mons. The departmental hardly seem better incurred. According to a survey to Odoxa Le Parisien done early March, former UMP minister Georges Tron come in first in the first round with 25%. Stuck between a FN credited with 20% of the candidates left or PCF Front at a very high level (16%), the PS receives only 22% of the vote. “It will be difficult,” admits a candidate. In the entourage of Valls, repeating that he was never president of the general council of Essonne. “Unlike other departments, including the Correze” says a friend. Corrèze has chaired Francois Hollande and could also switch to the right. These departmental elections, “is an appointment especially local”, played down Monday night the Prime Minister. Run for your lives.


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