Sunday, March 8, 2015

The main measures announced by Manuel Valls for mixed … – The Obs

Paris (AFP) – The main measures announced Friday by Prime Minister Manuel Valls for social diversity in neighborhoods and fight “social apartheid, territorial and ethnic” in France, after a Interdepartmental Committee on Equality and citizenship


-. The state will seize the prefects to boost the supply of social housing in neighborhoods that have few or unless the obligations of the SRU. The prefects have until June to make proposals, which may be the issuance of building permits in the name of the town in some areas, or preemption of land or existing housing.

Moreover, not recreate ghettos, destroyed housing will be rebuilt primarily outside sensitive areas.

Similarly, instructions will be given to the prefects to limit the construction of social housing in 1500 priority neighborhoods of urban policy, since the rate of social housing to over 50%.

An interministerial delegate Thierry Repentin, will be appointed to coordinate this process.

– The poorest of the beneficiaries of the right to housing (DALO) will no longer be referred to the 1,500 priority neighborhoods of urban policy. The idea is to “not adding poverty to poverty,” said Manuel Valls. The new allocation practices begin to implement this year

-. To increase diversity in social housing, lessors may modulate rents based on household income they wish to receive and no longer funding that housing has originally received. And rent will be adjusted downward in a favored area, and in exchange the lessor will be allowed to charge a higher rent in another area

– The control of social housing in inter-communal level, not more than single joint, will be encouraged. This concerns the definition of the award criteria, or the allocation of housing itself, and the supply of housing that could be pooled

-. The urban renewal program will benefit from a quicker funding provided with the early release of one pre-financing md


– To promote academic diversity, new college recruitment sectors must ultimately be defined for group several institutions and thus promote better social mix. Initially a diagnosis will be made by the end of the school year

-. The teachers who taught in the most difficult schools in priority education will see their progress “ease”.

– Approximately 800 new jobs will be mobilized to educate, by 2017, 50% of children under 3 years in the most difficult educational priority (PWR +)

– In each REP + college, nursing / nurse station and a social assistant will be provided

– The associations involved in sensitive areas (including cultural or sports) will feature 100 million Additional euros, which will restore the funds lost between 2008-2012

-. Short Training opportunities to digital will be set up in sensitive areas, with the key to a “great school of digital” label .

– Learning French must be reinforced in Kindergarten and Primary with new programs (2015 kindergarten school year, autumn 2016 primary). The “learning journey” of French for immigrants should be improved

-. Creating a “great school of digital”, which will not be “a unique property” but a “bunch formations innovative “labeled.


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