Everyone in the corridor, without really biting the line : the seven candidates in the primary extended PS have displayed their differences Thursday evening, including on the balance sheet of François Hollande, the universal income, or the alliances to be formed, but without tearing.
The debate was watched on Thursday night by 3.8 million viewers on TF1 (18.3% audience share), a hearing is significantly lower than that of the 1st debate of the primary from the right, according to figures from Médiamétrie. On the 13th of October, 5.6 million people (26.3% of the audience) had followed the first debate between the candidates for the primary from the right, also broadcast on French channel TF1.
After a quinquennium of clashes, the PS and its satellite parties have managed to save the appearances at the first of three debates organized by the first round on 22nd January.
“A discussion of correct invoice without insurmountable divide ! The choice to win is a good start”, was welcomed in a tweet, the first secretary of the PS Jean-Christophe Cambadélis.
Arnaud Montebourg has been considered the most convincing at the end of this debate by 29% of viewers, closely followed by Manuel Valls (26%), ahead of Benoît Hamon (20%), according to a survey Elabe for BFM-TV (1.117 respondents), published in the stride.
For supporters of the left, Valls tops the list (28%), closely followed by Hamon (27%) and Montebourg (23%).
The debate, broadcast on TF1, LCI, Public, Senate, RTL and co-organized by The Obs, opposed for about two hours and a half, the ex-Prime minister Manuel Valls and three of its former ministers Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon and Benoît Hamon, the only woman and the chair of the PRG, Sylvia Pinel, and two ecologists François de Rugy and Jean-Luc Bennahmias.
Manuel Valls, designated by the random draw to start the hostilities, has from the outset placed the emphasis on the necessary success of the primary, to give a boost to its winner in the face at the right hand of François Fillon, and to the extreme right of Marine Le Pen, but also to Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron, which today exceed the PS in the polls.
“If you enter this primary, massively, you can designate the candidate of the left and of environmentalists to the presidency of the Republic and you will give him a force and a momentum that nothing can stop”, he launched into his “profession of faith” candidate.
The candidates were obviously at heart to give the image of a debate controlled, in order not to scare voters, but also not to give rise to criticism from those who think it impossible that a gathering at the end of the primary.
- The universal income of Hamon is not recipe -
“I want to say very sincerely that I have no opponent, even less an enemy, that we have come to debate in front of the French, to convince them that the left is always useful,” defused Mr Valls.
Not skirmish the front, but the fault lines clearly visible, and that can seem difficult to reduce.
they emerged at the start of the discussions, on the assessment of the balance of François Hollande : Arnaud Montebourg, felt it was “difficult to defend”, when Manuel Valls spoke of his “pride for having served the French in a very difficult period”.
“Feeling of unfinished business”, has found Mr. Hamon, where Mr. Peillon spoke of a “profound misunderstanding”. Sylvia Pinel, she spoke of a balance sheet to “wear” in spite of everything.
Advocate the most fierce of the balance sheet which is also his, the ex-Prime minister Manuel Valls has had to answer many times to the criticisms of its opponents.
MESSRS. Valls and Hamon are so strongly opposed on the deprivation of nationality. “But finally, this law, which it was intended ? It was not the children of the Republic according to their origins. It was aimed at the terrorists”, said Mr Valls.
He has also been in trouble with Vincent Peillon, on the issue of terrorism. And with Hamon and Montebourg on the act work.
Pincipale economic measure to be debated, the universal income of Benoît Hamon has been almost unanimously against him. The idea of “philosophically poses a big problem”, found Vincent Peillon, recalling that solidarity has rested for centuries on the idea that those who have more to those who have the least”.
“When we did the social Security in 1945, the right was also saying that it was not feasible”, said Benoît Hamon, sometimes very technical in his explanation, supported on the subject by Jean-Luc Bennahmias, a candidate very casual.
13/01/2017 09 :34 :09 – Paris (AFP) – © 2017 AFP
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