Emmanuel Macron challenge the left on its historic lands. Saturday, it is Lille, the home of Martine Aubry, the former first secretary of the PS that the candidate Market has chosen to hold a new mass meeting. A small provocation to the address of the one in the fall of 2015 had to be returned in its strings too outlandish, minister of the economy of a “Macron, ras the bowl”. This January 14, the ex-minister’s sweeping the affront. the “I have always cultivated the kindness with the secret hope that someone pegged to the body that it is contagious. I think it is spreading, and I am very happy with it.” It is in a good mood. Has Hellemmes, a village popular bordering of Lille, two elected socialists, the mayor and the deputy Audrey Linkenheld, accompanied by a visit to an elementary school PTA. A “home republican” specifies the parliamentary close of the mayor of Lille who has not planned to attend the meeting in the evening, contrary to what suggests the entourage of the Macron. But in this bastion of socialist, now is not the time to the stigma. the “I’m going to vote in the primary for the candidate PS is the strongest possible, specifies the mep. in But what matters to me is that we cannot let the victory or The Pen or Fillon. It will have to negotiate.” Thursday, the former mayor PS of Tourcoing, Michel François Dellanoy, a cacique local, has, her, him, taken the plunge. On Facebook, this ancient, close to Manuel Valls, who claims its “political culture rocardienne” has formalized its rallying to Emmanuel Macron. That same day, Corinne Lepage (Cap 21) and Jean-Marie Cavada (Generation citizens) were also switched .
Spend an hour in a kindergarten classroom in the middle of the toddlers flatters the ego. “Who is the Gentleman?” queries to laugh a journalist of the Little Q. “This is Emmanuel Macron” respond immediately small voice.
-“And he wants to do what later?”
- “Chairman!” pack up the toddlers under the eye of a Macron also delighted that his wife, Brigitte.
4,500 people at its Zenith
If the day was good, the evening seems to be apotheosis for the candidate. While a week earlier, forty miles away, the meeting of Manuel Valls to Lievin had drained 250 people, Macron is full of the Zenith of Lille, where more than 4,500 people have taken place. As a foretaste of the “gathering” transpartisan on which table to Walk to make a difference in the first round of the presidential election, the former president UMP of the economic council, social and environmental, Jean-Paul Delevoye, the deputy mayor IDU de Valenciennes, Laurent Degallaix, and the former president PS of the Ile de France region Jean-Paul Huchon are sitting in the first row.
Ovationné standing at its entrance in the form of an amphitheatre, Macron takes the time to slam two kisses to his guests. And another to his wife, Brigitte, supported. The tribune, in the “child of the Hauts de France” Macron greet the local figure, Robert Salengro, “great mayor of Lil le”, Martine Aubry, hospitalized, to whom he wishes to “best possible recovery”, and Pierre Mauroy. Before you go freewheeling on the great chapters of his program.
“The school, the foundation of the emancipation”
Finally it gets to the theme of the day: education. the “The basis of the history of my family, of any emancipation in our society it is the school”, insists he. the “20% of the children of CM2 does not mastered the math and writing in CM2″ regret it t it “These are the dropouts of tomorrow, and for part of the offenders and unemployed after tomorrow. If we believe in the promise of republican we need to become indignant. This is our fight.”
A battle starting as early as kindergarten. the “It is necessary to give priority to the first age. If we don’t, we reproduced inequality.” he had given the morning to Hellemmes “In this pool of tradition working, there was mass unemployment and there are repair social to do.” The proposals follow: give more autonomy to the communities, teaching innovation, more freedom and means to attract other children. the “It is suc h that we can preserve the school of the Republic.” provides.
to Divide by two the number of students in CP and CE1
He wants to divide by two the number of students per class in CP and CE1, in priority education zones. The 6000 posts of teachers required will be taken on the “works in progress” and through redeployment of staff. the “For teachers, this passage in ZEP will be valued in terms of career and wages”, he promises. In parallel, the current Bachelor’s degree will be reformed, and the introduction of the continuous control on several materials will decrease the cost.
For the candidate this improvement of the learning conditions in high-priority areas should be accompanied by better monitoring of students ‘ health. To do so, he advocated that the 40 000 students in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and paramedical spend three months of their education to prevent health in schools.
“Has been force to believe stubbornly in his dreams, one will eventually impose its reality” ignites Macron. Before clarifying to his audien ce almost in a trance as this sentence is of Pierre Mauroy. The following, on the other hand, is his own: “those who think That we are dreamers, be reassured: we are. But they are worried because we are obstinate.”
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