Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to be the candidate of the workers – The World

During a meeting on Sunday in Tourcoing (Nord), member of the european parliament has put forward its proposals to improve the working conditions of employees.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon during his meeting campaign in Tourcoing (North) on 8 January.

The opportunity was too good to miss this distance duel with Manuel Valls. The day when the candidate for the primary organized by the socialist Party carried out its first public meeting back to Lievin, a bastion of the historic left in the Pas-de-Calais, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was invited, Sunday, January 8, a few miles away, in Tourcoing. A popular town in the North, where unemployment amounted in 2013 to 23 % according to the Insee, and which had, two years later, Marine Le Pen (national Front) won the first round of the regional in front of Xavier Bertrand (The Republicans).

at the End of December, the city has marked the spirits in spite of it when a cashier working at Auchan, three months pregnant, has implicated his superiors after a miscarriage on his place of work. A story which took the candidate of France insubordinate to make a ” here “ – to understand that the initiative has been organised at the last moment – in this joint directed by Gérald Darmanin (LR). His goal : to take the opposite of the former prime minister, who arrived at Lievin as the candidate of the labour and purchasing power. If Mr. Mélenchon will not mention that at the margin…


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