New twist in the case of Vincent Lambert. “There was a complaint with constitution of civil part,” said maître Jean Paillot, one of the lawyers of the parents, Pierre and Viviane Lambert, confirming information of the journal The Union. A complaint filed at the end of December, maître Jean Paillot has announced this Wednesday.
“We have no other way to hear the scandalous situation in which Vincent is found: we had hoped we would be heard by the guardianship judge, but it sends us a walk,” he said, citing “deficiencies major” in the care of the patient. Also, parents will be received by an investigating judge on 8 February.
Already a complaint filed in 2015
For several years, the case of Vincent Lambert divides a family. On the one hand, parents seek to transfer their son to a special school to sustain life. On the other, his wife Rachel, the designated guardian and custodian of her husband by decision of the Court of cassation on 8 December, is favourable to the judgment of care.
The parents had already filed a handrail in 2013, and then filed a complaint in 2015 against the hospital for “attempted murder and child abuse”.
According to maître Jean Paillot, this new complaint, the first register in a criminal proceeding, is a “cry of alarm” to parents engaged in a court battle fierce around the fate of their son. “Our goal is not to dézinguer the CHU, our goal is that Vincent is properly addressed”, he added.
Two shutdown procedures care stopped
The university hospital of Reims, he started and then stopped two shut-off procedures of care, one carried by the doctor Eric Kariger in 2013, the other by his successor, dr. Daniéla Simon, in 2015. A process is suspended, the referring physician felt inadequate conditions of serenity to make a decision.
in addition to, other legal proceedings has been in progress since that Francois Lambert, the nephew of Vincent, was seized in October the administrative law judge. He wants to direct, under pain of penalty, to the university hospital of Reims to resume the procedure on a possible judgment in patient care in accordance with this decision.
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