These frigid temperatures could settle in for six days. Electricity needs will be provided on Tuesday.
A cold wave, occurred in the last five years, was installed Tuesday, January 17, on France, prompting authorities and associations in the mobilization. Powered by a air icy and dry and came from central Europe, this wave comes from the north-east of France and will pick up again Wednesday, announced Météo France.
frost the most remarkable Tuesday morning have been seen in the South : – 6 ° C at Marseille-Marignane, – 4 in Cannes, – 3-to-Antibes – 2 in Nice. the ” we must go back to January 2005 to find such temperatures on the Côte d’azur “, said Patrick Galois, forecaster with Météo France.
Elsewhere, it was – 21 ° C in Val-d’isère to 1 800 m – 13 at Luxeuil (Haute-Saône), – 10 to Charleville-Mézières, 8 – Besançon… temperatures are common enough for the season, note Météo France. Paris, – 2 ° C was noted. the ” must be put into perspective “, says Mr. Galois : ” It is a good shot of cold. That same day, the 17 January 1985, it was – 23 Nevers, – 19 in Lille, – 17 in Lyon, – 14 Paris, – 10 at Marseille… ”
” It is a film of cold air that eventually settle down “, summarises the forecaster Frederick Nathan, referring to a possible duration of six days. However, its ” the intensity is expected to be relatively moderate “, relative to the cold wave of February 2012, he adds. This year, the episode had lasted for two weeks and beaten many records. Nothing like this is expected this time, even if the records located will fall can be. Nothing to do with the vague “historical” of February 1956, or January, 1985.
Read also : Weather forecast : a wave of intense cold but “not exceptional”
” there will be room for everybody, “
The Corsica has been placed in vigilance orange snow-ice. The schools will be closed Tuesday, except in Ajaccio and Bastia and rail links and the movement of heavy weights suspended.
In anticipation of the cold, the government has put in place a ” national steering daily “ to anticipate the needs. A ” balance sheet daily needs “ must be established by the prefects. Migrant or homeless, ” there will be room for everybody, “, promised on Monday the interior minister Bruno Le Roux. The Red Cross plans to mobilize at least a thousand volunteers each evening.
the prefecture of The Alpes-Maritimes, for example, has announced 40 additional spaces for the homeless. In Strasbourg, the municipality has taken charge of two gyms, ditto to Ajaccio. The president of the region Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, has prompted the RATP, the SNCF and other bus companies to take the necessary steps (heating, equipment, vehicles, passenger information).
An appeal to an alert Eco2mix
As to the supply of electricity, the transmission system operator (RTE) has ensured that the needs of France would be assured, on Tuesday, but that it might be required to trigger exceptional measures on Wednesday.
Read also : where does the risk of a shortage of electricity in France ?
The manager expects a consumption of 91 300 megawatts Tuesday, at the tip of 19 hours, when the French return to their home and push the heating, a value has been revised downwards compared to the 93 400 MW that were anticipated Friday. The means of production available for Tuesday amounted to 89 000 MW, which will add 6 000 MW of import capacity, while the temperatures are 5.8 °C below normal.
The spokesperson for RTE said that the launch of an alert Eco2mix encouraging consumers to reduce their consumption in peak hours, the interruption of the power supply 21 industrial sites or the reduction of the voltage of 5 % on the network ” should be enough to provide power for the day Wednesday, “.
The possible use of these measures should be decided ” as of late Tuesday afternoon, “, he continued, ensuring, however, that” at this stage, there is no break programmed “ this week.
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