Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dissolution, a feared the UMP, welcome to the FN scenario – Le Nouvel Observateur

Dissolution, a feared the UMP, welcome to the FN scenario – Le Nouvel Observateur

Paris (AFP) – The possibility of a dissolution of the National Assembly is dreaded by the UMP, unlike the National Front who claims endlessly

While the country is in crisis. profound political, which led Monday by the government’s resignation, dissolution, as to return the right to power, “is not desirable,” do we repeat over and over again the UMP, although now this option is “perhaps inevitable”

“On the merits, we know what to do. reduction in public spending, deficits, maintaining the 3% target for 2015, profound reform of the labor code, restoring competitiveness … “says the former budget minister Eric Woerth.

But in his party,” nobody wants dissolution. We are being reconstruction. We need consolidation, assembly, blast and above all, a leader., we are not yet in battle. For us it’s too early, “the member of the Oise.

Analysis shared by Geoffroy Didier, deputy secretary general of the UMP. “I do not think, honestly, that the Republican opposition is ready to govern the country. It is a phase of reconstruction collective”, he said Monday on BFM TV.

“If there dissolution had, and won the right laws, we would not have all the knobs since the president would remain in place and in the institutions of the Fifth Republic, it is he who has the power. At the same time, it is can not refuse to govern if it arises. This would be untenable, “said another source in the party.

But” it is not there! The government has many tools at its disposal institutional , block vote, 49/3 … “, reassures do we. “Rocard ruled three years with a relative majority, Valls was his advisor, he already knew that!”

-. “About Time” –

However, if this happen, many officials UMP consider “impossible” any cohabitation. “The country needs structural reforms that can only be conducted by a compact executive torque, which is the opposite of cohabitation,” says Mr. Woerth.

He said it would be at President to “take the consequences.” He would

“resign”, translated his colleague in the Assembly Valérie Pécresse.

The FN, meanwhile, hopes to pull the chestnuts out of the fire government.

Tirelessly, the boss Marine Le Pen calls for dissolution. To his right arm, Florian Philippot, it “would make another strong voice and very different to the Assembly heard (…) Imagine the debates if we had 30, 40, 50, 60 deputies,” Has . -there hoped Tuesday on France 2

For microphones, the Frontists provide elsewhere: this solution is only a matter of time. “The important thing is whether it will be before or after Christmas,” said the vice-president of the party Louis Aliot AFP.

He said the NF must “take into account this scenario and prepare for it. ” “It’s a job to be done, but there would be no trouble,” MEP considers Nicolas Bay, who headed the municipal campaign.

The FN bet mostly on bad luck of his opponents. “UMP is not in position, it has no leader, it is mired in business, personal conflicts FN would be in a position to get a great result,” says this MEP.

M. Aliot is of this opinion: “With the disappointments of the UMP, the divisions UDI and PS, it would benefit us, obviously.” His predictions? “With fully proportional, 100 deputies in the Assembly tomorrow. With 10% of MPs elected by proportional representation, much less. Without the 10% group” is far more than the two current members Frontists.

If dissolution occurs and a representative of the UMP arrived at Matignon, it would be “not a cohabitation” warned already Mr. Philippot party “no longer represents the opposition “.


Disappearance of Christian Bourquin: political reactions – Francetv info

Disappearance of Christian Bourquin: political reactions – Francetv info

Reactions are many following the death of the President of the Regional Council

Hussein Bourgi first federal secretary of the PS . _ “It is with great sadness that I just learned the death of Christian Bourquin, president of the Languedoc-Roussillon, following a long illness against which he fought with courage and dignity.
Hail socialist activist engaged in the service of his ideas that he defended strongly, and I pay tribute to the elected committed to serving its territory of Languedoc-Roussillon for which he harbored a passion
I will remember the memory of his warm voice during our last phone conversation. Monday, August 11 last, the day of the Feria de Millas which he had attended. Christian Bourquin had called me for news and stated that he gave himself 10 to 15 days off before traveling La Rochelle for the Summer School of the PS, where we had lunch and dinner together.
At its close, I present, on behalf of the activists of the Socialist Federation of Herault, our sincere condolences. ”

Françoise Dumas, MP PS du Gard : “Christian Bourquin was a man who never allowed himself to complain, who do not accept that we are talking about his illness and wished to remain in the service of his region to its ultimate strength. It is a true Catalan, a fighter and he gave us a lesson in life, discipline and sense of public interest. “

Françoise Dumas MP PS du Gard

Jacques Cresta, MP PS OP and advise regional d L._ “I just learned very early this morning the loss of a great man, my friend Christian Bourquin. I collapsed by this news. I immediately thought to his family, to his daughter and son, his family, but also for all those who worked with him in recent years. I know their pain and I associates. Christian Bourquin as throughout his life will remain dignified and combative to the end. His fight against this disease has been exemplary.
It’s too early and it’s not a time to celebrate its history, all he has brought to our territory, in Catalan country, our region. His work has always been immense dictated by the defense of the general interest.
I’m sad because I lost a friend, a companion and a dear friend. “

Malvy Martin, president of the Midi-Pyrenees region: “I learned with great emotion his disappearance. I salute the memory of a man of conviction, he defended his ideas with force.
I salute his memory, I did know that his wife is also a member of the government. “

Martin Malvy

Martin Malvy, president of the Midi-Pyrenees

– “I wish to pay tribute to the memory Christian Bourquin, “said Franck Proust – first deputy mayor of Nimes , following European MP’s announcement of his death
A leftist, of course, but we had one. common passion: that of our territory Region loses one of its most ardent defenders All my thoughts are with his children and his family “

Christian Lacass, president of the Greater… Beziers :
“I’ve learned with sadness of the death of President Christian Bourquin and I wish
thereby, to pay tribute to the politician as much as the friend he was
Man fight., I know he’s faced with strength and dignity a terrible disease and I
particularly welcome the courage he showed until the final hours. Today I join the grief of his family and to express all my sympathy at this difficult time “

Pierre Aylaga, PS deputy and mayor of

Argeles.” He’s a friend, a brother, a fighter. A man who could unite a true leader and true leaders left one missing. ”

Pierre Alyagas

Pierre Aylagas Argelès mayor and deputy PS

Philippe Saurel, various mayor left Montpellie r and president of agglomeration: “I remember the man committed political, activist, I extend my affectionate thoughts to his family, those of the City Council and those of the Board Agglomeration. “

Philippe Saurel

Reaction Philippe Saurel

The Armande Pellec Muller, president of the Academy of Montpellier and personnel of National Education, Higher Education and Research together: “The Academy of Montpellier had found Christian Bourquin a valuable partner endowed with qualities professional and human exceptional. She endorsed the unanimous tribute paid him “

Jean Codognes former MP, he was one of its main opponents .” I will keep the memory of these magnificent victory in 1997 and 1998 when the department went to the left through our joint efforts. It is now for Hermeline Malherbe President of the General Council of the Pyrénées-Orientales to end cronyism and resume dialogue with all political left “

Jean Codognès

Reaction Codognès Jean, former MP

François Calvet, UMP senator and mayor of Soler : “It’s hard, it’s true that we were political opponents for 20 years but at the same time we met us. “

François Calvet

François Calvet, UMP senator Pyrenees-Orientales

Louis Aliot, vice president of the National Front : “It is a loss for the region, the department of Pyrenees-Orientales, but it’s mostly a loss for the incumbent mayor PS It was the leader. Socialist team. “

Reaction Louis Aliot

Louis Aliot, vice president of the National Front

Stephan Rossignol, Mayor UMP Grande Motte : “Like everyone else I think, I was shocked on hearing his death. Certainly, in the fight against the disease, he passed the area before his health “.

Death of Bourquin, reaction Stéphan Rossignol

Stephan Rossignol, mayor of La Grande Motte


Government Valls II: they come, they move, they leave – Le Nouvel Observateur

Government Valls II: they come, they move, they leave – Le Nouvel Observateur

The new government of Manuel Valls was announced Tuesday, August 26 by the Secretary General of the Elysee Jouyet. Major surprises: the entrance of the young Emmanuel Macron to head the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital, promoting Najat Belkacem-Vallaud the Ministry of Education, and the Fleur Pellerin as minister Culture. Update on troop movements.


Emmanuel Macron

& gt; Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital

It is the surprise guest of the government Valls II. At only 36 years old “Mr. economy of Elysium” became Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital. Presented in Hollande by Jacques Attali just before the 2012 presidential election, the former investment banker at Rothschild is the youngest of the government. It will include the difficult task of setting to music the pact of responsibility that he himself initiated as Deputy Secretary General of the Elysee – the position he held until at least last June. His appointment in place of Arnaud Montebourg is a strong sign of the executive, thus clearly assumes social-liberal government line. The young technocrat to form a duo with Michel Sapin Bercy, Minister of Finance and Public Accounts.

Patrick Kanner

& gt; Minister for Urban Affairs, Youth and Sports

Little known to the general public, the president of the Council of the North since 2011, landed for the first time a ministerial portfolio. A former assistant Martine Aubry, in charge of global educational project for mayor of Lille, is Councillor of the Canton de Lille Southwest since 1998, lecturer in public law at Lille III, and President of the National Union of communal social action centers of Lille.

Thomas Thévenoud

& gt; Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Promotion of Tourism and French overseas

Among the newcomers include the PS deputy of Saone-et-Loire elected in 2012 and spokesman of the Socialists to replace members since June 2014 Thierry Mandon, entered the first Valls government. He who debuted alongside Laurent Fabius became Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, tourism promotion and French foreign . He was charged in February by Jean-Marc Ayrault to play the mediator in the crisis between taxis to VTC. Ironically, the young deputy Arnaud Montebourg is close to coming out at the moment he enters …

Alain Vidal

& gt ; Secretary of State for Transport and Fisheries

He left the government on April 2 after holding the post of Minister for Relations with Parliament, leaving his place to Jean-Marie Le Guen. Alain Vidal finally made his return five months later the Department of Transportation to replace Frédéric Cuvillier. He had found his seat Landes in May before being appointed ambassador representing France at the International Labour Office in Geneva proposed by François Hollande . Since last July, he was on a mission to the Minister of Labour and Switzerland should join the next January 1.

Pascale Boistard

& gt; Secretary of State for Women’s Rights

Women’s rights have a new face: Pascale Boistard now former MP PS of the Somme, was appointed Secretary of State in charge of this issue highly symbolic in a leftist government. Little known to the public, this woman committed 43 years has the distinction of being one of the collaborators of Jean-Luc Mélenchon when he was Minister of the Jospin government in the early 2000s Both near Martine Aubry and Laurent Fabius, the new minister’s main feat of arms in the PS have obtained in 2006 the suspension of the party of George Frêche for two years after his controversial remarks on Harkis. It will be under the tutelage of Marisol Touraine , Minister of Social Affairs

Myriam El Khomri

& gt.; Secretary of State for Urban Policy

Another new face to the public, with Myriam El Khomri, more accustomed to municipal functions. She is an advisor of Paris (18th arrondissement) since 2008 and Assistant to the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, since April 2014, responsible for all matters relating to safety, prevention, urban policy. She was also the spokesperson Anne Hidalgo during the campaign for the municipal elections in Paris.


Najat Belkacem-Vallaud

& gt; Minister of Education

This is one of the biggest surprise of the new government: the Minister of Women’s Rights, the City, Youth and Sports was promoted Minister of Education. A reward for that which is considered “rising star” of the government, fully in line with the expectations of Prime Minister Manuel

Valls, who wants a team that “following [his] direction.” Barely in office, she will be tasked to support the school year, marked this year by extending to all municipalities in the controversial reform school timetables. It’s also who initiated the ABCD of equality, buried properly by his predecessor Benoit Hamon. Will she backtracking? The right around the corner.

Fleur Pellerin

& gt; Minister of Culture

Becoming 38 years fledgling Minister for SMEs, Innovation and the Digital Economy, the technocrat Fleur Pellerin was the symbol of policy renewal desired by François Hollande. Accustomed to anonymity, the Asian super-graduate found herself catapulted to the forefront of the scene after being in charge of the digital team in presidential campaign in Holland. She was not elected the Ayrault government minister only. Under Manuel Valls, despite strong mobilization of social networks, it ultimately did not inherit the Digital bailed but the Secretary of State for Foreign Trade. Seen as competing Aurelie Filippetti early mandate, it now takes up his street Vallois.


Arnaud Montebourg

A regular flashes of brilliance, the candidate for the Socialist primary in 2011 had no idea that his last outing was going to cause such a storm. Became Minister of Productive Recovery under Ayrault, the former deputy of Saone-et-Loire had already raised tensions by attacking directly to the Prime Minister, particular about that Florange Montebourg wanted to nationalize “You direct the France as the City Council of Nantes”, had he said. It happened. But this time, Valls said stop. At Bercy, he left his seafaring Armor-Lux, slipped to promote Made in France. The bard of démondialisatio n, figure the left of the party, has held just five months before popping the Valls government.

Benoît Hamon

It will probably remain the only minister of Education in history to have made no school year. Otherwise, Benoît Hamon, rue de Grenelle arrived there only five months, especially on market broken his predecessor Vincent Peillon. Reform school timetables and ABCD of equality, two flagship sites Peillon, have been pursued, but “relaxed” by Hamon to appease the discontent. For the sake of consensus without doubt dictated by the presidential election of 2017 by temperament. Hamon leave because the image of a camera man of the PS, which, although quite unworthy, has not shown a great appetite for “Educ nat” and its complex lineaments.

Aurelie Filippetti

In the footsteps of Montebourg, Aurélie Filippetti it also decided to “take back his freedom” to defend an alternative economic policy. “Minister of Culture since 2012, she managed sensitively budget cuts in his department by burying large sites, supporting the presence of women and generational change at the head of cultural institutions, giving priority to the creation and live performance (at the expense of the portfolio) and by large institutions (Louvre) contribution to the benefit of small (companies, musical ensembles. ..). It also buried the Hadopi law. But she found herself trapped in the contradictions in the record of the entertainment industry, forced to defend an agreement with which she disagreed. Filippetti becomes member of the 1st district of Moselle -. Their homeland

Frédéric Cuvillier

The Secretary of State for Transport of the Sea and Fisheries said in a statement that the new government would be without him. The now former minister was offered by the prime minister to be reappointed as he writes functions, but the mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer believes “does not have the capacity for action and autonomy necessary for the success of a coherent policy. ” His term was marked by the adoption of the railway reform, the three-week strike of railway workers in June, and a hazardous crisis management of the environmental tax. In his honor: i l is the sitting prime minister to have celebrated a marriage between two persons of the same sex as a municipal councilor in Boulogne-sur-Mer


Morgan Bertrand, Arnaud Gonzague, Estelle Gross, Judith Magali Louis Morice, Jean-Luc Mounier, William Stoll – Le Nouvel Observateur


Montebourg: Holland lies all the time, that’s why it’s 20% – Le Figaro

Montebourg: Holland lies all the time, that's why it's 20% – Le Figaro

SCAN THE POLITICS / VIDEOS – The outgoing Minister of Economy spoke to two journalists who were preparing his portrait. The comments and assumed to be public, are very hard against the president.

Arnaud Montebourg had scheduled a burst of criticism against the president before being landed imagine the government. And the criticism went beyond economic policy decided by the executive.

In a very rich anecdotes and confidences book, journalist Valentin Spitz published Sept. 10 “Me President” (Publishing Archipelago), a portrait of outgoing Minister of Economy which he agreed to participate. “Holland lies all the time. That’s why it is 20% in the polls. He lies. He lies all the time from the beginning “, Arnaud Montebourg is annoyed at his office in Bercy, before the author

He continued, June 27, 2014. ” With Francois Hollande, one can not talk so we no longer discuss. It is useless, discussions with him are useless. Sympathetic but useless “Following the post-municipal cabinet reshuffle, he describes his relationship with the Elysee.” Since I became Minister for the Economy, I’m not going to argue with (Francois Hollande) to Elysee. I spend my time Matignon. Besides, I have instructed my staff not to go to the Elysee, “He said.” I have minimal contact with the president. I consider myself cohabitation. President of the Republic presides but we are doing. “



Leader of the Left Socialist Party, Arnaud Montebourg considers to be “much more socialist than the socialists. I am quite clear with that. Why should I leave? It is for them to get better, “he confided to the reporter October 25 2013 At the time, Jean-Marc Ayrault is still prime minister:” This is a disaster. It will not last long like that. Valls, Peillon … We all have enough. We all want to get the hell … It’s possible, really, it’s anything … It leaves the door open to the FN. We can do no more, it is the end. This amateurish, it’s unbelievable. “

January 10, this fan of Claude François and Homeland series ensures it must end” two or three records that (he) would like to heart and basta. “” I’ll tell them it starts to do well, “he let go. To target the presidential election? “You know, my ambitions everybody knows (…) I do not know what I’ll do, it’s too early. I can tell you in two years, six months. I do not know. “

Another journalist from France 2, spent time with the minister. In a portrait that will air Thursday Special Envoy , Arnaud Montebourg book, especially by making a parallel to its local commitment: “I have spent evenings with people to explain what situation very it was difficult. This is what should be Holland with France. “Minister believes that François Hollande” does not do enough. I tell him everything, but he did not listen. “


“This policy, this is not what was sold to us in 2012″ – The World

"This policy, this is not what was sold to us in 2012″ – The World

The atmosphere of the inaugural convention of Francois Hollande as Socialist candidate for president was festive, October 22 in Paris.

The Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, asked, according to the president, the resignation of his government Monday 25 August. An unexpected announcement follows the sling of some ministers, Arnaud Montebourg in the side to the economic policy of François Hollande.

Of the voters of 2012 François Hollande, many people responded to the call for evidence launched LeMonde.fr, some no longer expect anything from the government; others, think that Manuel Valls, Hollande took the right decision. We publish here a selection.

Follow the latest live events with LeMonde.fr

  • “I hope that the new government will demonstrate improved stability and greater credibility, “ by William

” The decision of the head of the State was amply justified: if ministers do not agree with the government line, they need to go. This does not affect my membership in this line, but it takes consistency. I hope the new government will demonstrate improved stability and greater credibility [...]. My convictions of voter left are not shaken. The only thing we can blame Holland is to govern as if he was still at the head of PS: the search for compromise. At the head of a state, it is almost impossible. “

  • ” Voters of Holland no longer recognize the long-standing policy, “ Benedict

“Sunday night I was delighted about Montebourg kept its Rose festival. I was naively convinced that this whole attack was coordinated with the head of government and head of state to give Hollande political arguments for a shift at the European Council meeting at the end of the week.

“I saw in the” yellow line “Sunday night we were talking a reaction” to form “without consequences other than a reaction of the Prime Minister the next day that it is” normal “that there to be debate within the government: as is usually done. I was extremely surprised and shocked Monday morning to find the government’s resignation [...]. Voters in Holland no longer recognize the long-standing policy. “

Read decryption: Why a resignation rather than a reworking

  • ” Even if we have to lose in 2017, c ‘? is the obligatory passage, “ by Didier

” Militant Socialist who joined for the first time in 1982, ségoléniste in 2007 I voted Valls in the first round of the primary [socialist] and Holland in the second. I am totally in line with Holland-Valls economic policy in 2014 to stop to have a dogmatic vision as we saw in section, that is to say, always to the left. The world is open, it is capitalist, open eyes.

“I have the opportunity to travel a lot, there are lots of jobs in the United States, for example, that we do not have at home, because the cost of labor. We must therefore reduce the cost of labor. This has a political cost, and section meetings will be very rough! But even if we have to lose in 2017, this is a must. Otherwise, we will transfer the burden to the next generation who will suffer much more than what we can and must do today [...]. Every encouragement to Francis and manual. If they go down to 5% in popularity, I will be! “

  • ” Solutions do not fall from the sky or from the Elysee, “ by Nathalie

“Holland can not do everything! To think that a president can change everything something childlike and some would love that people keep believing. And that is what is dangerous. Populism has its roots in poverty and ignorance.

“We must collectively but also individually” move us “for things to change. The solutions do not fall from the sky or from the Elysee. Tenant must be a facilitator of actions. The “rebellious” PS did not understand that the time for debate is past now. It is action that the country needs. I’m not disappointed by Hollande but by all those “little ministers” who think always more to them than the public interest. “

Read the analysis (edition subscribers): Holland takes risks losing majority

  • ” I do not hope nothing of this government, “ by Antoine

” higher in a large enterprise setting, I was deeply shocked by the Sarkozy government. Pursued by business of all kinds of derogatory attitudes towards the weak … I thought at the time that a government of the left (I always voted for the left) could not be worse.

” Yet. The committed by government policy is catastrophic. The leader of the “normal” state is completely absent. While the right is broken because of an equal fight, left, follows the same path. We no longer expect anything from this government. One would almost expect a total change in governance [...]. Everything is done in reverse. The worst part? The arrival barging the National Front. “

  • ” I want to leave Holland to work until 2017, then I will decide as a citizen, “ by Nicolas

“I voted Holland to then presidential primary because

he played for me the possibility of a lucid socialism social justice but fiscal discipline and structural reforms. If the President says: “We have to tighten our belts,” I can understand, but what annoyed me was the impression of a floating constant: taxes are increased then the decline: a step left, one step to the right [...].

“Above all, my annoyance comes from all these dissenting voices. Proposed by the “slingers” except more expenditure, consumption, etc. I need regular. Where are the really new ideas? In the end, I retain some sympathy for the man and I’m tired of these endless attacks or foundation. I want to let him work until 2017, then I will decide as a citizen. “

  • ” This is not what was sold to us in 2012, “ by Mary

“I certainly do not expect miracles. But I expected better. Hollande campaigned in 2012 on a policy of the left: “My enemy is finance,” , etc. He also promised an ecological policy. But it starts with fire ecologists, there a few months. Today is the turn of those who advocate an economic policy a little more to the left than the government.

“Economically, the policy of this government is no different from that of the previous [. ..]. Except we did not vote for it. This is not what was sold to us in 2012 so I think that there is a form of intellectual dishonesty and to have misled voters. “

Read the editorial: The last chance the president

  • ” The method and orientation is consistent with that for which j ‘had voted “ by Hubert

” When François Hollande was chosen as PS candidate in the primary, the main traits of the candidate seemed to me obvious: the right of the PS, Amateur consensus more than voluntarism, convinced European [...] Claiming discover today that the President of the Republic does not want a policy of economic stimulus is either the bad faith, or blindness. The novel method of the resignation of the government, I explained as a reaction to those very unjustified criticism [...] It is to be hoped that the strongest will close this ongoing trial on his alleged indecision. I do not feel so betrayed as a supporter and voter. I’m obviously disappointed with the results that the policy has given so far, but I think the method and direction consistent with that for which I voted. “

  • ” the nature of our own party is changed, no debate, no vote, without Congress, “ by Helen

“I campaigned convinced by relatives and anonymous yes, Holland would be the president of change. Today, hollandistes, vallistes and all party cadres telling us who will listen: we never lied, it’s not our fault if you have over-interpreted the speech he must be loyal, etc. I do not even go over my PS section because I can not stand this speech.

“The policy provides the PS in 2012, apart from Collomb and Valls, nobody adhered! The nature of our own party is changed, no debate, no vote, no congress and it is we who are at fault. I stopped to get involved and I keep my card until the convention … unless the government rethinks left on a new basis. “

  • ” Valls made the right decision but it is probably too late, “ by Alain

“I’m a French overseas (I live in Barcelona), I voted Socialist all my life. My opinion is that this division of the left is dramatic for the country because, added to the chaos that saw the UMP, it draws a boulevard for the FN.

“Manuel Valls made the right decision with this resignation, he shows his authority, but it is probably too late. This five-year period is a failure … unless the numbers of the French economy miraculously reversed. Am I disappointed hollandisme? Yes I do. It was his inability to influence the European stage, facing Angela Merkel, that disappoints me the most. “

  • ” I was just hoping the calm and gathering “, by Pierre

“Elector right, I voted for Hollande without conviction. I was just hoping the calm and rally after five years of debate clivants (immigration, national identity, security). Instead, Francois Hollande has chosen to divide more than its predecessor.

“Voluntarily, he focused the first year of his quiquennat on a reform that had no emergency and he knew that it would cause an electric political climate. He showed that, as Nicolas Sarkozy, it was primarily the president of a clan and that the reforms relating to the whole of society would go after: public services, social security, employment, industrialization and competitiveness. On these issues, he had also prepared anything. The result is there. “

  • ” This is the man that is in question, not humanism that carries the Socialist Party, “ by Alain

“I hope the new government will be tightened, willful, aggressive in a good way against an opposition that has nothing to offer. Certainly if these difficult reforms are made, the right regained power in 2017 and silently thank the reforms made by the left, but this will be the price for the left again become a party of government for future generations.

“I am and I remain left despite the blunders made by François Hollande since his election. This is the man that is in question, not the humanism that carries the Socialist Party. It remains to convince the slingers of the need for social democratic politics. “


Montebourg, Hamon, Filippetti, free electrons in future … – Release

Montebourg, Hamon, Filippetti, free electrons in future … – Release

They had operated there for five months to impose Manuel Valls Matignon. Arnaud Montebourg, Benoît Hamon and Aurélie Filippetti now find themselves in the position of free electrons of the majority, with a possible temptation to unite opponents of economic government line.

What will be the political future the three outgoing government ministers? Arnaud Montebourg, who wants to return to “work among the French,” he assured he had no mandate. In reality, there is still general counsel of Saone-et-Loire and the department chair, Rémi Chaintron (PS), said he was prepared to give him “make (his) seat” occupied until 2012 Benoît Hamon, He will regain its position as deputy of the 11th district of Yvelines. Similarly, Aurélie Filippetti becomes a member of the 1st district of Moselle months.

“The immediate Benoît Hamon will take a step back, height, to produce something, build visions” , told AFP Guillaume Balas, general secretary of the current “World of advance”, founded in 2008 by Mr. Hamon Mr. Montebourg “will take a bit of distance,” also says his side Arnaud Leroy, MP close to the former Minister of Economy.

To then take the lead in these Socialist deputies “rebellious”? Since April, these elected officials are demanding to change the economic fixed line and end up in the positions of the two former ministers who embodied the left wing of the party in government.

“Benoit Hamon will have a prominent place in the National Assembly but that does not necessarily mean he will be the leader of rebellious, “says Mr. Balas. “Although they are called (with Mrs and Mr Montebourg Filippetti), but they are not in the constitution of a pin,” said the entourage of the former Minister of Education.

“There will certainly be discussion, it’s a secret. Next, we need to see what form it will take, “cautions Mr. Leroy

-. ‘Not a question of leadership’ –

Christian Paul, one of the deputies’ slingers , “which regularly carries the word of the movement to the media

sweeps the question,” the news is not there. ” And he said “there is not a strategy that would come out in pain this week, the heads of each other.” “Today it is not a question of leadership, but political line.”

“For us, no question of themselves like little soldiers behind Benoît Hamon and Arnaud Montebourg pretext that they have understood it after two and a half years,” warned a member of the current ” Now the Left “, came second in Toulouse congress in 2012.

In the longer term? Mr. Montebourg has always declared that “the only presidential election in which (he) plans to (be) represent one day.”

“If there was a primary that opens” for 2017, “it tickles to leave,” confided just before Frangy-en Bresse a close. He had collected 17% of the vote in 2011, but it has few troops in the PS or Parliament.

M. Hamon, the future is too complicated. He has disappointed some of his “friends” who accuse him of being too loyal for his two and a half years in government (except Sunday) and participating in the majority in Congress Toulouse motion, causing the birth of two Left wings competing. But Mr. Balas, “it will take a prominent place within” a start “world.” “He chose to focus his ideas” leaving the government, he welcomes it.

When the former environmentalist Aurélie Filippetti, networks are thin in the party.

Meanwhile, all three are scheduled to go to La Rochelle to respond as expected in the

And random schedule. 4 and 5 October, Mr. Hamon and Mr. Montebourg each university will hold a re-entry, the first in the Landes and the second-Laudun The Slate (Gard).


Reshuffle. What look like two Valls government? – West France

Reshuffle. What look like two Valls government? – West France

Arnaud Montebourg “regains its freedom.” Benoît Hamon announced his departure from the Department of Education to a week of school. Aurélie Filippetti sent a letter of resignation Manuel Valls and François Hollande … We already know that the first three strong personalities Valls government will not be the second. For the rest, speculation has been rife yesterday.

André Vallini, currently Secretary of State for Territorial reform, and Ségolène Royal, Minister for Ecology, could be promoted. “The work continues,” , merely to comment on the Minister of Ecology, on the road to nuclear power Civaux. François Rebsamen, arrived in April the Ministry of Labour, expressed his “wish” to keep its portfolio.

suitors. the same names in April came out of the hat. The Communist Robert Hue was once again cited by near Valls. For Bercy, the former Commissioner for investment Louis Gallois would be considered as economic advisor to President Emmanuel Macron, known less unpredictable and more loyal Arnaud Montebourg.

Although the Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira, would have sent a message of support for Arnaud Montebourg and Benoît Hamon, she is not resigned or resigned, but the name of Bertrand Delanoë

flows for replacement. The mayor of Lyon, Gérard Collomb, would not refuse a chair minister. Relatives of Martine Aubry, already approached in April but ultimately left out, could be included, as Francis Lamy, who managed the portfolio of the City in Ayrault team. At 21 h 30, the president of the Radical Left Party, Jean-Michel Baylet was received at Matignon.

Ministers of the West. Historical Faithful Hollande, Bretons Jean-Yves Le Drian, Defense and Stéphane Le Foll, the Agriculture should not be landed. The former member of the Channel Bernard Cazeneuve, now interior minister, should also be confirmed in his position, or gain responsibilities. Nothing is less certain for Marylise Lebranchu, Minister of Decentralization and faithful Aubry, which could be waived if the mayor of Lille has reservations about government policy. As for Jean-Jacques Urvoas Quimper, near Manuel Valls, his name has resurfaced.


Teachers worried about the fall after the departure of Hamon – Le Figaro

Teachers worried about the fall after the departure of Hamon – Le Figaro

If the former Minister of Education assured that everything was ‘well prepared’, professionals and parents wonder what will be the roadmap for the next occupant of the rue de Grenelle .

What will the next Minister of Education? While 12 million students must return to school in a week and the delicate rhythms of school reform should be extended to all public schools, Benoît Hamon bowed out Monday night, after determining the policy against the Head of State. The school year should not be too disturbed by this game of musical chairs. In any case that the former minister said on France 2: “The return was well prepared, it will be held in 10 days (…) Fortunately, she did not prepare a week in the lead, “he said to reassure worried parents.

Left barely five months rue de Grenelle, the former Minister of Education has tried to defuse explosives several records left by his predecessor Vincent Peillon. It is used especially to ease the difficult reform school timetables, with the publication of a decree governing the return to the four-day week and a half and sealing the relinquishment of the four days. As for the “ABCD equal” supposed fight against stereotypes of girls to boys, the project has just been buried. Faced with numerous controversies raised by this text, Benoît Hamon and her colleague Najat Belkacem-Vallaud decided not to generalize. Only good point for the minister: he gets the maintenance of 60,000 new jobs promised in the five years, we have thought a time threatened

“The arrival. a new minister could put gasoline in the machine of discontent “

This flash resignation is not without worry teachers and parents who s’ question the future “road map” for the next minister. “Will it be the same logic that Vincent Peillon and Benoît Hamon? He will continue the projects initiated by his predecessors? “Asks Frédérique Rollet, general secretary of the SNES-FSU, joined by Le Figaro . Reform of the college’s annual calendar, national conference on student assessment, development of the common core of knowledge and skills that all students should master by the end of compulsory education … The list of current projects is long and the program of the next minister promises charged in September.

“We are also concerned that budget issues in these times crises, just change the direction of educational policy decided so far,” explains the union official who wonders if the creation of 60,000 jobs

will be indeed maintained. After all, the issue of political austerity could just as well apply to the national education … “

The burning issue of school timetables

The reshuffle, which falls to a week of school, does not help to bring “appeasement which the school needs” regrets for his part Sebastian Sihr of SNUipp-FSU, the first union of the primary. While the reform of school timetables should be generalized to all schools within a week, “the arrival of a new minister could put gasoline in the machine of discontent, fear Valerie Marty, president of the Peep, the Federation of Parents of public education. It may even be that the yellow jackets, opposed the reform movement, see it as another opportunity to negotiate its repeal. ”

Paul Raoult, president of the Federation of Parent-Teacher, “it is important to reassure parents worried about the future of their children.” “The unemployment rate for youth has never been so strong, we must give them a clear direction and outlook.” In other words, “no retreat” warns the responsible mutual fund, which accuses Benoît Hamon have given a slowdown in reform school rhythms and ABCD equality. “Let a real policy change!”

Delanoë, Royal, Collomb …

If this resignation has generally been understood by the teachers’ unions and associations of parents, some have in the craw. “Benoît Hamon one knew the economic policies of the government. It is not responsible for having built knowing he could leave “plague Valerie Marty, who believes that the former minister made a strategic political choice, to the detriment of the school. The same goes for Frederick Seve Sgen the CFDT: “We’ll see if tomorrow we have a minister or a politician,” said he told AFP.

But who to settle rue de Grenelle? Since Monday, names circulating. Among the most cited, that of Segolene Royal, who has held that position and that of the former mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe. Followed that of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, current Minister of Youth, city, sports and women, or that of the Socialist Mayor of Lyon Gerard Collomb. “We hope it will be as attentive and responsive Benoit Hamon,” hopes Valerie Marty.


LIVE. The new government appointed Valls Tuesday – Le Parisien

LIVE. The new government appointed Valls Tuesday – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.013388156890869 sec -> It is left to the political transfer window. A Matignon, Manuel Valls makes appointments with potential for potential ministers to present on Tuesday a new government to Francois Hollande. The day before, the Prime Minister had served on the President the resignation of the executive, following criticism of its economic policy by its turbulent economy minister.
<- hard dé e: 0.00050592422485352 sec -> Arnaud Montebourg in is gone, supported by part of the left wing of the Socialist Party. Ditto for the National Education Minister Benoit Hamon and the Minister of Culture, Aurélie Filippetti. The Greens have already indicated their reluctance to participate in the new team. The difficulty now is that to find new allies to retain a majority in the National Assembly. In opposition, we wash our hands of this redesign to five months of the appointment of the impetuous Manuel Valls

& gt;. & Gt; Follow live events Tuesday:

7:57. Rihan-Cypel (PS) wants a “government of men.” “You have to stay out of 16 ministers. I want a government of soldiers. We are in a war situation. Reassure the French, “said on BFM TV the deputy for Seine-et-Marne.

7:55. Basically, “no desire to separate from Montebourg” says Rihan-Cypel (PS). According to the deputy for Seine-et-Marne and national secretary of the PS in charge of defense, “there had no desire to separate from Montebourg and Hamon “but” when we criticize a determined line, you need a clarification, “he defends on BFM TV.

7:50. Woerth, “We will rebuild we kick” government “combat!” “A government fighter.? Nothing, he just declared war on everyone … “said the former UMP minister Eric Woerth on France Info. “We do not need to embark on such policies escapades … We need a government in cold blood. We will redo our “government” combat but it will again be there five months, a lot of ideas, postures but … “

7:45. Woerth regret “indecent show that ridicules France.” In France Info, the former UMP minister Eric Woerth estimated Hollande “could have avoided this indecent and lamentable spectacle that ridicules France. He could get rid of Montebourg in the day and avoid the entire government to resign. (…) It’s a battle of egos, leaders in government as if it was the Socialist Party. “

7:30. A simple “adjustment of the government team,” according to the president of senators PS. “This is a setting in the government team,” says BFM TV the president of the PS group in the Senate, Didier Guillaume, who

said that “Europe can no longer be the constraints and austerity.” And to say that, compared to the rest of Europe, “it’s better to be French.”

7:20. Suspense for Taubira. According to a government source, Matignon “seeks names to replace Christiane Taubira” on Justice. The name of Bertrand Delanoë, the former mayor of Paris, flows, as each redesign. Labour Minister, Francois Rebsamen, said “should” remain in his post. Several times since the election of François Hollande, he had been cited for the Interior.

7:00. But … with the radicals. As in the previous team, where they had three representatives, only the radical left of the PRG should remain associated with government action. In the National Assembly, the PS group and related 290 MPs, the PRG Related, 15, while the absolute majority is


& gt;. & Gt; QUESTION OF THE DAY. Government: Valls he was right to separate from Montebourg?

6:50. Without the Greens Who Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls they make up the new government? According to the deputy Carlos Da Silva, Manuel Valls, he is near, “is not in the idea of ​​a narrowing of the majority” but in that of a “gathering very, very large.” Unless dramatic turn of events, environmentalists EELV will not present as such in the government Valls II. For their leader, Emmanuelle Cosse, “the conditions are even less united today than in April (when the composition of the first government Valls, ed) .” And besides, “we did not offer us” to be part of, she said.

6:30. The fate of Montebourg, Hamon and Filippetti already sealed. Monday, while Prime Minister responded to the charge of Arnaud Montebourg presenting the resignation of the government, the economy minister responded by “resuming his freedom. ” At the same time he announced the departure of his colleague Benoît Hamon, who confirmed earlier this evening. Earlier, the Minister of Culture, Aurélie Filippetti, was that she would not either.

VIDEO. Arnaud Montebourg “takes its freedom”

INTERACTIVE. Rearrangement of the quinquennium Holland
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VIDEO. Editorial Parisien. Thunder on the political season


Monday, August 25, 2014

Florange, Brussels, nuclear … When Arnaud Montebourg fired … – Francetv info

Florange, Brussels, nuclear … When Arnaud Montebourg fired … – Francetv info

The criticism too. The repeated attacks Arnaud Montebourg against the economic policy of France led to the resignation of the government of Manuel Valls, Monday, Aug. 25. France tv info back on some of the many attractions of the former economy minister, who announced Monday afternoon that “regained his freedom” .

August 2012: “I believe that nuclear power is an industry of the future”

While Hollande is committed to a reduction of 75-50% from the French nuclear power in electricity generation, Arnaud Montebourg puts his foot in it. His statement on the board BFMTV causing an outcry among environmentalists, who have two ministers in the government. Jean-Marc Ayrault, the then Prime Minister, was forced to intervene on France 2 “I spoke with Arnaud Montebourg. (…) I reminded him of the government’s position, it is perfectly suited. “

November 2012:” We do not want Mittal in France “

Minister of Productive Recovery proposes to nationalize the ArcelorMittal Florange (Moselle), whose furnaces are threatened with closure. He attacks head-on the “methods” Mittal, the global steel giant that manages the site, apparently without consulting Matignon. So much so that two months later, after being disowned by Jean-Marc Ayrault, he threatened to leave the government. But the minister did not put his threat into execution, deciding “stay at his battle station” .

March 2013: “You’re shit the whole earth with your airport that everyone does not care”

The sentence was not pronounced in public, but Jean-Marc Ayrault admits came

under attack by Arnaud Montebourg for his management of the airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes. According to two journalists Book Florange, the tragedy of the left, the Minister of Productive Recovery would further criticized the Prime Minister of “manage France as the City Council of Nantes “

July 2013:” We arrive at the ecological gas shale “

Never Avar explosive statements, Arnaud Montebourg again puts Backpack environmentalists, suggesting to entrust the operation of a “ ecological gas shale” to “national public company” . “[It is] excluded exploit shale gas in France. There is a policy the government!” says Jean-Marc Ayrault, again forced to trim its untenable Minister

August 2013. “? Brussels Some assholes”

On the occasion of a portrait in M , the Magazine World reports of attacks in private by Arnaud Montebourg against the European Union, while Paris has just negotiated with some difficulty, additional time to bring its public deficit to 3%.

August 2014: “There is always an alternative”

Arnaud Montebourg asks François Hollande a ” major shift in economic policy “, in his speech to the Rose Festival. He had called two days earlier in a policy shift, in an interview with World . A media outlet that occurs some days after a long interview the president gave the evening newspaper in which he declared: “The choice can not be discussed again whenever a quarterly index is known Consistency. This is trust. “

On the same subject


Holland cut his left arm – La Voix du Nord

Holland cut his left arm – La Voix du Nord

Given the risk of contagion virus sling in government, François Hollande decided to cut his left arm! The amputation was done in perfect agreement with his adept shock treatments Prime Minister. Especially since the announced Arnaud Montebourg and the probable Benoît Hamon, foolhardy on that shot, gets rid of the Aurélie Filippetti passing, another intermittent government solidarity …

So far, Arnaud Montebourg had always escaped the red card, François Hollande preferring to hold his bride in government rather as seen frolicking in the wild. In “yelling” happy bosses, boiling Montebourg was a useful counterweight to the “compact” so frowned upon by the left of the PS. speech Frangy Sunday has been the kick too much in the courtyard of the Elysee

While the minister thus shows a little more elegant than its green former colleague Cécile Duflot, who has just published his book indictment against Francois Hollande . When explaining his choice, Montebourg overwhelms most European institutions and their “ absurd stubbornness ” to reduce deficits than the President of the Republic himself. But how can a minister of economy could it stay in place while currying the policy he is responsible for driving?

With his legendary

modesty, Arnaud Montebourg invoked Augustine before yesterday to don the toga of Cincinnatus, all this to say that “ regained his freedom ” and returned its fields, not in the banks of the Tiber but the Saone! It will be hard to convince us that his beloved department of Saone-et-Loire and the defense of Bresse chicken will be its only horizon

Arnaud Montebourg is one of those big mouths of the policy do not need a ministerial morocco to exist. It is betting that Hollande will not run again, Manuel Valls, his main rival in the “fifties”, will be driven by the bottom with the failure of the five-year period. Socialist voters will then need, he thinks, to cling to a left arm that will not fear this time to begin the battle with Brussels, the ECB and Angela Merkel met!

The departure of Arnaud Montebourg government does not necessarily guarantee a calm assurance Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls. Martine Aubry still removed his Lille Aventine, the “rebellious” now have their Cincinnatus


Montpellier for Saurel, “the answer is not Cazeneuve … – Midi Libre

Montpellier for Saurel, "the answer is not Cazeneuve … – Midi Libre

L e mayor of Montpellier (Hérault) reacts to the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, following the shooting on Saturday that left two dead in Montpellier .

Philippe Saurel, the mayor of Montpellier, said that the minister’s response Bernard Cazeneuve is “not satisfactory”. Philippe Saurel was seeking thirty additional national police stations. “I am aware that this is not the national police to manage all societal problems, but I am in charge of the welfare of Montpellier, and security is a prerogative of the state,” insists Philippe Saurel . “If I was the Minister of the Interior, I have called the mayor of the only city left in the south of France on the evening of the facts or the next. It has not been the case.”

“On security, I can not let go, that’s life people”

PS dissident believes it “does the job” in terms of support for the government, like the merger of regions, “but about security, I can not let go, that’s life people.” It also annoys the method: a minister who makes public a letter he has sent to the mayor of Montpellier, but that it has yet to copy: “He did not mail it to the department? tried to call me this morning and then it was no longer reachable. vice You understand? I know them by heart. They trained me … “


Montebourg, Filippetti and Hamon unloaded the government vessel – Release

Montebourg, Filippetti and Hamon unloaded the government vessel – Release

The Executive in the storm: Manuel Valls was maneuvering on Monday to form a new government without Arnaud Montebourg, Aurélie Filippetti nor Benoît Hamon, landed for challenging economic course set by the head of state <. / p>

After Mr. and Mrs. Filippetti Montebourg is Benoît Hamon, who announced Monday night on France 2 that he did “not participate” in Valls 2 team, released Tuesday. About ten days of the school year, Mr. Hamon, like his former colleagues presented his departure as a personal choice, just five months after his appointment rue de Grenelle.

“It would have been inconsistent while I expressed disagreement with important economic and social policy of the government that I stay in government, “said Mr. Hamon, however, assured that remain in the majority. He also pointed to the risk of a victory of the National Front in 2017 to support its application of an economic inflection.

After a weekend stirred by anti-austerity Mr. Montebourg statements in pages of the World and then from his stronghold of Frangy-en-Bresse, the ax fell on Monday morning, the Prime Minister presented to François Hollande the resignation of the entire government, after five months at Matignon


Manuel Valls, received for an hour Monday morning by the head of state and then later in the day, is now responsible for setting up, by Tuesday, “a team consistent with the guidance” Hollande ” himself set for our country. ” He spent the day receiving one to one to the Matignon ministers resigned

The future government will also be without Arnaud Montebourg. Since Bercy, he assured that he told the Prime Minister that he “resumed his freedom “- what Mr. Valls accepted – if not agreed on the need he said,” to propose alternative solutions “to the austerity policy in France. He is now left with the sole mandate of the General Counsel of Saone-et-Loire.

“The president is the only election in which I plan to represent me one day,” he confided Mr. Montebourg there is about a year

It will also be without Aurélie Filippetti. former Minister of Culture took the lead, saying he was “not a candidate for a new ministerial post” because it prefers ” loyalty to his ideals “to the” duty of government solidarity “in a letter to the Dutch duo-Valls. “Should we apologize now that to be left?” She asks.

A strange destiny, that these are the three ministers who had actively maneuvered to Mr. Valls access Matignon.

According to a government source, “Matignon also looking for names to replace Christiane Taubira” on Justice. The name of Bertrand Delanoë, the former mayor of Paris, traveling as each redesign

-. “Great anger” of Holland –

Francois Hollande said he did not a word about this critical phase of the government’s life. He spoke in the pouring rain, soaked clothes and face, Isle de Sein (Brittany) for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the country, paying tribute to the strength of the island facing Nazi Germany .

Who made the decision a resignation? According to the Elysee, the resignation of the government has been “absolute consensus” between the two men. Anyway, Manuel Valls, it is to stand out from the time Ayrault, marked by many “hiccups”. A government adviser, Francois Hollande “pushed very angry,” the Comoros on Saturday at the time of publication of the interview with Mr. Montebourg, when he was publicly downplayed the significance of these words.

What will his government? Former Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament, Jean-Marie Le Guen, said he was “confident” the fact that the majority “will remain very large majority” in the National Assembly.

Emmanuelle Cosse, the number one in Europe Ecology-Greens but warned that the issue of participation of ecologists in government, “the conditions were even less satisfied now than in April,” when training Valls government. “We do not propose to us,” she has also said

-. “Crisis Plan” for Bayrou –

Arnaud Montebourg, Europe 1 guest Monday morning shortly before the announcement of the resignation of the government, had persisted in his criticism of the course set by François Hollande, however, ensuring that it did not place himself “in the event” of a departure.

At the helm since the spring of great economic ministerial pole, Arnaud Montebourg, 51, has multiplied during his political career the strokes of brilliance.

Sunday at Frangy-en-Bresse He had admitted having asked François Hollande a “major shift in economic policy” after Saturday in Le Monde, asked to “speak up” vis-à-vis Germany, when François Hollande on Wednesday , he said did not want to “face to face” with Berlin.

M. Montebourg represented, with Benoît Hamon, the deposit left the government. He had also gone upmarket with Valls government expanding its portfolio of Economy, besides Relief productive it has held since May 2012.

The implosion came after the government’s economic performance disastrous – including zero growth in the first half -. and shortly before the unemployment figures (released Wednesday) that continue to break records

Several politicians from all sides have considered dissolution Monday in response to the government crisis, as the president of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, but Sauvadet Francis, Vice President of IDU.

Luc Chatel, Secretary General of the UMP Acting called “serious” “political crisis arising from the resignation of the government.” The same goes for the president of the Modem, Francois Bayrou, for whom France is “not far from the crisis regime.”


Resignation of government: three starts and a new team – The World

Resignation of government: three starts and a new team – The World

The team “fighting” formed by Manuel Valls after the Socialist defeat in municipal elections lasted only 147 days. Challenged by bravado Arnaud Montebourg and Benoît Hamon this weekend, the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, gave the president the resignation of his government Monday, August 26. Back on a day full of surprises that opens a new chapter in the five-year Hollande.

Read the analysis: The bombs the five year

  • 9 h 30, the statement from the Elysee
Manuel Valls, 6 July 2011

Four sentences sufficient to avoid term to the mission of government. They were released Monday morning by the Elysee Palace. In this pithy statement, the President noted he had received from his prime minister the government’s resignation. The Head of State added that he told Manuel Valls the task of forming a new team, “consistent with guidelines it has set itself for our country. “

The formula, rather unusual in this type of communication, illustrates the difficulty the government would have to continue to run after the strong criticism of the Minister the Economy and the Minister of Education, who called this weekend in a “change of economic course” .

According to the Elysee, “the government Valls II “will be named the day after the announcement, on Tuesday 26 August.

  • 10 hours, knock

While the opposition welcomes ‘resignation necessary “ and the opportunity to tackle a president ” to the natural passivity ” , the presidential majority is torn apart. Between supporters of the line set by Arnaud Montebourg and followers of François Hollande and his prime minister, the break seems consumed. If the first see it “a great opportunity to change course” , the second welcome “the act of authority” of the executive.

Read also our lighting: The slingers increasingly numerous in the majority

  • 11:00, it rains on the island of Sein
The president was on Brittany in the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation.

Shortly before the arrival of François Hollande on Brittany on the occasion of the celebrations of 70 th anniversary of the Liberation, the president’s entourage announced that he would not speak on the government crisis. Allow the hand to the Prime Minister, was the objective. But the honor of the President of the Republic to the Resistance literally fell into the water, while the president was speaking in the pouring rain, and all eyes were turned to rather Matignon.

Also see the editorial “World”: The last chance the president

  • All morning parade at Matignon
The ballet of the ministers' cars - with the notable exception of Christiane Taubira, came by bike - a rhythmic court Matignon Monday

The ballet cars ministers – with the notable exception of Christiane Taubira, came by bike – a rhythmic court Matignon Monday. The Prime Minister has indeed received many ministers to probe them on their adherence to the political line of the executive.

This is based on this positioning Manuel Valls should form his government. While some meetings only lasted a few minutes, as the Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, or the interior minister, Frédéric Cazeneuve, others are stretched in length, including the Minister of Education ., Benoît Hamon, announced the start, despite the desire of Manuel Valls keep it in his new team

Read decryption: What casting for the new government

  • 13 hours, the Greens call away
  • An hour and a half of discussion, the Executive Office of the Green party had definitely many things to say. Gathered in a conference call, relatives of Cécile Duflot called for a vote on a possible government involvement. They did not get, for the simple reason that they do not need. The party leadership has ruled unanimously against a return environmentalists government

    The opportunity is However tempting for Francois Hollande, and Manuel Valls to seek to join environmentalists to avoid ending up with a small team. A EELV, those who ignored the advice of their party, however, would not support and would be exposed to at least a suspension. However, some might, individually, be seduced by the temptation of a ministerial portfolio.

    Read the blog post: Will there be a green in 2 Valls government?

    • 15 h 30, the letter breaking Filippetti

    “My dear Manuel” , completed his round Aurélie Filippetti write the header of the letter, although very formal. To the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, and published by The World , the letter from the Minister of Culture is an act of non-candidacy. She explains why she will not participate in future government: “I choose to share my loyalty to my ideals” , she wrote. “The debate was opened on economic policy is beneficial and necessary” in a “disarray” of voters.

    • 17 hours, Arnaud Montebourg resumes his “freedom”