The new government of Manuel Valls was announced Tuesday, August 26 by the Secretary General of the Elysee Jouyet. Major surprises: the entrance of the young Emmanuel Macron to head the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital, promoting Najat Belkacem-Vallaud the Ministry of Education, and the Fleur Pellerin as minister Culture. Update on troop movements.
Emmanuel Macron
& gt; Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital
It is the surprise guest of the government Valls II. At only 36 years old “Mr. economy of Elysium” became Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital. Presented in Hollande by Jacques Attali just before the 2012 presidential election, the former investment banker at Rothschild is the youngest of the government. It will include the difficult task of setting to music the pact of responsibility that he himself initiated as Deputy Secretary General of the Elysee – the position he held until at least last June. His appointment in place of Arnaud Montebourg is a strong sign of the executive, thus clearly assumes social-liberal government line. The young technocrat to form a duo with Michel Sapin Bercy, Minister of Finance and Public Accounts.
Patrick Kanner
& gt; Minister for Urban Affairs, Youth and Sports
Little known to the general public, the president of the Council of the North since 2011, landed for the first time a ministerial portfolio. A former assistant Martine Aubry, in charge of global educational project for mayor of Lille, is Councillor of the Canton de Lille Southwest since 1998, lecturer in public law at Lille III, and President of the National Union of communal social action centers of Lille.
Thomas Thévenoud
& gt; Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Promotion of Tourism and French overseas
Among the newcomers include the PS deputy of Saone-et-Loire elected in 2012 and spokesman of the Socialists to replace members since June 2014 Thierry Mandon, entered the first Valls government. He who debuted alongside Laurent Fabius became Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, tourism promotion and French foreign . He was charged in February by Jean-Marc Ayrault to play the mediator in the crisis between taxis to VTC. Ironically, the young deputy Arnaud Montebourg is close to coming out at the moment he enters …
Alain Vidal
& gt ; Secretary of State for Transport and Fisheries
He left the government on April 2 after holding the post of Minister for Relations with Parliament, leaving his place to Jean-Marie Le Guen. Alain Vidal finally made his return five months later the Department of Transportation to replace Frédéric Cuvillier. He had found his seat Landes in May before being appointed ambassador representing France at the International Labour Office in Geneva proposed by François Hollande . Since last July, he was on a mission to the Minister of Labour and Switzerland should join the next January 1.
Pascale Boistard
& gt; Secretary of State for Women’s Rights
Women’s rights have a new face: Pascale Boistard now former MP PS of the Somme, was appointed Secretary of State in charge of this issue highly symbolic in a leftist government. Little known to the public, this woman committed 43 years has the distinction of being one of the collaborators of Jean-Luc Mélenchon when he was Minister of the Jospin government in the early 2000s Both near Martine Aubry and Laurent Fabius, the new minister’s main feat of arms in the PS have obtained in 2006 the suspension of the party of George Frêche for two years after his controversial remarks on Harkis. It will be under the tutelage of Marisol Touraine , Minister of Social Affairs
Myriam El Khomri
& gt.; Secretary of State for Urban Policy
Another new face to the public, with Myriam El Khomri, more accustomed to municipal functions. She is an advisor of Paris (18th arrondissement) since 2008 and Assistant to the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, since April 2014, responsible for all matters relating to safety, prevention, urban policy. She was also the spokesperson Anne Hidalgo during the campaign for the municipal elections in Paris.
Najat Belkacem-Vallaud
& gt; Minister of Education
This is one of the biggest surprise of the new government: the Minister of Women’s Rights, the City, Youth and Sports was promoted Minister of Education. A reward for that which is considered “rising star” of the government, fully in line with the expectations of Prime Minister Manuel
Fleur Pellerin
& gt; Minister of Culture
Becoming 38 years fledgling Minister for SMEs, Innovation and the Digital Economy, the technocrat Fleur Pellerin was the symbol of policy renewal desired by François Hollande. Accustomed to anonymity, the Asian super-graduate found herself catapulted to the forefront of the scene after being in charge of the digital team in presidential campaign in Holland. She was not elected the Ayrault government minister only. Under Manuel Valls, despite strong mobilization of social networks, it ultimately did not inherit the Digital bailed but the Secretary of State for Foreign Trade. Seen as competing Aurelie Filippetti early mandate, it now takes up his street Vallois.
Arnaud Montebourg
A regular flashes of brilliance, the candidate for the Socialist primary in 2011 had no idea that his last outing was going to cause such a storm. Became Minister of Productive Recovery under Ayrault, the former deputy of Saone-et-Loire had already raised tensions by attacking directly to the Prime Minister, particular about that Florange Montebourg wanted to nationalize “You direct the France as the City Council of Nantes”, had he said. It happened. But this time, Valls said stop. At Bercy, he left his seafaring Armor-Lux, slipped to promote Made in France. The bard of démondialisatio n, figure the left of the party, has held just five months before popping the Valls government.
Benoît Hamon
It will probably remain the only minister of Education in history to have made no school year. Otherwise, Benoît Hamon, rue de Grenelle arrived there only five months, especially on market broken his predecessor Vincent Peillon. Reform school timetables and ABCD of equality, two flagship sites Peillon, have been pursued, but “relaxed” by Hamon to appease the discontent. For the sake of consensus without doubt dictated by the presidential election of 2017 by temperament. Hamon leave because the image of a camera man of the PS, which, although quite unworthy, has not shown a great appetite for “Educ nat” and its complex lineaments.
Aurelie Filippetti
In the footsteps of Montebourg, Aurélie Filippetti it also decided to “take back his freedom” to defend an alternative economic policy. “Minister of Culture since 2012, she managed sensitively budget cuts in his department by burying large sites, supporting the presence of women and generational change at the head of cultural institutions, giving priority to the creation and live performance (at the expense of the portfolio) and by large institutions (Louvre) contribution to the benefit of small (companies, musical ensembles. ..). It also buried the Hadopi law. But she found herself trapped in the contradictions in the record of the entertainment industry, forced to defend an agreement with which she disagreed. Filippetti becomes member of the 1st district of Moselle -. Their homeland
Frédéric Cuvillier
The Secretary of State for Transport of the Sea and Fisheries said in a statement that the new government would be without him. The now former minister was offered by the prime minister to be reappointed as he writes functions, but the mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer believes “does not have the capacity for action and autonomy necessary for the success of a coherent policy. ” His term was marked by the adoption of the railway reform, the three-week strike of railway workers in June, and a hazardous crisis management of the environmental tax. In his honor: i l is the sitting prime minister to have celebrated a marriage between two persons of the same sex as a municipal councilor in Boulogne-sur-Mer
Morgan Bertrand, Arnaud Gonzague, Estelle Gross, Judith Magali Louis Morice, Jean-Luc Mounier, William Stoll – Le Nouvel Observateur
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