Monday, August 18, 2014

A to Z, a return to high risk for the government – La Voix du Nord

A to Z, a return to high risk for the government – La Voix du Nord


August 28, Hollande will set the priorities of the foreign policy of France before the conference “ambassadors”, while his attitude vis-à- saw bloody conflicts in Iraq this summer and Gaza is spied, including the right, on the lookout for mistakes. The president announced the supply of arms to Kurdish fighters, in addition to humanitarian assistance.


The draft budget 2015 should be presented on September 24. After the announcement of a new economic stagnation in the second quarter, the Finance Minister Michel Sapin has revised the growth forecast from 2014 to 0.5% instead of 1%, and expects much more 1% next year. France does not hold its goal of a public deficit of 3.8% of GDP this year and should give up his promise to return to 3% in 2015 are secured two major prohibitions: no new tax increases or additional savings effort.


Francois Hollande will chair a meeting in September with the social partners and regions to “remove all obstacles “Learning, considered a flagship tool for youth employment. Goal: 500,000 apprentices by 2017 The long-term unemployment, “national cause” must be an inter trading in September


Negotiations employers / union are scheduled to return to “simplify” the social dialogue in companies. The social partners have until the end of the year to match. The Government will legislate, even in the absence of agreement.


The file will resurface. The “pay-transit trucks,” whose scope was modified from the previous device, the subject of mediation between the government and organizations.


The new breakdown of regions in metropolitan France (13 instead of 22) was approved in late July by a clear majority of MPs. Although the radical left, led by their president Jean-Michel Baylet, threatening to leave the government if it does not undertake to keep the General Council in the rural departments. The Senate also remains very hostile to reform.


Consultation launched in June by Manuel Valls for a flattening of the status of intermittent the show should resume in mid-September. The mission shall submit its proposals to the government before the end of December. Rejecting the new agreement on unemployment insurance that hardens their compensation conditions, intermittent disrupted the course of several festivals this summer. New disturbances are not excluded.


Arnaud Montebourg, the economy minister, wants to “6000000000 euros to

purchase “power to households. He intends to build a report from the General Inspectorate of Finance recommending to liberalize everything is regulated professions (notaries, bailiffs and other pharmacists.)


It must be presented in September at the Council of Ministers for consideration by Parliament in 2015 The first guidelines unveiled in June have received mixed associations and unions. The emphasis is on prevention, but the lack of resources raises many concerns. Among the measures proposed iconic, the paying agent and widespread introduction of a territorial health service.


The government seeks to New measures for households, after censorship by the Constitutional Council to those provided under the pact responsibility. Two tracks are favored: the earned income tax and the RSA Activity. Labour Minister, François Rebsamen, September 10 will receive the employers’ trade union leaders and the main professional branches 50 to restart negotiations on the pact counterparts in terms of employment.


A working group on the fight against discrimination in employment, including bringing together social partners and associations, to be launched on September 25 by ministers François Rebsamen (Labour) and Najat Belkacem-Vallaud (Youth). At the heart of thoughts: the indiscriminate recruitment methods and internal social dialogue at the enterprise. Participants will also discuss the issue of anonymous CVs.


A defeat of the Left profile in the election on September 28 that will renew the half of the 348 seats in the Senate and may result in a tilt to the right of the High Assembly, where the left has only five votes. Senators are elected mainly by representatives of municipalities, the success of the municipal right could cause a reversal of majority. The right as the left, should be wary of its divisions.


A national plan to reduce smoking is to be presented in September . Nothing has filtered its content but the health minister, Marisol Touraine, had said in May that it was exploring “a range of options” as the introduction of the cigarette package “neutral”, that is, -dire without logo or attractive color.


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