Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mohamed Merah killings: Loïc Liber, the only survivor, book … – France Soir

Mohamed Merah killings: Loïc Liber, the only survivor, book … – France Soir

Loïc Liber could have died that day. March 15, 2012, the day of the second attack perpetuated by Mohamed Merah, the life of the military has changed. While he was at a bank machine near his barracks in Montauban, “the killer to the scooter” fired a bullet in the back. Wounded but not dead, the military, the only survivor of the three attacks Mohamed Merah who made a total of seven victims, escaped death.

His two fellow soldiers, however, did not have his “lucky “. Abel Chennouf and Mohamed Legouad, died as a result of their injuries. Four days before Mohammed Merah had also shot the chief marshal of the house, Imad Ibn Ziaten, a Moroccan-born French 1st Parachute Regiment train.

Touched by a shot to the spinal cord, the West Indian paratrooper is now a quadriplegic. For the first time, three years after the event, he decided to indulge. “I remember very well the scene,” Guadeloupe told military radio and television network in overseas first. “It was three. And this man came from behind. C is a cowardly act. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time “, he said from his room at the Percy military hospital in Clamart.

About the author of the shooting, Loïc Liber will not say his name. “When I mentioned, it annoys me because it has ruined my life, all my projects,” he told. If today Loïc Liber regained mobility of his head and shoulders, the military now wants to move forward. “There, I cling to try to have better health. Then it will be for life, projects, see if I can do something in life. I would like to start a family with my partner . If possible, Guadeloupe, “ he told.

Although it gets better, the military has, however, experienced some hard times, as the attacks of January the have plunged three years ago. “ I followed the news. It made me very badly. I thought back to March 15, when it happened to me. It made me much trouble.”


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