Thursday, March 31, 2016

In Lyon, a new priest suspected of sexual assault – L’Express

The diocese of Lyon and Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, again in turmoil. Justice is investigating a new case of priest suspected of sexual assault. The suspected priest officiates in the second district of the city according M6info, adding that “new evidence recently brought to the attention of justice” led the prosecutor to open an investigation in 2006. A source close to the file, facts of assaults in question relate to “a girl”, whose age was not specified. This would be a teenager, according to another source.

The survey adds to the judicial investigation against Father Bernard Preynat, indicted late January for sexual assault crimes committed there more than 25 years on young Scouts that framed in the suburbs of Lyon.

Barbarin accused of turning a blind eye

Two other preliminary investigations are opened, this time targeting the Cardinal Philippe Barbarin among other religious leaders, on charges of “non-reporting” of sexual assault. In this context, the police raided Wednesday, the local bishop

of Lyon.

At the origin of these investigations, victims of complaints that accuse Cardinal Barbarin of not informing the court of the actions of Father Bernard Preynat, indicted on 27 January for sexual assault committed between 1986 and 1991 scouts. And have left this religious stationed until 2015.

Another victim, now plays an important role in the Ministry of Interior, also accused the bishop of having closed eyes on assaults another priest Lyon which he says he was victim in the 1990


New cases of sexual assault involving a priest in Lyon – France Info

The prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation against a Lyons priest suspected of sexual assault on a young girl. Facts older than fifteen years. This is the second case revealed in the diocese in weeks.

A new case of alleged sexual abuse by a priest in Lyon was revealed Thursday night by the website M6info. Info and France had confirmed that prosecutors opened a preliminary investigation against a priest of the 2nd district of the city for sexual assault and indecent exposure. The man is suspected of committing these assaults there fifteen years against a girl.

She reported the incident in 2006 and Justice had opened an investigation, finally closed. But new evidence has helped to reopen the case in recent days. The priest still officiates in his parish near the Perrache train station.

The diocese of Lyon already in turmoil

On Wednesday, the bishop of Lyons had was raided as part of another preliminary investigation for “not reporting abuse against minors under fifteen and put others in danger.”

The survey aimed in particular Cardinal Barbarin asks whether the ecclesiastical has condoned the actions of Bernard Preynat priest, set in January examination for sexual assaults on former Scouts between 1986 and 1991. One case that the Vatican is following with great attention.

So far, Monseigneur Barbarin has always denied “covered any act of pedophilia” . However, during the Easter Mass, he called “personally pardon” to victims of pedophile priests.


Green light for Belgian justice to surrender Salah Abdeslam to France – Le Parisien

| Update:

” He wants to work with the French authorities, “assured one of his lawyers, Cédric Moisse, while only survivor of the commando who killed 130 people in the French capital had refuge in silence the day after his arrest on 18 March in Brussels, after initially expressed.
the federal prosecutor went the hear in prison in Bruges (northwest), where Salah Abdeslam “consented” on the implementation of the European arrest warrant issued by France, told me Moisse.
therefore ” the transfer is allowed “and” the Belgian and French authorities decide after consulting the terms of this surrender, “said the Belgian federal prosecutor. “Except in exceptional circumstances”, it will be transferred to France “within ten days”, assured the French Minister of Justice, Jean-Jacques Urvoas.
French Belgian aged 26, Salah Abdeslam, little guy radicalized who grew up in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, seems the core network of the jihadist group Islamic State (EI) which sowed death in Paris last November and Brussels where 32 people died March 22. According the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, he “had a central role in the constitution of November 13 commandos” participating “in the arrival of a number of terrorists in Europe”, and “in the logistical preparation of these attacks “.
And he ferried at least that night the bombers of the Stade de France, outside Paris. Himself, in his first statements, played down his role. He also said he “wanted to blow himself up at the Stade de France” before “backtracking,” according to Molins.
– Airport ‘ready’ to reopen – Investigators
wonder if it was not quite responsible for the attack in the north of Paris mentioned in the claim of EI but that has not happened.
His arrest after more than four months on the run seems also according to investigators, have precipitated the triple suicide bombing at the airport and in the Brussels metro. in the Brussels apartment where the police left the airport of the attackers found explosives and wondered if Abdeslam was supposed to

participate in attacks, perhaps with other target
a computer was also abandoned in a dustbin near this hideout. his analysis is still ongoing, shows that its owner had researched including on office and residence of the Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, and parliament without the investigators can say “at this stage it was targeted, and there a threat to these places, “did we told AFP.
one or more suspects are sought after Brussels attacks, including the” man in the hat “, the third bomber of airport who left before the two suicide bombers detonate.
the reopening of the Zaventem airport in passenger traffic continues to be pushed back by the day. It is now “technically ready” for a partial recovery, but no commercial flight will not take place before Saturday.
Police unions have agitated Thursday night the threat of a strike, demanding that all persons arriving in the hall of temporary departures are checked beforehand. Michel has called for emergency talks with the police hierarchy, while a National Security Council had to decide Friday on a partial reopening.
sign that the terrorist threat continues to hang over Europe, a new Belgian-French police operation was conducted Thursday at Kortrijk, in the northwest of Belgium, in the separate investigation into a proposed attack foiled in France. in an area cordoned off by the police and the army, the police, equipped with metal detectors and accompanied by dogs, have especially searched the area around a house and a small wood. No arrest has occurred and investigators found no weapons or explosives.
French court had indicted Wednesday the main suspect of this “imminent terrorist action,” the French Reda Kriket, and men link to this folder are jailed in the Netherlands and Belgium.


A police officer placed in custody after violence against a high school student – Le Point

A police officer was placed in custody Thursday morning in the investigation of blows against a high school student in Paris last week on the sidelines of demonstrations against the bill work, do we learned from judicial sources and police.

the police officer questioned the premises of the General Inspectorate of the national police (IGPN), as part of the investigation opened by the Paris prosecutor, said the sources, confirming a report of i & gt; TV. A video showing the scene had circulated widely on social networks.

A violent blow

Filmed Thursday, March 24 near the Henri Bergson high school in the 19th arrondissement, it shows a 15 year old to the ground, raised by a police officer shouting “get up”. While it is beginning to rise, given by two police officers, one of the officials dealt him a severe blow. It’s that policeman who was taken into custody, said the judicial source.

The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said he was “shocked” and had also requested the opening an

administrative investigation, still IGPN. The Paris police headquarters had said that high school students had also hurled projectiles at police vehicles and instigating violence. The next day, the young people were taken to two police stations in Paris, in the 10th and 19th districts, including throwing projectiles on the facades and trying to break the bulletproof glass of the local police.


Lyon: Another priest suspected of sexual assault – Le Parisien



Various facts

Lyon: another priest suspected of sexual assault

A new priest is Lyon suspected of sexual assault, while the diocese and its bishop, Cardinal Barbarin, are in turmoil since the revelation of several cases.
 According to the website M6info, which revealed …

2016-03-31 9:53:00 p.m.

News Facts various, various Facts, National, 2016, Lyon, a priest suspected, assault, sexual



Children detained for 11 days in a holding area at Roissy “there are toys,” says DGEF – TF1

Sent to France with his mother to join a member of his family ready to welcome a little boy of Comorian origin was intercepted off the plane by police authorities on 21 March reveals the association La Voix de l’Enfant. Age 8 years, the child had embarked alone in a flight out of the Comoros and illegally traveling with the passport of his cousin.

Three days after his arrest on March 24, the order of the Judge of Liberties and Detention Bobigny announced that it was necessary “in interest even of child protection “to extend his holding in the waiting zone for person pending (ZAPI).

An appeal to the Interior

Eleven days after his arrival, not having valid papers, the boy is still not allowed to enter French territory and risk being sent back overnight in his home country. According to the Aliens Office in France (DGEF), cited by Mediapart , “the administration is doing its best to take into account the age of this very young boy.” Before perspective: “The area where it is

held is matched with toys.”

The lawyer the boy launched an appeal with the Ministry of the Interior and has also requested assistance from the Human Rights Defenders. In its press release issued on Monday, The Children’s Voice expresses “outrage, anger and reiterates its rejection of any administrative confinement of a child whatever it is, wherever it comes” and declares that “any minor appearing alone at the borders must be protected and admitted to French territory.”


Belgium: An operation is underway in Kortrijk – The Point

The Belgian federal prosecutor said a police operation related Kriket Reda, a man indicted in France for a planned attack “imminent”, was underway Thursday in Kortrijk, in the northwest of Belgium . “There is an ongoing search in connection with the Kriket record,” said a spokesman for the federal prosecutor Eric Van Der Sypt. “It’s going to Marke, in the city of Kortrijk,” said the spokesman, who did not report “at this stage” of arrests.

The operation takes place in the residential area of ​​Rodenburg, along the E17 highway south of this Flemish town near the French border, was cordoned off by the police and the army. Military, armed with metal detectors and with dogs searched the area around a house in this neighborhood and its surroundings, including a small wood and a field near a petrol station on the highway area, reported an AFP photographer. “They look everywhere,” he explained to 13 h 30, while the onlookers were kept away from the area searched by police barriers.

Assault rifles, weapons handguns and explosives

Kriket Reda, a French 34, was set Wednesday to review criminal association in connection with a criminal terrorist organization by a Parisian anti-terrorist judge at the end of six days custody. Already convicted in Belgium in a terrorism case and believed to have stayed in the ranks of the organization Islamic State (EI) in Syria Reda Kriket was arrested March 24 in Paris. In the apartment he occupied, police had found

assault rifles, handguns and explosives, including TATP, improvised explosive favored by the jihadists of IE. Upon his arrest, the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve had announced the “defeat (of) a planned attack in France led to an advanced stage,” without giving details.

“at this stage of the investigations, if any precise projected target has been identified, while nevertheless suggests that the discovery of this cache has prevented the commission of an action of extreme violence by a network terrorist ready to take action, “said Wednesday the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins. In Belgium, two men, Abderrahmane Ameuroud and Mr. Rabah, arrested Friday in Brussels, were charged in connection with that network. Another alleged accomplice Reda Kriket Anis Bahri, was arrested Sunday in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Some 45 kilos of 7.62 caliber ammunition, the kind used with Kalashnikovs were found at that time.


Patrick Henry will not be released from prison – The World

Patrick Henry, sentenced in 1977 to life  imprisonment for the murder of the young Philippe  Bertrand. Photo taken in August 2002.

Held for nearly forty years, Patrick Henry learned, Thursday, March 31, the day of its 63 years, the judges of the Paris appeal court rejected his request for parole, accepted in January by the court enforcement of sentences of Melun (Seine-et-Marne), but blocked by the call of parquet.

if called “floored” by the decision of the appeal court, his lawyer, Carine Delaby-Faure, intends to appeal in cassation . At the end of the closed hearing, she denounced a decision “ not courageous,” “unfortunately in the zeitgeist.” According to her, “Patrick Henry remains a symbol and the court has very clearly stated that this man, she does not want to release him. I fear that this decision augurs always negative subsequent decisions “.

Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1977 for the murder of Philippe Bertrand, a child of seven, Patrick Henry had escaped narrowly death penalty, including through the pleading of his lawyer, Robert Badinter. He had been conditionally released after twenty-five years of prison, out in May 2001, under the glare of the media


A symbol of struggle for the abolition of the death penalty

the man, who had remained quiet for a year and had published a book in 2002, Do you regret it? (Calman-Levy), has been fined € 2 000 before being arrested in Spain in October of the same year, in possession of nearly 10 kg cannabis.

His parole was subsequently revoked. In 2003, he was sentenced by the Criminal Court of Caen to four years imprisonment and a 20,000 euro fine.

A new procedure was launched in July 2014, the refusal of a pardon presidential. At the hearing in December 2015 at the Melun detention center, who was in the 1970s, a symbol of the struggle

for the abolition of the death penalty, had convinced the judges that he had learned the lessons of the failure of his rehabilitation in 2001-2002

the court had granted on January 7 this new release, subject to passing a probation course. furloughs on three months, six months in a parole center in Lille then ten months under electronic bracelet, and seven years of follow-up. Prosecutors had appealed the same day, saying not support “enough framing” . “More framing is the prison” , had offended his lawyer


“If there does not come out now, it will never be released “

1976 This photo montage shows Patrick Henry  (left) and Philippe Bertrand victim (right).

She had again pleaded February 25 before a Paris appeal court ” rather reserved “ and “urgent” in its questions at a hearing in camera in the presence of Patrick Henry.

Regarding the decision to be made, M th Delaby-Faure had told AFP stay “confident”. “the first instance decision was so motivated that the court is going to have trouble finding patterns to disprove. “

M th Delaby-Faure had highlighted the success, according to doctors, psychotherapy followed for six years by Patrick Henry after his return to jail. “Things can not evolve better: if he does not come out now, it will never be released” , had she told



Primary: Jean-Frédéric Poisson defends his project of “civilization” – Le Figaro

“I entered this campaign with great determination,” said Wednesday the candidate of the Christian Democratic Party at a press conference in Paris.

Wednesday, the day after the decision of the political Bureau of the Republicans who have completed participation in the primary to the right, the candidate of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) explained his motivations during a press conference in Paris. “I entered this campaign with great determination,” explained Jean-Frédéric Poisson, in claiming to be the “only official candidate,” said the competition.

How much does it weigh electorally in November? After asking himself the question, the President of PCD replied that the subject was not relevant and that the influence of a political party on the presidential do not necessarily measured at the height of his scores a primary. To illustrate his point, he mentioned the trajectories of several personalities such Aubry, Baylet, Valls …

Jean-Frédéric Poisson sought to stand out from other candidates by announcing a project tightened not “management” but “civilization” to reform France before a “generalized disorder.” He placed this election in a context of “concern” or even “vertigo of the French people” facing a series of problems caused, he said, by “globalization,” “migrant”, “economic crisis” “communitarian phenomenon.”

“Christian roots of France”

In ten days, the president of the Christian Democrats unveil its program and a series of ten executives reforms to rebuild a nation capable “gather” and “protect” French. He intends to defend the “Christian roots of France” and “respect for the human person” who “is not divided.” The candidate of PCD agreed on ways for social policy (reform the redistribution of wealth), education (see the lessons of history and of the French language), European Policy (Yes to Europe but not in Maastricht), foreign policy (a new balance with the allies of France and value of Christian civilization of Europe between the “materialism” American and Chinese) … “the credit of France abroad no longer exists, “lamented Jean-Frédéric

Poisson, arguing its difference to its competitors that it considered all liberals, federalists and Atlanticist. He also used the occasion to denounce a “weakening” of the presidential office “for forty years” by calling it “clownish” personal commitment of Francois Hollande in the debate on constitutional revision. “A lack of control,” he pointed. Moreover, it is not favorable to changes in rules for the presidential and condemns a “politicization of institutions” and “partisan orientation” of this election.

Potential Alliances

The sovereignist, who wants to convince voters, also found that the centrists were to participate in the primary. “It’s their place,” he insisted, hoping not to be the only representative of an open primary. Regarding the objections of Nathalie Kosciusco-Morizet face with the limits Tuesday by Republicans for referrals, Jean-Frédéric Poisson confessed understand the criticism but felt that it was impossible to do otherwise. He deems “baroque” that a candidate can be sponsored by “left 35 signatures.”

Asked about its potential alliances, Jean-Frédéric Poisson said he was no “ideological differences” with Standing France and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. However, he noted the “deep differences” with some of the proposals of the National Front as “the death penalty”, the “euro exit” or “national preference”.

“This poll seems deeply unpredictable,” has finally found the candidate of the Christian Democrats warning that no one can “do without a mechanical assembly,” a condition in his “success “of the primary.


Migrants: new evacuation of the greatest Parisian camp – Liberation

Under the rails Air Stalingrad metro station in Paris, close to a thousand migrants was awakened by a deployment of gendarmes around their beds on Wednesday at dawn. These men, women and children originate mainly from Eastern Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan, expected for several days to drain, synonymous with early support.

this is the second “Stalingrad operation” , managed by the City of Paris and the Prefecture of the region. March 7, already 393 people had been evacuated. The following week, the camp was formed again, with a few more people every day.


According to the prefecture, Wednesday, 985 people including thirty women and ten children were forced to leave. Emergency accommodation was offered. The operation began at dawn, around 6 am, with the arrival of the gendarmes. Fifteen volunteers helped migrants to collect their belongings. Then twenty bus took them in sixty home in the capital and suburban centers. “The operation went well. There were no clashes, “ told Libération a volunteer.

Among them, Karim, 37. Before the passage of the backhoe he gives a hand to fold tarps. Born in Algeria, he came almost every day to bring food, pick up garbage. Licensee of a business works, he has time and does not live very far away, in the XVIII th arrondissement. Arriving in France there are thirteen, he received his naturalization in December. “Like them, I was undocumented, I know what it is to be in this situation.”

“spontaneous acts”

The day before, Libération went there. In

the afternoon, three officers of the Brigade of assistance to homeless people trying to count the present. The sound of the evacuation was running the camp. Migrants have warned their mates by text, while the volunteers present wearied of a possible false alarm.

On Wednesday morning, Seven, an artist of 28 years, is in the middle of the last ten people waiting boarding the bus, surrounded by 20 gendarmes. He was one of the most active supporters of the camp and slept on site for ten days. “I decided to get involved fully in this fight because I prefer the spontaneous acts a commitment in a large structure,” says the painter.

Just before 10 am, the blue raincoat of the prefecture services are busy to complete the operation. The last bus arrives. “It tightens the device” launches a policeman. As if they would run away now. Evacuation to shelters ends

Ishmael Halissat


Murder, abolition of capital punishment, rehabilitation, recidivism: Patrick Henry, despite her symbol – francetv info

For a long, long time, Patrick Henry no longer belongs entirely. Since his arrest in 1976 in Troyes (Aube), at the age of 22, for the abduction and murder of Philippe Bertrand, a boy aged 7 years, it continues to be targeted or erected example. Thursday, March 31, his chaotic judicial route could experience its epilogue, if the Court of Appeal of Paris accepts his application for parole.

info francetv discusses the causes embodied unwittingly, by inmate the most famous of France.

the monster down to a “society at risk”

the sequence is stuck in the French television and legal history . On 18 February 1976 Roger Gicquel opens the JT TF1 stating: “France is afraid” . The presenter then tells “horror” of the death of little Philip, strangled by her kidnapper who demanded a ransom from his parents. Patrick Henry, a young business who knew the family, confesses the crime and became the most hated man in France where born “crazy cravings summary justice” , tells the presenter.

At that time, kidnapping of minors are growing: the only seven year 1975. No child kidnapper was guillotined since the Second World War, notes Le Parisien Libéré and many French want to make an example of Patrick Henry.

especially since, as explained Christian Delporte twenty-three years later in the history of journal Twentieth Century , part of the French population is reluctant to societal changes underway, including the recent legalization of abortion: “to those who dream of revenge, the Patrick Henry case (…) may appear as a trial copy to develop a campaign on the theme of bleeding values, where justice will be presented as the ultimate bulwark of society at risk, and the death penalty as a necessary condition for its self-preservation. “

“I hope that justice will hard and well,” says his side Michel Poniatowski, the Interior Minister of the time. An opinion poll published opportunely, 72% of French are for the death penalty in cases of hostage taking and crime on a child. “I believe that the death sentence is just punishment for what he did” says even his own father. The trial in preparation seems intended only endorse the announced death of Patrick Henry.

the trial which led to the abolition of the death penalty

on 20 January 1977 the sister of Patrick Henry falls into the arms of his brother. He has been sentenced to life in prison, but he will live. In Express , Liliane Sichler reflects the hateful atmosphere that goes into seizure assistance through the stupor: “Death to the jury Death Lawyers Give him to us! we make a descent into bed! “, claimed a surly crowd in the court of Troyes.

Patrick Henry out of the court of Troyes  (Aube) on 19 January 1977 after being convicted to  life.
Patrick Henry leaving the court in Troyes (Aube) on 19 January 1977 after being sentenced to life. (HOUPLINE DANIEL / SIPA)

This “victory” is that of Patrick Henry, but especially his lawyer, Robert Badinter, and his brilliant argument: “The death of a man 22 years in response to the death of a child of 7 years, it is not justice. it’s something else, because justice does not kill. Or it is nothing she is defeated. ” But this will prevent abolitionist convinced, a few days later: “You are in the presence of a decision, but the death penalty is still there.”

the space of just one month, two other men are also guillotined. But the repercussions of Patrick Henry case provoked debate. In 1978, against the opinion of the vast majority of parliamentarians of his political camp, the deputy of Philippe Seguin Vosges present a bill involving the abolition of the death penalty.

In 1981, the French remain beautiful opposed this change to 63%, François Mitterrand actually a campaign argument. Newly elected, the new head of state his word and entrust the task to the new Minister of Justice, who is none other than Robert Badinter. On 9 October, it gets Parliament’s implementation of the “vow of Victor Hugo,” four years after saving the life of Patrick Henry.

L icon rehabilitation

in 2000, the debate on the draft law on the presumption of innocence again pushes Patrick Henry in the spotlight. The text provides for discharging the Justice Minister the responsibility to grant parole to long sentences, hard act to take politically. The

decision could now be taken by a “regional jurisdiction of parole” composed of three judges.

Since his incarceration, Patrick Henry was denied in September conditional requests by the Ministers of Justice have succeeded. yet it is “a model inmate” which resumed his studies: pot, math and license DUT computer. He directs the printing of the prison of Caen, he has a “thriving”. If the new law passes, judges, sensitive to its transformation, could make it out fine.

The idea disgusts some opponents of being soft on crime. On France 2, Jacques Toubon denounces the “extraordinary ability of crap” Patrick Henry .

Finally, as expected, Patrick Henry gets his freedom Conditional April 26, 2001, accompanied by a strict judicial review. On May 16, he leaves his cell. Housing and employment ahead. His supporters then erect the icon of redemption, in the image of his math teacher, Marie Reginald sister, “has clung to him like a son.”

a few weeks later, Robert Badinter rejoiced in the columns of Express “You see, whatever caused the crime, the superiority of refusal the death penalty. after the fact, after all this time has elapsed, we take the measure. ” The symbol of the second chance only has to take off.

The incarnation of recidivist

In 1977, the outcome of the trial that spares him the guillotine, Patrick Henry launches judges of the Assize court: “You will not have to regret it!” the title of the book he had to go out in Calmann-Levy in the fall of 2002. But on 10 October, the Criminal picture repented collapses: he was arrested in Spain with ten kilos of hashish bought in Morocco and he intended to resell in France


his arrest and extradition of scandal. Henry, interviewed by Express in the Spanish prison, tries to justify: “I was supposed to embody the problem of reintegration after twenty-five years in detention were. wanted to make me a superman, when in fact I’m just a poor guy. (…) I am willing to be accountable to justice, but not to be recovered by the political debate. “

Too late. We are a few months after the presidential election, marked by the debate on insecurity. Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing its legislation to internal security; the soft on crime and repeat offenders are singled out. “This is very painful is to see that this relapse will obviously cause significant blow to all attempts at rehabilitation” , sorry already on LCI, the former Justice Minister Elisabeth Guigou .

on France Inter, Dominique Perben, his successor at the Chancellery, declares “extremely shocked” and ensures, just three days after his arrest in Spain, “Patrick Henry will return to prison” that “we can think that it will remain there long.” The premonition is confirmed April 17, 2003, when he found the prison of Caen, less than two years after regaining freedom.

Patrick Henry’s book is released, but under another title: Do you regret it? His publisher, told Libération denounces the stigma that struck the detainee: “As if not having been sentenced to death compelled him to perfect, never at fault … As if this right to live was not so clear. There is something that chips abolish the death penalty and which reinforces my desire to publish. “

Patrick Henry beautiful multiply requests for release and even begin a hunger strike, nothing convinces the administration – or public opinion – to give him another chance. In 2014, proposals for Christiane Taubira, hostile to long sentences, give hope that Francois Hollande will grant him a presidential pardon on 14 July. But the head of state, who must already cope with the unpopularity of the positions of the Justice Minister, rejected the request.

This Thursday, March 31, the day of its 63 years, the Court of Appeals will decide to terminate or not the detention of a man who has spent nearly two thirds of his life in prison. Not sure, however, that it is not again crushed by the wheels of manufacturing machine symbols.

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Jean-Christophe Lagarde criticizes the “great political weakness of François Hollande” – Le Monde

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Jean-Christophe Lagarde, president of the  UDI, was invited, Wednesday, March 30, the  program

Jean-Christophe Lagarde has ” regretted “ Wednesday, March 30, the abandonment of the constitutional review, by focusing on the shoulders of François Hollande responsibility for this failure. “On 16 November, the President had undertaken to revise the Constitution to secure a state of emergency and exit the French nationality of people fighting France who hate France, which bear arms against France. This commitment, he can not keep it because it is not listened to his camp, and because it fails to transcend “ lamented the president of the UDI, guest the show “info Questions” on LCP, in partnership with Le Monde AFP and France Info.

While the left accuses the right to have scuppered the reform, Christophe Lagarde has vigorously defended: “the IDU group was never a dogmatic position. We voted in the National Assembly to say that we could not consider that someone who bears arms against France is part of the national family. The national family should not be imposing Salah Abdeslam, that’s the sad failure of this process. “

Read: François Hollande waive the forfeiture of nationality and Congress

To the deputy of the Seine-Saint-Denis, the country whole is achieved by the failure of the constitutional review. First “because the state of emergency may be

challenged constitutionally, today or tomorrow.” Then, because “symbolically” the national representation appears weakened in the fight against terrorism: “Getting up every November to applaud the speech of the Head of State, and find themselves four months later in this situation of failure, I find it sad for the image of our country and its ability to react, “ a-t- he said.

“Holding another year with such a low power”

lashing “the great political weakness” Hollande, Jean-Christophe Lagarde regretted that fault “must still take a year with such low power, because it is a year of stalled a year of lost which will penalize France.”

Read:” sad spectacle “,” fiasco “… the left regrets the abandonment of the constitutional reform

in the process, he urged the executive to ” worrying about effectively the security of French “ by adopting, in the draft criminal law under discussion in Parliament, a provision ” to prohibit a French went to fight in Syria or Iraq to reconsider french territory. ” So far the Executive refuses.

The mayor of Drancy, also responded vigorously to the Minister of town, Patrick Kanner, who said Sunday, March 27, during the “Great Rendezvous” Europe 1, iTV, Le Monde a hundred neighborhoods in France showed similarities Molenbeek: “I was shocked, said Jean-Christophe Lagarde. The political debate is to raise the level of collective consciousness, not to caricature things. More than half of the terrorists who attack us are not people who come from these zones exclusion, they are people from the middle class, well integrated socially. Salafist mosques, mostly, are not found in those neighborhoods. So combining the two is a stupidity. “ he announced

Read also:. Forfeiture of nationality: backtrack after 63 hours of debate


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Reda Kriket was preparing a major attack – Le Figaro

The arsenal seized in Argenteuil, in the jihadist arrested last week was likely to cause an attack similar to that of November 13, said the prosecutor François Molins Wednesday night.

Reda Kriket, jihadist French 34-year intercepted last Thursday in the Hauts-de-Seine, was indeed involved in an imminent attack and widespread . If investigators still unaware of the details and potential targets of his terrorist equipped, they found in the apartment “conspiratorial” Argenteuil (Val-d’Oise) that the alleged terrorist rented under a false identity since the was 2015 and he settled the installments in cash, which the prosecutor François Molins called Wednesday a “veritable arsenal of weapons and explosives on an unprecedented scale.”

a real clandestine laboratory

chemically, the “stash” housed in effect three bottles of oxygen, acetone, two cans of acids, thermometers, measuring spoons, electric scales, syringes, masks and gloves and a Tupperware containing 105 grams of TATP, a powerful improvised explosive commonly called “acetone peroxide” and snuff jihadist group Islamic State (EI). Real clandestine laboratory, the apartment, located on the fourth floor of a building, further harbored any electrical paraphernalia, including a detonator syringe, a bag of cut fairy lights can also enter into the composition of a pyrotechnic chain, four cartons of 10 cm3 filled with thousands of small steel balls that could “polycribler” potential victims. Besides five stolen passports and seven new mobile phones still in their packaging, the police also found two computers containing documentation in connection with jihadist groups and bomb-making recipes and a book simply titled The Laboratory modern .

No less than five Kalashnikovs, a Croatian machine pistol and seven handguns finally completed this dizzying array warrior, knowing that a safe contained meanwhile 1.3 kg of industrial explosive and six vials of glycerin acids.

Hunted since last fall

This is a key found in the pocket of Kriket which helped update this incredible “cache”. His arrest on Thursday at 13:15 on a street in Boulogne-Billancourt, is the result of a hunt that began last fall and accelerated in recent days.

Working on the “relational circle “a named Miloud, individual arrested in Adana in Turkey, deported to France, then remanded in custody since 28 November last for association terrorist criminals, investigators ISB are riled up Anis Bahri, 32 arrested last Sunday in Rotterdam with two alleged accomplices and on Reda Kriket.

Convicted of theft incidents involving violence or weapons, concealment and a series of other crimes, the two men are suspected “of having visited Syria between late 2014 and early 2015,” revealed François Molins, further noting that they “were suspected since returning to make return trips between France, Belgium and the Netherlands.”

French 32, born in Montreuil and domiciled in the Val-de-Marne, Anis Bahri is the subject of a European arrest warrant of French judges. He appeared Tuesday at a hearing in Amsterdam and opposed his extradition requested by Paris. Justice now has 90 days to consider the request of France.

“Everything suggests that they would take action”

as part of a joint investigation of inquiry created on 18 March with their french counterparts, Belgian police have meanwhile arrested two other alleged accomplices Kriket. This is Mr. Rabah and Abderrahmane A., already convicted in 2005 in a terrorist case related to the assassination of Commander Massoud. Aged 38 and 34 respectively, the two Algerians were charged. The federal court must decide on April 7 next to their retention in custody or not.

After six days in police custody, including Reda Kriket has been indicted for “participation in an association criminal terrorist criminals, that is to say in the preparation of one or more crimes of reach to people. ” During his hearing, Kriket provided little explanation, arguing in particular that the apartment had been rented at the request of a mysterious stranger, Anis Bahri was a “former acquaintance” before conceding that the had to stay in Argenteuil.

“Everything suggests that they will take action,” said Wednesday François Molins, who said that “explosives were ready to use” and new phones could afford to coordinate a bloody equipped. The idea of ​​a multiple attack, similar to that which befell Paris and Saint-Denis on 13 November haunts. Without playing Cassandra, the prosecutor insisted: “Zero risk can never exist in a context of major terrorist threat in our region and in Europe.”


Three responses Francois Molins on jihadist cell Reda Kriket – Liberation

After six days of custody, Reda Kriket, arrested last Thursday in a spectacular police operation, was indicted Wednesday for “participation in a criminal association terrorist criminals “ and imprisoned. In a hideout he is believed to have rented, investigators had discovered an arsenal showing “obviously preparations for an imminent terrorist action” while “no target states have been identified, “ by the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins gave a press conference Wednesday.

How are investigators Argenteuil riled up?

The hunt lasted four months. It began with the arrest of a man deported from Turkey in November 2015. Le Parisien revealed his identity this morning, it would be Miloud F., sentenced in 2009 to three in prison conspiracy to terrorist intent. The newspaper “suspicion of having provided sensitive equipment (night vision binoculars, GPS) to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.” The man was remanded in custody on November 28 2015.

While investigating his “relational circle,” the police traced to two other men suspected of revenues Syria for attacks Europe: Reda Kriket and Anis Bahri. In late December, search warrants for two suspected jihadists are launched. March 11, Reda Kriket was spotted at the wheel of the Peugeot Partner Bahri his friend, who makes a journey from Argenteuil to Belgium.

In the days follow, the Directorate General of Homeland security (RPS) sets up a surveillance system in the city of Val-d’Oise. The net is closing March 23: Kriket is back in Argenteuil. The next day, ISB, saying the terrorist risk “imminent”, stops in Boulogne-Billancourt. Following Friday, Belgian police get hold of two other suspects, Abderrahmane A. and Mr. Rabah, who could belong to the same jihadist cell.

What found investigators in the hideout of Argenteuil?

putting a hand on Reda Kriket, police ISB have no idea what they will discover a few hours later in his stash of Argenteuil. On the way, the alleged terrorist out a bunch of keys and notifies the cache is full of weapons and chemicals. It just enough of deminers few seconds to realize that he saith true.

The prosecutor François Molins, “the exhumed arsenal is unprecedented” : three bottles of hydrogen peroxide, acetone, 105 grams of TATP, an electronic scale, syringes, detonators almost roadworthy, six vials of acid glycerin, 1.3 kg of industrial explosives four boxes of balls of steel and a book entitled modern Laboratory . Bewildered, police are not after their surprise since a safety deposit

box also contains five Kalashnikov rifles, a submachine gun Croatian mark seven handguns, and a multitude of ammunition. Finally, several fake passports and seven mobile phones were seized.

According to Francois Molins, there is undoubtedly evidence of “a passage to the imminent act the phones have probably been purchased to coordinate the operation. “ in custody, Reda Kriket was not poured on the composition of this arsenal. Just has he merely said that he had hosted “third” that regulated the rent in cash since summer 2015, and that “n was not a terrorist. “

Who is Anis Bahri, a suspected accomplice Kriket?

L The man who was traced back to Reda Kriket called Anis Bahri. He was born in 1984 in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis). Kriket as he is suspected of having visited Syria “between late 2014 and early 2015.” And like Kriket, it is all but unknown to the French court which sentenced repeatedly in cases of common law: in 2006 for robbery and in 2008 for robbery with weapons. Each time five years in prison.

Anis Bahri was finally found thanks to the operation in Argenteuil and Boulogne-Billancourt last week. Kriket was carrying a picture of Bahri, detailed Francois Molins. Especially, police ISB their hands on a SIM card that contains two Dutch numbers whose operation will guide to Bahri, located in the Netherlands. International letters rogatory addressed to the day after the raid, on 25 March, the Dutch judicial authorities. 27, police Bahri challenge in Rotterdam and two people around her, including François Molins said nothing regarding an independent investigation of the Dutch justice.

Pierre Alonso Mace Célian Willy Le Devin


A long lapse chess – Liberation

To “conclude the constitutional debate” on deprivation of nationality for French convicted of terrorism, Francois Hollande Wednesday had an excuse and all found guilty. After the attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis, the head of state had called the right to “exceeded partisan boundaries” in the interest of French. Take a measure advocated by the right and the extreme right, “I did it because he had to have an act that can testify to what we wanted to do together to act against terrorism “. No foresee the risk of fracture of his majority, struck at the heart of its values. Four and a half months later, all come out losers in this revision failed: François Hollande, Manuel Valls, the majority and the opposition

12 February

A day after reworking it. adviser to the President turns his spoon in a cup of coffee, empty. “Should not lie, without lapse, it would be better, right?” asks the false friend of the head of state. Disoriented, like the rest of the left, the debate opened by François Hollande knowingly November 16 before the Congress of Versailles. Meanwhile, the Socialists have revamped the measure: it not only target binational, as was the head of state at the start – but now all the French, at the risk of creating stateless. And the executive maintains a glimmer of hope to accept the text by the Senate.

Like the IECC, the pact of responsibility or Macron law, forfeiture is out of the hat Presidential to the surprise. And, as usual, parliamentary debates to unavoidable delays offered to most every opportunity to tear under the eyes of the right, which however will eventually vote on the text.

” a debate arose. I understand, “ a euphemistic François Hollande last night on the set of TF1 and France 2 after the announcement of the reshuffle. The head of state tries to pedagogy – “It only concerns those who kill the French because they are French” – , gets tangled brushes speaking of a qualified majority of “two-thirds” when he needs three-fifths of the Parliament, explaining that it “not want the shuttle” parliamentary between Senate and Assembly “too long”.

“it is never wet on the disqualification it has never explained his approach, he left us all alone with the cluster bomb, “ says one Socialist Minesweeper. The President has yet tried to convince until the last minute. Short of arguments, he sent text messages to the Dutch parliament opposed the downfall just before the vote in the National Assembly: “You can not disown me.” This is far from the exercise of conviction on the bottom. “It’s still difficult to go all the time against his side,” admits an executive close to Holland. Especially a week later, the El Khomri law reforming the labor code sets fire to the left. Forfeiture disappear from the spotlight.

March 8

After the heartbreak of the Palais Bourbon, the mistigri happens to the Law Committee of the Senate. Elysée and Matignon hope the trap of national unity will close on the right. But the PS as the summit of the state, their eye on social anger swelling, it chooses to ignore the opposition of the Senate Republicans to statelessness. Yet it is their “total red rag” in the words of Senate President Gerard Larcher. The Luxembourg Palace is a “complicated house but the room compromises” is trying to reassure an adviser to Francois Hollande.

More honest, Jean-Jacques Urvoas says navigate view. “The Senate animal, we do not have the exact mapping” recognizes the justice minister privately. That night, he gets to his socialist comrades dinner of the Law Committee of the Assembly, of which he was the boss before replacing Christiane Taubira, partly by reason of disqualification. The troupe toured the owner, including mahogany room, and finds himself in the office of Minister of Justice. Soon affixed on constitutional reform, ask about the guests? “We all understand that if we removed the disqualification Urvoas not cry treason” says one of the guests.

March 9

while he has continued to defend the “oath of Versailles” since November Hollande, Manuel Valls warned the senators who would like “sacred presidential speech.” But this is the strategy and the shield of the Senate right: go back to the words of the head of state to target only binational “It is of extreme violence they. are our countrymen but it disappears behind the bazaar El Khomri law, “ Note the Socialist patrick mennucci, rapporteur of the constitutional bill to the Assembly, which urges – already – the head of the State to see the “national disunity.”

“It’s a nod over to the National Front, an avatar of more extreme rightward Republicans, but it’s sure to Press this seller is talking about the new failure of Holland, “ denounces his part tenor of the Assembly. Anyway, “we got away from the Congress since we said we could amend the text to the Assembly,” recognizes a ministerial adviser in charge of the review. Because the Senate wants to change the bill to turn and has no intention to vote a text line with that of Deputies. Privately, the president of the National Assembly, Claude Bartolone, now speaks of a “Failure text”.

The primary Republicans complicates the situation and false some of the predictions of the executive. While Nicolas Sarkozy expressed support to the forfeiture, even calling for the vote in December, Gerard Larcher and Philippe Bas Bruno Retailleau, the boss of senators LR are all around Francois Fillon which itself refuses measurement .

“you ask us to be equal, we will try to do as you” Philippe Bas promises to Manuel Valls. The Prime Minister smiled and made all honey. While it seems impossible on paper, the time is still officially in search of a compromise. Michel Mercier, former Keeper of the Seals centrist, moved by “the background and beliefs” and abroad to “Parliamentary obstetrics and political arithmetic,” Philippe Bas a completely rewritten Article 2 of the draft constitutional law that states clearly the prohibition of creating stateless persons. The road to Versailles seems crossed for good. At the Elysée and Matignon, “they do not know the end but they know that it ends badly,” predicted a Parisian socialist.

March 17

After leg round of the law Committee, Valls finds his harsh tone in the Chamber: “in the Assembly, we sought and constructed an agreement, a compromise. In the Senate, you did not try. With anyone. “ A right and left, the aisles shouting the assassination of bicameralism. ” We never changed line, we “ Bruno Retailleau response, citing Trotsky in his spiel.

As for the Assembly, the blurring of boundaries and political references is total. During the debate, as is quoted Hannah Arendt (abundantly), Pascal, Bonaparte, Michelet, Algerian writer Khateb Yacine or the Palestinian poet Fayad Ashraf, sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for his writings. “Please, enough suffering,” implore the patron of radicals senators left, Jacques Mézard, for which “the urgency is that this bill lapses” . As a score of his comrades PS, Senator of Paris bariza khiari tabled amendments deleting Article 2. At the podium, she rails against the forfeiture, a “measure cannibal , harmful and clivante [that] exhausts us [and] devouring us. It forces us to choose between loyalty and conviction while renouncing whatever that choice, efficiency and unity “. This is summed up in one phrase the dilemma of majority for four months battery. In the Senate, Valls seems

defensive when in February before MPs, he played his all offensive. Shrinking from no dramatization to vote forfeiture. “At one time, he really believed that his head was on the chopping block, he would be released from Matignon if the text did not pass or if the majority does not reach three-fifths” tells a pillar of the majority. But just before the vote of senators Valls reframes itself acknowledges that the measure does not “will give a terrorist” to blow himself up.

“I seek the rally from the start provides the majority leader. My first mission is to implement what the president decided in good conscience. “ Not convinced at all but loyal to the end. With Holland since the attacks, “we are a block” he added the next day on Europe 1. Although the 109 PS senators reject the version of the right forfeiture covering only binational terrorists is passed. The path to a constitutional revision “will be difficult but hopefully not impossible,” pretends to believe Manuel Valls announced that the summit meetings to try to find an emergency exit.

in reality, after weeks of legal and political contortions to the Assembly Valls knows that his majority will not vote out the text of the Senate. And, for some time, the French native Barcelona became at 18 years is not totally impervious to the arguments that the forfeiture strikes many people. Everyone in France binational in his family. “It’s like the Chinese proverb of the idiot looks at the finger and not the moon that point, estimates the MP for Meurthe-et-Moselle Chaynesse Khirouni, Socialist and French-Algerian . It shows the Government all binational but it looks terrorists. “ In Dutch circles, some believe presidential and advise the President to let go to begin, finally, the gathering of the left. “Sometimes it is better to abandon that destroyed his camp. When one takes to the end, we do not necessarily wins after “ said a close adviser to Hollande. The proof, he argues, the right won the presidency in 2007 after the withdrawal of the CPE a year earlier.

March 20

During the weekend, the Abdeslam capture Salah in Brussels puts a token into the machine in Paris. To the right and left. Since the number one suspect of the attacks of 13 November is not binational, spokesperson of the PS Corinne Narassiguin sees evidence of the need to deprive all French nationality. “An arrest does not a summer of peace”, immediately warns Bruno Retailleau, feeling his troops waver. For the “swamp” the right questions increasingly on what to do. Rightly or wrongly, the constitutional revision is presented as additional protection for the French. “In the next attack, we will explain how we blocked the trick,” says a deputy LR. But the hierarchs of the party of Nicolas Sarkozy, there is no question of a gift of a Congress in Holland a year of presidential elections. Returning from a party of the Rose in the lands of Martine Aubry, Valls says his opposition to Congress a minimum. “A [in] a call on one item, you endorsed ridicule, argued near. The subject is not – the state of emergency – but the press invariably will say “all for it”. Replace the solemn as it will, at best, a partial failure, it is not desirable. “ In government, the solution of all send rounding begins to catch on. “Anyway, you write that one layer faces to the right, is irritated spokesman of the government, Stéphane Le Foll, in small groups. So it’s both articles or anything. If some do not want national unity they frankly say. “ In the Assembly, ” even when we found a majority for the entrenchment of a part of the program of extreme right “, breath another minister, not sorry to see the senators bury the measure.

March 22

Two bombings hit Brussels in the heart and revive the debate french just hours before the formal vote of the Senate. Faced with this “war” François Hollande wants to “ensure more than ever to unity at European and global level against terrorism.” But, he insists “the most essential unit is nationally.” and to praise the “effective and respectful legislative arrangements of public freedoms” in place since November in France. At the Elysee landing is prepared: the outcome of the review, this is not what matters to the country’s unity. “The fact that the President has shown his willingness to propose ideas that were not from his camp was extremely important peacekeeping virtues, do we believe in his entourage. You never know when and why things can tip after such a terrible shock [that the November attacks], it helped the French to stand firm together. The benefit was at that time. “ And only at this time, then?

Before attending the vote of senators Valls sings one last chorus of unit: “the French expect us to rally, they would not understand that we can not agree.” final Score: 317 votes for the review, 190 against. Farewell three-fifths of parliament, goodbye Versailles. Yet, right and left, everyone promises to “find ways” to lead the proceedings. The forfeiture is dead but nobody wants to be accused of killing her. “Whatever the result is a failed bet, a judge advisor Francois Hollande. Although there is a Congress, it will not happen to forget the French we lost all this time. “

From March 23 to 29

After four months of controversy, it is the last week of maneuvers. Everyone Fignole staging of abandonment, blaming the opposite camp. “We will not spend a week on that was the bad guy, storm MP Olivier Faure, one of the fiercest opponents of the forfeiture. In this little game, there will only be losers, the French take us zombies. “ At the Elysee Hollande gets Larcher, which requires four days to visit his flock, before holding talks with President Assembly, Claude Bartolone. The government lawyers, themselves, are concerned that Article 1 of the state of emergency fall by the wayside of the forfeiture. But “we will avoid the hot potato back in mouth full, stop the expenses,” recommended Bartolone to Holland. The right puts the majority cornered by announcing that it refuses a “mini-convention” (without decay) and she does not want the reform of the Supreme Judicial Council. “They are ready to vote not something they voted it six weeks ago. This is completely consistent for a party that says government “ tackle a ministerial adviser.

March 30

The presidents of both chambers remake moving to ‘Elysium. There is no filter. During the Council of Ministers, Hollande said he would talk, without delivering a verdict. “He did not want to talk to him before,” says a government official. At 12 h 16, after one hundred thirty-six days of controversy that have drained the country, Holland capitulated: “I decided to close the constitutional debate. But I will not deviate commitments that I made [...] to ensure the security of our country and to protect the French against terrorism. “

Laure Bretton


Holland retreating on the revision of the Constitution – Le Figaro

VIDEO – After four months of intense debate, Francois Hollande buried Wednesday the constitutional revision that was initiated after the November attacks. This decline announces end of delicate mandate for a weakened president.

A decline in open country. closed face and dark suit, Francois Hollande announced Wednesday in the Napoleon III salon of the Élysée, that he would not convene a Congress to pass his constitutional amendment. “I decided to close the constitutional debate,” he coolly dropped under the gilding of the Palace. A conclusion, both pitiful and freezing, which marked the end of four months of fierce debate of all against all (right / left, right / left, right / right, Assembly / Senate). And announcing a late delicate mandate for a president who sees his authority reduced to ashes (even within his political family) whose policy space dwindle or disappear.

This is a head of state on the defensive that tried to recover its initial decision in perspective, recalling that came after historical attacks. And he called the “overcoming partisan borders” in order to “gather”. Noting that the Assembly and the Senate have failed to agree on the text on the deprivation of nationality and part of the opposition she was “opposed to any constitutional amendment,” the president must retreat, showing the right finger. “I deeply deplore this attitude,” said he summarized.

In the process, the PS first secretary, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, and the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, made the after-sales service of the presidential decision, the first with his “apology” to french, while the latter complained before a raging Hémicycle, “inability” of the right and the left to gather, and the other one is referring elsewhere without shadows responsibility for this failure. “Holland has lost the hand, found the rebellious MP Pascal Cherki. How could he believe that the right would make him the gift of a constitutional revision a year before the presidential election? “

Not surprisingly, recent days have sealed the fate of this stillborn revision. Wednesday, Hollande received the last time the President of the Assembly, Claude Bartolone, and the Senate, Gerard Larcher, in whose hands this perilous reform was for weeks. Larcher told the president “ground lift” of senators who have spent the Easter weekend in “being yelled” in their department. “Divorce is consumed with the opinion,” he warned. The day

before, Gerard Larcher and the two presidents of LR group, Christian Jacob (Assembly) and Bruno Retailleau (Senate) meeting early dawn, had also decided to bury the idea of ​​a Congress “on the cheap” on the only state of emergency and reform of the Supreme Council of magistracy (CSM).

At the Élysée, it ensures know “long” that the case was folded. “The day the Senate rewrote Article 2 (forfeiture), making impossible a compromise with the members, I understood that he wanted to filibuster,” says an adviser, who said he was “surprised” “the right does not seize a historic opportunity to vote on a provision it had itself proposed.” But even within the majority, many doubt the effectiveness of an operation to “put everything on the back of the right.” “It remains an initiative of the President,” sighs the PS deputy Christophe Caresche, which fears that the withdrawal reinforces the slingers, who rejoiced Wednesday in the corridors of the Assembly.

Anyway, the sequence is disastrous for Holland. By taking an idea from the right – the downfall – he wanted to trap. But it is finally on her that the trap closed, making pale in passing its reputation skilful tactician. “Holland is a clever fake, analysis framework of EELV. He still thinks he has managed his turn then he takes over the carpet “A former minister is even more severe.” Trying snowplow level snowflake on the black run, it ends in powder. And try tactics with great values, it does not forgive “

One thing is certain. That case, which has already done considerable damage to the left, leave traces, to thirteen months a presidential looming increasingly uncertain for Holland. According to an Ipsos survey published Wednesday by Le Monde, the head of state would be eliminated in the first round, regardless of the right candidate. Faced with Alain Juppé (31%), he would collect only 14% of the vote. Opposite Nicolas Sarkozy (27%), it would lose 16% of the vote.


Republicans point out the rules of the primary, consensus on investitures – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Investitures organization of primary to 2017 … the tenors Republicans have ruled three points strategic Tuesday, March 29, at the politburo at the Paris headquarters of the party.

The most heated debate has focused on whether to change the sponsorship procedure of candidates for the primary. The overwhelming majority of participants agreed that the sponsors should – as voters – signed a charter committing them to “republican values ​​of the right and center” . Of 83 voters, 76 voted for the amendment of the charter of the primary, one abstained and six voted against.

The chairman of the organizing committee of the primary, Thierry Solère, presented this decision as “clarification” to correct the vagueness in the primary charter . It did not specify whether a previously elected sponsoring a candidate must necessarily be of the right and center. Result: environmentalists elected could sponsor such Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet. Which voted against, and Henri Guaino, Sophie Primas, Dominique Bussereau, Virginia Duby-Muller and Grégoire de Lasteyrie


“Greet disappointed the left “

” for the sake of clarification, asked elected officials to sign the charter of the primary, as well as voters, to ensure they adhere although the values ​​of the right and center “ says Solère the World . “A fiddle rules, the voters were away” , protested M me Kosciusko-Morizet for political office, before asserting the World : “It is not an adaptation or clarification, but rather a change in the rules of the primary current of the game this is a problem of stability of the rules of this election.. “

The MP of Essonne, struggling to gather sponsorships for its application, intended to be gleaned out of his party. “There are unregistered mayors who do not wish to declare their party affiliation” , she notes.

Knowing that a candidate must be sponsored by at least 250 elected, 20 parliamentarians and 2 500 members.

Nicolas Sarkozy has cropped M me Kosciusko-Morizet for political office. “It’s not tampering” , he objected, stating that “there will also be other adjustments to the charter.” Christian Jacob and Eric Woerth spoke in support of Mr Sarkozy. “This debate is extravagant” , said the deputy of the Oise, judging logical remedy this inaccuracy.

When politburo M me Kosciusko-Morizet was supported by MM. Guaino and Bussereau. “It’s weird to change the rules of the game. I do not think it’s okay. The logic of the sponsorship is something that the logic of voting “, claimed the first, before packing: ” The evolution of the primary drives me to despair, it becomes a case party. “ The second pleaded for the open as possible primary, judging that even the election should ” welcome disappointed with the left. “

a room for the winner of the primary

Another major topic of political office: the issue of nominations for the legislative. A consensus was reached between Mr. Sarkozy and his rivals for them to be allocated in early July in constituencies where an obvious candidate emerges, which should cover three quarters of the districts. In those where a problem arises, the decision was postponed to the post-primary.

The camp of Alain Juppé, who suspect the former head of state to favor nominations for his benefit to ensure electoral relay, accepted this principle provided that the final validation investiture takes place in a national board after the primary. The claim was accepted. In other words, if he wins the primary, Mr. Juppé will still change the nominations in case of major disagreement. Absent political bureau, the mayor of Bordeaux reiterated his position at a press conference in the city on Tuesday afternoon: “It is quite normal that the candidate who wins the primary is a margin of maneuver. “

Finally, the political bureau of Republicans voted unanimously the principle of participation in the primary of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) chaired by the deputy of Yvelines Jean-Frédéric Poisson, as a party member. On request Hervé Mariton, tenors of Republicans indicated that Mr. Fish will not have the status of official candidate before taking the field of the other candidates, scheduled for early September.


What is a school performance? –

Good or bad High School ? The schools have a reputation acquired by word of mouth, the charts published by the press, their success rate in the tank … Each year for 23 years, the Ministry of Education is trying to go beyond these sometimes summary rankings. Statisticians Ministry compile amount of criteria for establishing value added indicators of high schools (IVAL), which provide for each institution the rate for the baccalaureate according to the profile of students, and its ability to support young people to graduation .

These IVAL assess the proper action of each institution, eliminating external success factors in High school says Fabienne Rosenwald, Director of Directorate assessment, forecasting and performance (Depp), attached to the Ministry.

social origin

Among these external success factors include the social background of students (decisive weight particularly in France, on the outcome of education of a child), grade level at the finish in second (calculated from the marks obtained the patent, late in the third), the courses offered etc.

Other criteria, is it a High school “accompanist”, keeping a maximum number of students to the end and thus fighting against dropping out, even if it the young doubles?

IVAL 2016 passed through the mill almost all of the more than 4,000 public and private schools under contract in the country, professional, general and technological. They are published Wednesday, March 30 from 9:00 to the site

Ces indicators “are not a verdict” but tools, says director of Depp.

No recipe

And just what are they for? Rectors and principals use “as good practice” (for those who carry high value added), or as an incentive to “go and see what happens” (for those with a value very negative), she says.

are there key factors in the success of a High school ? A

report of general inspections, published in late 2015, surveyed 71 institutions to answer this question

Conclusion of the study. There is no miracle, “but a combination of factors mutually reinforcing. ” With the theme “attention to children and the cohesion of the adult team”

Some features emerge:. The existence of an educational project which is not theoretical but that the team “is appropriate,” the use of a variety of accompaniments students, regularity of work given to high school students and told how demanding the quality of school life (everything concerning the students in the school outside the classroom) …

“the steering effect”

Team spirit and “the steering effect “(which refers to the impetus given by management) are often present in the positive value-added facilities, while weakness characterizes the lower-rated schools.

More than the overall volume means, it is their use that makes the difference. Number of high value-added high schools know to make choices, such as giving high priority to the class or second limit duplication (work half-groups) to enhance the personalized support. This device is a fairly clear line between high schools with positive added value and those with negative values.

The lack of recipe is “a rather satisfactory conclusion,” the authors of the study. Because it “reminds diversity” educational projects, “developed in response to various situations and implemented by teams to the profiles and multiple skills.”

(With AFP)


Nicolas Hulot candidate in 2017? “The answer is no” – Le Monde

Unsuccessful candidate for the primary ecologist in 2011, Nicolas Hulot does not wish to repeat the experience. At least not for now. The former special envoy Francois Hollande for the planet swept a “the answer is not” the question of Europe 1 on the “envy” be candidate in the presidential election. “I’m not sure this is a very useful” , has he added.

“it do not throw in the arena on the pretext that there is confusion and every as we are, we want to do something different “, has he still felt. “It is not the question of the moment, the question of the moment is to create the background, is to know what the proposals are, because it is easy to be in the finding. “

” The idea that there would be a providential man or woman who will put the country level, this is not the way it goes walk. The only question I ask myself is what we can do for public debate and for converging diffuse intelligences that radiate in civil society, and to ensure that these creative energies, positive, can be transformed into a force that will allow the country out of the rut. “

Read also: Hulot:” We are forced to change not disappear “

decision” not final “

While David Cormand, national secretary of Europe Ecology-Greens (EELV), said publicly hoped his candidacy, Nicolas Hulot believes him, he has “ intuition to [ is] forge and [he has] not enough evidence today “ to enter the race. A decision “not final” he nevertheless qualified. “To decide definitively one way or another, there is a monumental work to do, I just start and put the cart before the horse would be completely irresponsible. “

” The only thing I can enact is that I would like to help give visibility to the men and women who fight daily in society civil but which are not identified and does not weigh enough “, summarized the champion of environmental causes

Read also:. Nicolas Hulot, eternal courted governments
