Monday, March 28, 2016

The attack which France may have escaped for Easter –

Information is chilling. France has escaped another attack, probably planned this Easter weekend as the Journal du Dimanche . A maneuver, Reda Kriket, the man arrested Thursday, March 24 in an apartment Argenteuil where police discovered an arsenal: Kalashnikovs, TATP (explosive) ready and what to prepare more. “With all this material, the attack was a matter of days,” said a source at the JDD highest peak in the state.

The fact that TATP was found already prepared grows in the apartment, more than any other, the investigators suggest that the terrorist was ready to take action. This explosive near the TNT, is very unstable and should be used shortly after manufacture, under risk of explosion. In the cache of Argenteuil, police have recovered enough to make several TATP explosive belts of the type that were used in the attacks of 13 November.

Intercepted in extremis?

What was the preferred date by the terrorists? Several high-placed sources interviewed by the JDD emphasize the proximity of Easter “great Christian feast.” One hypothesis that has something to give cold sweats to investigators. This would mean that Reda Kriket was stopped in extremis, a few days before committing the worst.

Behind the scenes, this is at least two weeks that the intelligence

services were on the trail of this individual. According to the JDD, Hollande himself gave the order to ISB to delay the arrest of suspected terrorist to unmask his accomplices. With the attacks in Brussels Tuesday, March 22, the situation rocker: the order is given to question Reda Kriket

The discoveries in the cache of Argenteuil leave them baffled investigators.. “We did not expect at all to find that arsenal,” confessed Bernard Cazeneuve the President of the Republic according to the JDD. In custody in the premises of ISB in Levallois-Perret, Reda Kriket will have to explain the use he intended to do. At the same time, the Belgian court has indicted Sunday a second suspect in the foiled attack project. How many are still in the wild?


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