VIDEO – While the peak of the epidemic is still not reached, the strong increase of hospitalizations threatens to saturate a large number of institutions.
Hospitals saturated, accident and emergency doctors who are on the verge of nerves, personal, pointing to the result of a policy obsessed by the outpatient (without hospitalization) have led to a reduction in the number of beds available in the hospital. The “minimum service” already noticed, Marisol Touraine in several recent health crises (clinical trials mortal of Rennes, chemotherapy is fatal to Nantes, Uvestérol responsible for the death of an infant in Paris…) could cost him dearly, politically. The shadow of 18.300 died of the epidemic of 2014-2015 is in the minds of all.
The peak of the outbreak this year is not yet reached and never will be as next week, according to the director of public Health, France, François Bourdillon. Wednesday, in front of the press gathered in the emergency room of the ministry of Health, Marisol Touraine, has warned: “the balance of the flu this year will probably be heavy, since the number of sick people is particularly important.” But the hour is not yet on the balance sheet, it is the management of a health crisis.
on Wednesday, the minister of Health endeavoured to stifle a beginning of controversy on the congestion observed in the emergency department and that the press has echoed.”Since Tuesday, we find increased tension in a number of important institutions, has granted to the minister, 142 hospitals (850) transmitted signals in this direction.” Same sound of bell to the Directorate-general of health: “emergency physicians we reported on Tuesday that it was beginning to be an accumulation of patients in the corridors of the emergency”, added his director Benoît Vallet.
This is that the acceleration of the phenomenon of saturation of the hospitals is obvious. “In three days, we went from 86 to 142 institutions, which had triggered the device, hospital supply”, noted Anne-Marie Armanteras de Saxcé, the director-general of the supply of health care. “But the tension is not to say the outburst”, she insists. “The health system responds perfectly, and it is necessary to thank the staff of hospital and private physicians, has noted the minister of Health, up to today all the people who needed to be treated in the best possible conditions, and it is a matter of ensuring that this will continue to be the case.” Because the epidemic is not over.
“there are two phenomena that co-exist,” notes Ms Armanteras, one that tends towards the crossing of the peak of the epidemic in certain regions (Ile-de-France, Paca, Brittany), the other, marked by the accumulation of patients who are hospitalized.” Gold of new patients will come inevitably in the next few days will add to these. According to the authorities, we would not be in effect until mid-way into the epidemic. “The number of people who come to the er for a flu, and who then need to be hospitalized is particularly important, recognizes the minister of Health, for more than 65 years it is a person in two, and for more than 75 years, it is 80 %.”
When the voltage will she relent? “If at national level we will probably reach the peak of the epidemic next week, regions have probably already been crossed,” explains François Bourdillon. “When you look at the number of passages to the urgencies for influenza, region by region, we see that the decay is everywhere primed”, he adds. Which allows Marisol Touraine to say with force: “there is no massive influx today in the emergency services.” Except that, if the circuit is jammed between the emergency and the hospitalization, the voltage are all the same on the hospital.
In addition, the fact that outside of the hospital, the epidemic is still growing in most areas should lead to caution. This is particularly the case in the Paca region and Corsica, according to the network Irsan, based only on the numbers of consultations of SOS Doctors. The graph of visits for influenza is, in fact, to rise again after a fall transitional between Christmas and the New Year.
“The challenge of the coming days is to ensure that there will be hospital beds available to accommodate those who need it, said Marisol Touraine, this is why I’ve asked all the hospitals to see if they can de-program operations or medical care.” Again, one might be tempted to say. “This instruction was included in the early warning messages before Christmas”, spelt out always yesterday the director-general of the supply of health care. Another solution, mentioned by Benoît Vallet: “the opening of new units”. But for that, “the facility should remind staff, and in this case it is a device of the type to white that must be activated”, he adds. In other words, a general mobilization of the hospital, which has been done for three hospitals, Troyes, Firminy, and Lens.
All of this happens too late? The question will inevitably be asked at the balance sheet of the epidemic of influenza in 2016-2017. In the meantime, Marisol Touraine has obviously no intention of wearing the hat of a delay to the ignition. “The system of public health emergency has been activated from the 21 December, she explained on Wednesday, and clear instructions were sent to all hospital facilities.” The situation was deemed serious enough for a meeting to be held Thursday morning at the Elysée palace, according to a confidence of the entourage of François Hollande to the AFP.
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