Friday, August 1, 2014

Ségolène Royal disavowed by Matignon on the back of A 831 – Echoes

Ségolène Royal disavowed by Matignon on the back of A 831 – Echoes

Unlike the Minister of Ecology, Manuals Valls said he had “no objection” that is launched the consultation on the motorway project.

It has everything a disavowal Ségolène Royal. Minister of Ecology, which prevailed there a few days a convergence of views with Manuel Valls in his refusal, for budgetary and environmental reasons to go forward on the A831 motorway project, a section Motorway 60 km from Fontenay-le-Comte (Vendée) and Rochefort (Charente-Maritime), has just suffered a denial on the part of the person concerned. “The government has no objection to the consultation process is initiated to know the cost of this work” says the Prime Minister in a letter Thursday to local elected right and left. Even those who had seized a few days earlier on this issue. In its reply, that these elected officials are eager to make public, the head of government sweeps some of the arguments by the former president of Poitou-Charentes. It currently considers in particular that “substantial changes” have been made to given its “delicate insertion environmental project.” He asked that these changes are “brought to the attention of the public” and to “further up the project in a sustainable development” .

a cost “not realistic”

Regarding the cost of the work, estimated at 900 million euros and had qualified “unrealistic” , Ségolène Royal is

not very well attended by the Prime Minister wants to see. “It will be,” he says “encrypt parallel alternative solution” mentioned by the Minister to bypass the Marais Poitevin. This area is environmentally and politically sensitive. When chairing the Poitou-Charentes region, Segolene Royal was much struggled to his label Parkland, lost in 1996, be returned to him. It’s officially done since last June. Acquired it fears to see challenged. “We will not repeat Notre-Dame-des-Landes in the Marais Poitevin” , was launched last week by referring to the trouble of Jean-Marc Ayrault on the Great West Airport project. And to declare that it would not launch the procedure for tender motorway controversial book, even though it had received the fire of the state under the Fillon government. An announcement to the fury of elected officials concerned on all sides. Jacques Auxiette, the Socialist president of the region of Pays-de-la-Loire, had moved an initiative “totally improvised” in mind that the creation of jobs were at stake Dominique Bussereau, the UMP president of the General Council of Charente-Maritime, had joined his voice to hers to indicate that the actual cost of the project remains to assess and circumvention of the Marais Poitevin was already taken into account.


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