The National Gendarmerie has launched a call witnesses on Twitter after the “worrying fugue” of two underage girls radicalized, in Haute-Savoie. Aged between 15 and 16 years, both minor, educated in Seynod, on the outskirts of Annecy, are “likely to leave the country by all means, and use of false identities,” said the appeal gendarmes aired with the portrait of runaways on the Twitter account of the national gendarmerie.
spotted last Friday
According to the prosecution Annecy, they would have been spotted last Friday, March 4 to 13 hours, leaving from the school of Chimes Seynod , where they attend school. “We suspect, according to their statements, to be parts or want to leave Syria. They had plans to take a train to Paris from Chambéry,” said the prosecutor of Annecy, which has for now of “little evidence” outside girlfriends returns.
The police have been notified of this fugue Friday around 19:30 classmates had expressed concern the absence of the two girls. They warned those around them after trying to find them in Chambery train station, from which they have fled.
“One of the girls was already suspected of radicalization and was followed. It was placed in the home and was the subject of a prohibition on leaving the territory. We got to the other a girl output opposition territory this (Saturday) morning, “said the prosecutor.
Aged between 15 and 16
All of the investigative services, including border police, was informed of this fugue, with dissemination of portraits of the two schoolgirls. Louisa B., 16, born in 1999 in Annecy, is a teenager of 1.70 meters and thin build. Her eyes and black hair, explains the appeal of the gendarmes. His comrade, Abu S., 15, was born in 2000 in Annemasse and measuring 1.76 meter. She has light brown hair, brown eyes and braces.
“It was normal”
“It’s been over a month since I have not view, but for me it was normal, “testified Mourad’s uncle Louisa B., BFMTV on Saturday. “We do not often see, see you once every month. She had no veil, she had nothing. We can not do anything on our side. It’s sad, we’re disappointed, but we can not do anything, “he said.
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