Saturday, March 19, 2016

Brétigny: poor face in the investigation, victims rely on communication – The Express

Kafkaesque vision when he arrived in January in Evry: Jean-Michel Ducros, Deputy Prosecutor, faces a higher cabinet than he. “ + Brétigny was told, that’s it! + “, told AFP the following folder to the floor.

A colossal investigating the accident that left seven people dead and dozens wounded on July 12, 2013. A train derailed because, according to experts, a channel piece badly, if at all maintained, which disintegrated over time.

Fifty lawyers are concerned, primarily for plaintiffs. Some Parisian tenors and other, less famous, sometimes transport specialists.

This disparity seems to prevent all work together, especially as some hate, stories of “ Customer theft ” at the beginning of a media file.

The result: no one has the time or the means to venture alone into the intricacies of the investigation.

One of them, Gerard Chemla, who represents an association of victims, even claimed to justice SNCF finance his fees, tens of thousands of euros.

We are totally destitute, unable to find the points that we are hiding! ,” he told AFP.

The SNCF indictment with RFF (Réseau become SNCF), therefore has “ control ” folder, adds a colleague. “ They believe that if they do not explain, no one will understand anything .”

The three Judges themselves have asked to be divested early 2015, lack of resources for the benefit of the special unit in collective accidents Paris. Refusal of the prosecutor.

– “ The press works for me ” –

It’s the press that most civil parties and even the floor, discovering the progress of the investigation, via leaks in cascade: the folder appears open to every wind always blows of “ exclusive .”

Some are amused, as the lawyer who admits to having given hundreds of pages to a journalist that he isolates the juicy passages: “ The press works for me “

But others, including the floor, ranting against this violation of the confidentiality of investigations. “ This folder, as it is received by one end or another, we can make it say what you want “, is annoyed a judicial source.

Last rebound in January when the Chained Duck reveals that the railway employees were placed on listening. The transcripts suggest that the company has prepared the people heard by the court.

The lawyers, many of whom were then not even aware of the existence of these documents, delight them: “ Lies “, “ obstruction ‘,’ subornation of perjury! “But until now, none have complained.

The piece that is played in front of microphones is actually far removed from the realities of the investigation, on one side or the other.

Facing the camera off and inquiry, the President Guillaume Pepy SNCF promises such as “ transparency ” and does not exclude a maintenance fault can be in cause of the accident.

But in an observation note handed to the judges in late February, the company takes a more nuanced discourse, especially evoking perplexity agents “ in charge of maintenance ” before the causes of the accident. It also calls for new expertise, including metallurgical.

On the one hand, they are in a public statement on the topic of + + and we are responsible for each other, in the secrecy of the investigation, they fight tooth and nail , “said Marie-Laure Ingouf, which defends the family of a deceased person.

The train, which did not respond to AFP, put on the “ may ” judges on the day of the hearing, says Me Shemla. “ They highlight minor elements and keep their sleeve the most relevant elements for trial .” Which looks as river that technique.


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