Sunday, March 6, 2016

Bruno plays the renewal, but there will be enough to win the primary for Mayor? –

After formalized his candidacy in the primaries Right and November Center in Vesoul, Bruno Le Maire met his supporters in the Paris suburbs in Aubervilliers, for a meeting with a good organization there was, this has a cost. To campaign, Bruno Le Maire has adopted an original formula: it does not say long speeches on the rostrum, but moves around the room, microphone in hand to answer any questions participants ask. It’s more alive, not necessarily more spontaneous, but it allows the candidate to engage in large lyrical tirades


This list of primary candidates ever lie, Bruno Le Maire did face serious competitors because it is certain to be able to compete in November. Since 2012, but especially since 2014, when he ran against Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidency of the UMP, he has been a loyal group of parliamentarians who meet every week in the National Assembly, a group of a good thirty elected Republicans (LR; deputies and senators), to which were added a few IDUs, as the member of the Seine and Marne Yves Jégo or Senator Eure Hervé Maurey. Of this group have been grafted young mayors elected in 2014, regional councilors of the “2016 vintage” and some “disappointed Sarkozyism”.

For now, Bruno dimension of Mayor failed to exceed that of Alain Juppé and Nicolas Sarkozy in the heart of the French. But polls, it goes, it comes. To move the lines, he cultivates the difference with his elders; this difference in marital status: he is only 46 years. Bruno Le Maire claims to the generation of Cameron and Renzi, prime ministers forties. Far from being a novice to politics (elected in 2007 after working in the shadow of Dominique de Villepin at the Quai d’Orsay and Matignon), he was agriculture minister under Sarkozy five years, sensitive post if it is

Today it poses new man. During his campaign for the presidency of the UMP in 2014, the slogan was “The revival is Bruno”. In his speech he insisted he “never been prime minister or president.” A real gem that this concept of renewal that enabled him to lead the crusade for the “renewal” of men to interim elections (municipal, departmental and regional) who actually saw the advent of a new generation of elected. For him, that’s for sure, the French want new faces. So why this would stop it in 2017?

A supporter of single mandate, Bruno Le Maire has “only” member of the Eure, leaving him time to travel the country and organize its own networks, in view of 2017. Bruno Le Maire is right-wing voters, those who have had enough of this “system” out of breath, which confuses “solidarity and egalitarianism,” where “we earn more being unemployed by working hard. ” He wants to do many things: increase the defense budget, not to put the administration “must be at the service of citizens and not the reverse.” Bruno Le Maire also promises that with him, the gross negligence of the officials will be punished, the “rural areas will no longer be the forgotten of the Republic”. He will, like its competitors, giving more freedom to entrepreneurs.

All of these proposals need to be clarified and “brought into line”. For now, Bruno Le Maire is still in the slogans “The primary is the Mayor” has been added to the “Revival is Bruno”. The member of the LR Laure Raudière even dared “The Mayor is revolutionary!” For the record, it was forty years ago, a certain Nicolas Sarkozy explained that being Gaullist is to be revolutionary!

This is the “segment” of the voters of the Republican right, of the Nicolas Sarkozy Bruno Le Maire stands today. How successful tomorrow? Right, all candidates will have similar programs, they are European, but not much. They needy erection of new walls within Europe but are powerless to protect the external borders. They are unanimous in advocating more freedom for companies and the respect of secularism. They do not have the same approach on sovereign issues, it was found with the issue of deprivation of nationality. All want “a more just society.”

The desire for general renewal of voters is very strong. But will they be willing to put their fate in the hands of a man certainly competent, but has not “caught one of those shots” that shape the personality of a statesman, and which advocates as first “revolutionary” measure after his election, the non-accumulation of mandates and limited to three consecutive terms of the number that can be exercised? By November, Bruno Le Maire will have time to ponder this question and can advance other priorities closer to the concerns of those French who are suffering and he wants to improve the situation.

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