Sunday, March 6, 2016

Tanguy pastureau: Jean-Louis Debré will work until 2040 –

with tanguy pastureau

Jean-Louis Debre left the Constitutional Council, where he was replaced by Laurent Fabius, the brontosaurus, 72 years of pension contributions, he worked more than an entire village of Filipino workers.

Debre himself 71 years, so we said “it will blow a little, do crosswords watching Motus,” and no, his assistant that he turned the key in the back, and left until 2047, it has more potato than 2 Fessenheim reactors when the guys are watered with their beer to cool.

he left the Constitutional Council yesterday, was yesterday appointed chairman of the Board of Governors archives, it remained 47 seconds unemployed is Bein Sports ensuing job search. Of course, given his age, he himself has been classified as an archive, and therefore stored in a closet, which he released in 3 years.

This body, the Superior Council of Archives, is sought when an individual wants to convey private archives to the state, so every year it receives the 3-pleu Pleus who do not sell their old stuff on Ebay. Debré will be cushy, meeting every 15 months, such as retirement, except that is paid.

In short, people think that political sell their soup, but in fact we are refile especially croutons.

The editorial recommends


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