Monday, March 7, 2016

IN THE MIRROR. A century of flooding in the basin of the Seine – Le Parisien

… A hundred-year flood is an extreme episode that has a chance in a hundred to occur each year. The last “flood of the century” dates back to 1910. No less than 14 000 buildings were hit and five people died.

In order to limit the damage associated with large-scale floods, a huge simulation exercise runs from March 7 to 18 in Ile-de-France. The operation, dubbed “EU 2016 Sequana” mobilizes 900 rescuers, 150 police officers, 60 vehicles and 87 institutions (hospitals, banks, businesses) that will play the game of a crisis scenario.

Many floods have occurred since 1910 and the threat still looms. Over time, how the authorities have faced the risk of flooding? Through the “Parisian” archives, back on over 100 years of answers … more or less effective.

1910: “It is the panic and misery”

From 21 to 29 January 1910, Paris was devastated by the waters of the Seine . The water reached 8.62 m at the Austerlitz Bridge. The Zouave of the Pont de l’Alma in the drink. “A disaster without precedent” title “Le Petit Parisien” in its edition of 27 January. “The disaster always expands. The tide rises relentlessly multiplying the ruins, spreading it on the table murky infinite spaces, “reports the daily. At the time, the last year flood was in 1802. The prefecture of Paris, itself flooded, is not even able to send telegrams. No public service work.

“Le Parisien”, 27 January 1910.

Paris and its suburbs, thousands of people are homeless. Trash floating around the streets. typhoid and scarlet fever epidemics appear in relief centers. A reporter crosses “starving children on a raft.” “Du Palais Bourbon to bleach, is the panic and misery.” On Sunday 30 January, the people regained hope, “decreases the Seine” welcomes “Le Petit Parisien” participating like other newspapers in a fundraiser to help the flood.

“Le Petit Parisien”, 30 January 1910

1924. Derisory parapets to protect the population

Fourteen years later, in 1924, the waterways of the Paris region overflowing again. “The simultaneity of the flood of the Yonne, the Seine and Marne can have terrible consequences. It is to her that we had the 1910 disaster, “reminds” Le Petit Parisien “. The water rises to 7.32 m at the Austerlitz Bridge. Of residents were evacuated. Prefectural authorities ordered to build, in haste, parapets and “iron frames supporting the timber crib in which it will sink cement.” Delayed action and ridiculous face the force of the water.

“Le Petit Parisien”, January 3, 1924.

On January 6, 1924, the decline of the Seine began. But the damage is very important, especially in the “metropolitan” and the railway network.

“Le Petit Parisien”, January 6, 1924

1955:. The first action reservoir basins

Nineteen years later was no different. The onlookers watching the Seine in fury from the decks. The flood of 1955 was described as “cinquantennale”. The water rises to 6.95 m. The damage is less than in 1910 and 1924. The Paris prefecture has meanwhile implemented a major project to impoundments, huge artificial lakes can retain huge volumes of water.

“The liberated Paris,” January 23, 1955.

Do enough tanks basins to eliminate the risk of flooding? Experts know: the answer is no. In 1982, the Seine River, fed by melting snow and ice, rises alarmingly. In the suburbs of Paris, many homes were affected and 75,000 homes are without electricity.

“Le Parisien”, 14 January 1982.

Risk prevention plans in the 2000s

in March 2001, the banks of the Seine are flooded for several days … the approach of the centenary of the 1910 flood, the prospect of a “nightmare scenario” is taken head on. The nature of flood risk has changed. Since 1910, the Paris basin has experienced rapid urbanization. “When I see that we have built, until recently, some equipment anywhere, I feel that people have mistakenly believed that with the dams we were protected,” said Pascal Popelin, the interdepartmental institution dams reservoirs of the Seine basin. ”

“Le Parisien”, 23 November 2002.

But one hundred years later in 1910, “the number of impoundments remains inadequate” to deal with a hundred-year flood warns “Le Parisien”. 508 towns remain very vulnerable, despite the achieved improvements.

About one million of inhabitants potentially affected

“Le Parisien”, 23 January 2010.

Among the potentially most affected areas by the flooding: the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris, Alfortville (Val-de-Marne) and Asnieres-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine). 800,000 Parisians are potentially threatened, said “Le Parisien” in 2012.

“Le Parisien”, 28 January 2012.

In short, the damage of a flood would be huge for the residents of the Seine, the Marne and Oise. But in reality all France would be deeply disturbed by such a disaster. According to the OECD and the organizers of the exercise Sequana, a poorly anticipated flood of the first region of France have an extremely heavy toll: € 30 billion of damage, 5 million people affected and 400,000 jobs directly affected


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