Masses force on Sunday, for sure, is a big day TAF for the bishops and priests. Most of those approached by Libération to comment on the case Barbarin, probably too busy, have stubbornly entrenched behind their answering machine. With one or two exceptions. “You ask me about the Barbarin case? ventures the bishop of central France, the bravest. I honestly can not say anything. I know no more than what I read in the press. “ sign of embarrassment surrounding this case. As evidence of the influence (even silent) exerted by Cardinal Philippe Barbarin of French Catholicism. Around Roanne (Loire) and Lyon (Rhone), the priests, some of whom had given their support to alleged victims of Father Bernard P., indicted Jan. 27 for assault and rape of children under 15 , now refuse all contact with the press.
Within days, the Catholic Church in France has seen waking nightmare of the early 2000s, one of the Pierre Pican. For the first time in history, a Catholic bishop, one of Bayeux and Caen, in Calvados, was sentenced to three months suspended sentence for not brought to the attention of the justice the actions of a priest pedophile in his diocese and therefore his responsibility.
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on Friday, the prosecutor of Lyons confirmed that a preliminary investigation was opened to non-reporting of crime and setting risking the lives of others on the margins of Bernard P. case as shown mails exchanges and direct testimony of alleged victims, Philippe Barbarin was warned several times about the actions of the priest, those dates, according his words, before 1991. in the process, one of the alleged victims also filed complaints against the cardinal and archbishop of Lyon and five others. Weighed milligram, a press release dated March 3, says the cardinal and the diocese will cooperate in the “serenity and [the] trust” with the law.
Barbarin claimed in initially have taken the decision to suspend him father Bernard P. 2014. a release immediately challenged by Alexander H., the alleged victim who revived the case in the summer of 2014. ‘C’ only beginning in March 2015 he told me of this decision, “ he told release. ultimately, the diocese, asked by release, has acknowledged he was wrong in his statement.
Discreet to silence the episcopate has cracked a very brief statement, just six lines of “support” to Cardinal Barbarin, assuring “prayers”. a minimum service, in a way that leaves a palpable fear dawning of the prosecution and a fear of controversy began to swell.
Barbarin case also takes a political turn. Ultra media, Cardinal and Archbishop of Lyon is one of the spearheads of the pro-life movement, as opposed to abortion to euthanasia. Some voices began to rise, this weekend, calling for the removal or resignation of the Archbishop of Lyon. To protect his institution, as advocated by the MP for Seine-et-Marne Yves Jégo (UDI). Catholic identity is right, she headwind to defend “his” cardinal. In its ranks, suspected “the LGBT lobby” to settle accounts after fighting for gay marriage. This conspiracy theory does not hold water. Except to the flagship of the Catholic press, the daily Cross a supporter of these environments. On February 11, he published at the national level, the first large – and great – Bernard P. investigating the case Locally, it was revealed in October, with Country Roanne and Tribune de Lyon. “We are a responsible approach, that’s all. We just want our children are not in danger, “ corrects his side François Devaux, the president of the association released the Word, which includes alleged victims of Father Bernard P.
Anyway, the fate of Barbarin is played in Rome. Because of a possible resignation signal will come from there. The tone of his latest release does not suggest such an option. For now, the French cardinal still has the support of the Vatican. Cleverly, the archbishop of Lyon also points out in its statement of March 3, citing the spokesman of the Pope, the Jesuit Federico Lombardi. On 19 February, it said on Vatican Radio that Barbarin acted with “extreme responsibility” in the case of Father Bernard P. Enough to pounce alleged victims.
“for the moment, Pope Francis has some difficulty assessing the situation,” explains in Rome, a source close to the Vatican. Last week, some unofficial emissaries discreetly made contact in France to gather information. And take the temperature … These elements should be brought to a close – and influential – papal advisers. “Francis Cardinal Barbarin like the” the same source, an element that explains, for the moment, a Papal embarrassment. Among the French bishops, Barbarin is in fact the only one who knew him (some) Argentine Jesuit before he became pope.
The Cardinal and Archbishop of Lyons, according to one expert ecclesiastical circles know “be a courtier.” Little court under the pontificate of Benedict XVI, Barbarin was about to catch up in the corridors of Vatican, showing a readiness from the Latin Pope. What give the heart glad to Francis, who often complained about the lack of support from the French bishops. With the exception of the German episcopate, the papal reform policy is sluggish in Europe. More conservative than his “boss,” Barbarin has not less cherished its relations with him.
If it does not move, Pope risk of contradicting his own choices. Returning from Mexico, Francis, at the press conference on 17 February aboard his plane, recalled that Bishop who moved a pedophile priest from one parish to another “should resign”. “it’s clear,” he added. However, at the moment they were spoken, these words were not directed Philippe Barbarin but the situation in the United States and Mexico. If the matter was escalating in Lyon, gradually with the development of the investigation, he will the archbishop of Lyon exception to the rule laid down by the Pope himself? For now, the age of the facts in the case P. Bernard let him rest.
In the wake of Pope Benedict, Francis calls a hue and cry zero tolerance in cases pedophilia. Finish this cleaning is one of the major challenges of the current pontificate seeking to restore credibility to a decline in Christianity in the West. He told this thorny issue to the intractable Franciscan Seán O’Malley, the successor to Cardinal Law of Boston, one of the protagonists of the recent Oscar-winning film Spotlight (the Vatican recommend seeing ). In Rome, the Pope established the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors who still faces the inertia of habit. One of its members, former victim Peter Saunders, recently resigned with loss and crash because of the “slow progress”. In short, the Pope fears the fire in France. In his time, Benedict XVI has quietly dismissed several bishops from office because of their deplorable attitude in the management of pedophile priests folder. How will the Pope Francis, he applied his “zero tolerance” in the diocese of Lyon?
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