“I have not saluted the courage” of the perpetrators of the November 13 said Jean-Marc Rouillan RTL on Tuesday morning. The co-founder of Direct Action was interviewed the day after the opening of a preliminary investigation to “glorification of terrorism” after his remarks February 23 on Radio Grenouille. That day, he said on the air that terrorists “fought bravely in the streets of Paris, knowing that there were nearly 3,000 cops around them” .
“I only said that in their efforts to be killed for their ideas, he took courage, but that’s all , said Jean-Marc Rouillan on RTL . This is a technical approach to the fight, not an endorsement of what they did. In the same interview I say that they are enemies. The whole affair takes immeasurable proportions. I do not see how that would be charged with “apology” of enemy crimes. “
Convicted of murder, the co-founder of Direct Action, armed organization of the extreme left who committed in 1980 assassinations and is currently on parole
read also:. his portrait Jean-Marc Rouillan in his role
His initial remarks were strongly reacted. Stéphane Le Foll, the spokesman of the government, has thus insurgent on iTV: “What happened is that the young people came to France to kill free [...] And someone which, after the story was his, still think it would be brave to do that? [...] It’s brave to do what? To arrive with a Kalashnikov in Bataclan and shoot people who have no weapons? That’s the courage? But it is the negation of courage. That’s why I say “stupid accident” to say things like “.
An” intellectual mush “
Meanwhile, the French Association of Victims terrorism (AFVT) Tuesday announced the filing of a complaint against Jean-Marc Rouillan for “apology for terrorism”, calling his statements on Radio Grenouille “intellectual mush” . These remarks are “in absolute indecency against victims of this massacre” , she adds, believing that their author “wallows [...] one more time in violence “.
When contacted Monday by AFP, he said take these remarks, but said that it was ” not a valuation of all “ jihadists, which he said does not share the ideology. “These remarks are an insult to the victims and further injury to the families who have already suffered a lot” , reacted the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, at his hearing on Monday by the parliamentary committee of inquiry set up after the attacks
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