Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It is found alive after spending 24 hours at sea … – TF1

It is found alive after spending 24 hours at sea … – TF1

<- Mpg = 1116852 "TF1NEWS13 - MASTHEAD (All)", GPa = 2737 ->

<- / blk = 166,952.3, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- blk = 172823 "InscriptionV4TeaserVisiteurCompte" ->
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<- / blk = 167,675.4, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- blk = 165680 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 165680.4, R, prdfriweb007 -> <- blk = 156323 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 156,323.4, R, prdfriweb002 -> <- blk = 167776 " GeneralPub "-> <- / blk = 167,776.4, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- blk = 172820" AfficheContenuUniversel "-> <- / blk = 172,820.39, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 172835 "HomeNavigationV2" -> <- / blk = 172,835.21, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- blk = 172837 "GeneralPub" -> <- / Zon = 10 ->

<- / Zon = 20 ->

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<- / Zon = 1050 ->

<- / Zon = 1100 ->
<- / Zon = 1200 ->
<- / blk = 167,213.7, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- blk = 166891, "GeneralChapo" ->
Edited by
the August 12, 2014 at 17:40, updated August 12, 2014 at 6:03 p.m..

<- blk = 166889 "ChapoMagique" ->

Location map of Fécamp Seine-Maritime

<- / blk = 166,889.39, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 171916 "AfficheContenuUniversel" -> <- / blk = 171,916.41, R, prdfriweb004 ->

<- Mot-cl é!; MSB: seine-maritime (id: 7279) -> <- Block ESI 3600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb007 - Tue 12 Aug 2014 7:04:28 p.m. -> <- MOT-!! cl dé MSB: seine-maritime (id: 7279) ->

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Seine-Maritime, disappearance, Normandy <- Time g dé! n dé ration ISS / ESI: 0534 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave, thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 166,896.397, R, prdfriweb001 -> <-! - Blc = 167866 "lci / TF1NewsWidgets" -> <- / blk = 167,866.3, R, prdfriweb004 -> <- / Zon = 2100 ->

Facts various She was lost at sea since Sunday night. A young 24 year old woman has been found off Fécamp, next to Le Havre, after spending 24 hours at sea, on a board. <- / blk = 167,130.7, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- blk = 167894 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 167,894.4, R, prdfriweb004 - -> <- blk = 167132 "PapierUniversel" ->

Clinging to his board, drifting off Fécamp, next to Le Havre, a young 24 year old woman was found alive Tuesday afternoon. She spent more than 24 hours at sea, do we learned from the maritime prefecture of the Channel and the North Sea. Daily West France refers to 36 hours.

It is about 45 miles off Le Havre Seine-Maritime , in Bay of Seine, a Belgian ship localized around 15:30 the young woman. It is a party at sea on board a “paddle” (board train) from Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue in the Channel would have drifted about fifty kilometers. Highly dehydrated and too weak to be hoisted, it is being evacuated by sea to the hospital in Fécamp.

Monday around 15:30, the Regional Operational Centre for Monitoring and Rescue (Cross) Joburg had been alerted by the police of disappearing of the young woman, who had not been heard from since Sunday night. Significant research resources, air and sea, had been deployed off Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue for several hours, to no avail.

Location map of Fécamp Seine-Maritime

<- blk = 169689 "AfficheContenuUniversel" -> <- blk = 167495 "excessive / ExcessifNavTransverse" -> <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI: 0266 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave, thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 167,495.48, R, prdfriapp001 -> <- blk = 170590 "PasseVariableUniversel" -> <- / blk = 170,590.5, R, prdfriweb003 - > <- blk = 168373 "PasseVariableUniversel" -> <- / blk = 168,373.4, R, prdfriweb002 -> <- blk = 166897 "ListeAvisInternautes" -> <- blk = 166899 "TeaserMultiSourceForContentPage" -> <- / blk = 166,899.5, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- / Zon = 2200 ->

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