Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Emmanuel Macron, a candidate that ignores skillfully – The Express

in Strasbourg, he repeated tirelessly. Every time a journalist, more or less subtly, was trying to pull the worms of the nose. The time is not the statement of candidacy for 2017, jure Emmanuel Macron. The former minister of the Economy still holds the record of the debate of ideas, reflection on the reforms that should be implemented to reconstruct the country. This is where his famous “diagnosis”, from the big walk was initiated at the beginning of the summer and that has helped, according to his team, to go knocking on the door of 300 000 French sorted on the pane to retrieve some 25 000 forms.

on Tuesday evening, the Palace of music and Congress was only a first step. Three meetings are planned in the space of two short weeks to deal with the different themes. The appointment of strasbourg, focused on the concept of commitment in the face of a “France that suffers”. Next, at le Mans and Montpellier, will deal with questions related to the daily life and the “life together”.

The pillars of a future program?

Tuesday, Macron has promised to respond to “concerns” and “anxieties” of the French, who, according to him, the feeling of being “the choice of others”, “not in control of their destiny”. On the menu: the introduction of proportional representation to the Assembly, the establishment of a commission of citizens before which the president of the Republic should make the accounts each year. But further devolution and further decentralisation, or the obligation for any minister to submit his criminal record B2 prior to his assumption of office, which would be the subject of a parliamentary review advisory.

GO further >> check out the entire set of first proposals of Emmanuel Macron

What he says, Macron delivered a first work of proposals, which could very well become the pillars of a future program. But he did it meticulously, using the “we”, or “on”. The “I” could be counted on Tuesday evening on the fingers of one hand.

“For the moment, it is only a picture, it is a lack of concrete”

Still need to know if the speech of the former mandarin, its pedagogical approach, is audible. Two hours before the start of its meeting, the former tenant of Bercy was offered a small walk in the streets of Strasbourg. Quickly, a riparian, calls for him to testify to his support… Licensor, however, you have no idea as to the precise content of the measures that his champion defends.

Even topo when Allan, a young student of architecture at the Insa, and asked him what would be the first step to take on the education. Macron speaks to him self. Has The Express, the young man expressed a certain disappointment. “It was vague, a little too comprehensive. I just spoke of more autonomy, but I believe that above all, there is a problem of means. My old high school has closed a class of terminal S, so that the classes are overloaded. I would also have liked to talk to him about the reduction of the merit scholarships, which even has a time been threatened.” Allan will vote for the first time in 2017. And nothing allows him today to express his appetite for a possible bulletin Macron. “I expect it to sort of a program, on which I could rely. For the moment, it is only a picture, it lacks real.”

Caution, pedagogy…

Before this kind of reactions, Macron boasts his method. He insists on an essential pedagogy. “In France, the commitments of the presidents, it may be four or five pounds, or a thousand pages.” He mocked the “culture of the proposal, the policy of the event, the commentary”. It seeks to stand out. He preferred to diagnose before you offer. And promises it will be limited to only a dozen commitments.

If Macron demonstrated the same degree of caution, perhaps it is also because the path to the presidential election promises to be tortuous. He is now in a vice between the two primary, and different scenarios all have their share of uncertainties. A ticket Juppé-Holland could rein in his field of manoeuvre. And the victory of Sarkozy in the primary right would trigger mechanically the candidacy of François Bayrou.

The socialist deputy of the Alpes de Haute-Provence Christophe Castaner refutes this theory to the puzzle. “Juppe has an anti-sarkozy, lance-t-il. As to Bayrou, I do not know very well what it represents.” For him, Macron is today one of the most to even qualify “to the left in the second round”. To the point of not even rule out the hypothesis of a participation of his foal to the primary on the left. “The terms come to be disclosed. Nothing prevents us from discussing with Emmanuel.”

… And boxing gloves

In the meantime, Macron has on Tuesday evening all of its potential competitors, a process not really usual for him. Juppe first, pointing his “arrogance” as soon as you leave the train, or falling out then his inability to pass in 95 its pension reform. But most importantly, by inviting the political leaders whose “probity has been questioned” to stop presenting themselves to the suffrage of the French people. A reference to thinly veiled to his conviction and sentence in the case of fictitious contracts to the city hall of Paris.

the Same price for Nicolas Sarkozy. “How can we imagine to present in front of the French when it was deliberately exceeded the limit of expenses allowed for his campaign?” Less virulent, François Hollande, has given a new thrust to the deprivation of nationality, a text on which the executive has spent “weeks”, for a subject deemed “at odds with the concerns of the French”.

on Tuesday evening, the Macron hitter woke up the walkers. If his wife believes it is “too early” to consider a nomination, them imagine more the opposite. It was enough to hear the “Macron president!” sung in the scenes after the meeting to convince them. Or this shoreline came to greet him in the street a few hours earlier, to inform him that it was “his candidate”. The response of Emmanuel Macron? “I understood you”.


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