The goal : to settle the prisons overcrowded. Manuel Valls has announced the construction of 32 new houses of arrest and a detention centre, during a visit to the national School of prison administration (Enap) from Agen, on Thursday 6 October. A real estate program on prison and research the land has been established, according to a press release of the ministry of justice.
What is the goal ?
The goal is to”achieve the individual cells”, states the press release. This program aims to improve the safety and working conditions of prison staff, as well as the support of the persons detained. It has the ambition “to give back its meaning to theexecution of the sentence of deprivation of liberty”.
What are your plans for the prisons ?
Manuel Valls announced the construction of 33 new prisons, including 32 prisons and a detention centre, or more than 16,000 additional cells.
The Prime minister wants to also, through this program, create 28 neighborhoods of preparation for release (QPS), which 12 rehabilitation of penal sites and 16 new schools.
The project of finance law to 2017 provides 1,158 billion euros permissions commitments for the construction of places of imprisonment. On the staff of Justice, “3.280 new jobs have been created since 2012,” said Manuel Valls in Agen. He added : “the recruitment, the draft finance law for 2017 will add even 1.255, of which 878 jobs of supervisors.”
priority areas
The first 9 priority projects relate to urban areas : Nîmes or Alès, Strasbourg, Toulouse-Muret (site prison existing), Nice, Avignon or Carpentras, Nantes and Saint-Nazaire ; and three in the
The Western region, as well as the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur and Ile-de-France, have been identified as a priority. “In a first phase, over 3,900 cells will have to be built, in priority in the areas of overcrowding, high – Ile-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur – and in regions where the population projections criminal plan an important development : the South-West and Great-West,” said Manuel Valls.
How does it fund this program ?
The Prime minister is launching a search of land covering the entire program. 40 prefects of department are asked to identify, on their territory, rights-of-way land available, public or private, that could accommodate future facilities in each of the urban program, in consultation with the elected representatives.
The number of inmates in the French jails amounted to 68.253 people in September 2016, for 58.311 “operational places”, according to the prison administration.
many associations to consider the vision “real-estate” of the resolution of the problem of prison overcrowding, inefficient, arguing that the more one builds, the more locks…
C. T.
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