Thursday, October 6, 2016

Manuel Valls wants to create 33 new prisons – The Figaro

VIDEO – The prime minister expected of the prefects of the proposals in terms of the land available by the 16th of December next, to make the trade-offs the public in early January 2017.

“Too many schools in a dilapidated (…), too much closeness, too much of a mattress on the floor (…), this environment is not worthy of France”. On a visit to the national School of penitentiary administration of Agen, Manuel Valls, accompanied by the Garde des Sceaux, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, expressed concern of the state “drama” of the prison estate, “a French disease”. In the wake of the report on individual cells given by the garde des Sceaux on September 20, which had already recommended the creation of 10 to 16 000 cells by 2025, the prime minister detailed his global project: the creation of 33 new prisons (of which 32 houses stop, where the rate of overcrowding reached 140%) in nine priority sectors (such as Nîmes/Alès, Strasbourg, Toulouse or the paris region). The government also wishes to develop QPS (areas of preparation for release) in the form of places independent, because “it is necessary to punish, lock up the culprits ( … ), but he must also prepare the way for a gradual return to the society. The ultra-repressive, without nuances, that some would like to see reinstated, has shown its limits and its inefficiency”. 28 are in project, including 16 new schools.

at the approach of the end of the quinquennium, the prime minister wants to go fast and expected as well as the prefects submit their proposals regarding the land available for these projects by the 16th of December next, to make the trade-offs the public in early January 2017. “We need to go fast because on average, it takes ten years to build a prison,” he said. To finance this project, colossal, Manuel Valls confirmed the envelope of 1.16 billion euros in the project of finance law for 2017. But to reach the rate of individual cells of 80% that

the government has set for years and governments to come, it would take between 2.2 and 3.5 billion euros… moreover, Manuel Valls has announced that it wants to establish by the end of the mandate of François Hollande a “white Paper” on the question of the prison, in the image of those on defence and security.

national Consensus

After the attempted assassination of’osny, and the mutinies in the schools of Poitiers and Valencia and then, that “more than 4000 physical assaults are committed every year against personal prison”, Manual Valls has said they want to strengthen the security of the prisons, without further detail the measures that will be proposed. Particularly in the face of more and more detainees radicalized and dangerous. In addition, proposals should be made by the end of the year in the field of intelligence prison, in the framework of the law of 3 June last, which states “to enter the prison administration in the intelligence community”.

Effects of the announcement of the approach of the end of the mandate? Manuel Valls wants to think that the time has come for a real national plan on the subject, beyond battles, the partisan: “When it is anticipated 15-20 years of construction, there is no other choice than the consensus. It is the fundamental interest of the nation. The observation was made, for a long time (…) we wanted to give a decisive impulse for the years to come”.


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