Sunday, October 9, 2016

Attack with Molotov cocktails: a police officer in a state “of great concern” – The Point

one of The four police officers targeted by an attack with Molotov cocktails on Saturday afternoon at Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), is in a state of “very worrying” and was placed under induced coma, has it learned Sunday from sources, police and judicial.

The deputy security 28-year-old, who was conducting a surveillance mission near a fire red of the city difficult to the Large Terminal on the known for its flights to the door with violence, “is in a state of great concern”, told AFP a police source.

“He was placed under induced coma the time to stabilize his condition,” said a justice source. “It is burned on 30% of the surface area of his body, the hands and the face”, she added.

The guardian of the peace for 39 years, who accompanied him in the car stormed by a dozen individuals, is “still hospitalized for burns”, but her condition causes “least concern” according to the justice source.

The two other officers, a woman of 28 years and a man of 38 years called in reinforcements, “came out of the hospital” of Longjumeau (Essonne) on Saturday night, according to two police sources. “They are both extremely shocked,” said one of these sources.

The guardian of the peace still hospitalized will prescribe at least three months of ITT (total incapacity of work), and the two agents got out of the hospital three weeks off work, said a police source.

investigators were still Sunday in search of the perpetrators of such violence.

They occurred near the city of la Grande borne, which lies astride the communes of Viry-Châtillon and Grigny, at a red light, which was long the theatre of assault.

for more than a year, the city of Viry-Châtillon is trying to regain the territory to the attackers at this intersection says “the Bakery” and for this purpose installed a cctv camera, the policemen attacked were protecting.

“When you attack public servants who are wearing a uniform, it is the State that we attack,” said Sunday the minister of Justice Jean-Jacques Urvoas at the “Grand rendez-vous” Europe 1/iTELE/Les Echos, evoking a “symbol”.

The sanctions will be “of course” severe “because there is clearly intent not only to harm the police officers,” but also “to undermine the life,” he said. He however assured that”there is no zone of non-law” in France.

president François Hollande said Saturday that “everything will be done to find the perpetrators of this attack and bring them to justice to be sentenced to a penalty to the extent of the seriousness of their act”.

09/10/2016 13:17:31 – Evry (AFP) – © 2016 AFP


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