Thursday, October 6, 2016

Calais: the general Piquemal off the cadres of the army – The Express

The general Christian Piquemal, who had participated in the 6 February in a demonstration of anti-migrant prohibited to Calais, has been sanctioned by the authorities. According to Le Figaro, the former paratrooper has been removed the officers of the army by a decree of 23 August. The wearing of the uniform is now prohibited.

A disciplinary procedure was launched in march by the minister of Defence Jean-Yves Le Drian, in the name of a breach of the duty of military reserve. The general had been heard on June 14 by the supreme Council of the Army (CSAT), whose disciplinary training headquarters to the Hotel des Invalides in Paris.

Acquitted by the criminal justice system

Christian Piquemal hoped then to be cleared by his peers after a favorable court decision. On the 26th of last may, the criminal Court of Boulogne had acquitted the general of the facts of”organization of an unauthorized demonstration” and “participation in a crowd which did not dissolve after summation. The decision is final, the prosecution abandoned the appeal of the judgment.

READ more >> Judged after a demonstration anti-migrant, who is the general Piquemal?

Asked by Le Figaro, the person concerned is said to be

“deeply outraged by this decision unfair and unwarranted, excessive and disproportionate”. The general Piquemal intends to file an appeal with the State Council or the european Court of human rights. Claiming to be “totally whitened” by his release, he debunked the “disavowal of judicial power by the administrative authority. This upsets the hierarchy of laws, jurisdictional, it is simply a never-before-seen.”

the interpellation of The general Piquemal at the event calaisienne had elicited strong political reactions. The man of 75 years was built in icon of resistance to anti-migrant by the fachosphère. The elected members of the national Front had, meanwhile, denounced an arrest considered arbitrary.


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