Thursday, October 6, 2016

Construction of 33 prisons: “the More one creates and fills” – The Express

“I am surprised that we have had announcements on such a scale. But it has stopped believing in father Christmas, they are never followed by facts”. Philippe Campaign, secretary of the union prison FO is bitter. The government is committed Thursday morning to build 33 prisons 32 prisons and a detention centre for 10 000 to 16 000 seats. All over a period of at least six years.

The announcement of Manuel Valls, whose purpose it is to combat prison overcrowding, was expected. But the figures announced surprise the professionals in the world prison.

“Under Nicolas Sarkozy, there has already been a promise to build 20 000 places in prison, it is not necessary to believe all the ads,” adds the trade unionist FO with The Express. He accuses the government of “amateurism” with this announcement now, which “obscures the question of the recruitment of supervisors”, and “seven months of an election.” “It would not work against these new prisons, adds Philippe Campaign, but it is inconsistent”.

“An old recipe that has already proven its inefficiency’

He said: “the government has developed a double discourse. On one hand, it tells us that there is a lack of places, and on the other, it will close prisons, such as in Clermont-Ferrand (the prison was closed in November 2015 and the prisoners transferred to the new centre of Riom, editor’s NOTE)”. “It’s no use to open others on the current schema, with the rise of terrorism and radicalisation, it is necessary to reform our institutions”, adds Philippe Campaign. Force ouvrière has already proposed to the federal chancellery to create prisons according to the profiles of the inmates (a radicalized, shorter sentences, etc.). But this proposal did not, a priori, not been incorporated into the plan of the government.

on The side of the OIP (international Observatory of prisons), the ads are scary. Contacted by The Express, Sylvain Gauché, one of the lawyers who are members of the Observatory denounces a “logic of investment real estate.” “This does not solve the problem of overpopulation: the more one builds more prisons and fills!”; loose-t-it.

Since September, the ministry of Justice proclaims its intention to achieve a goal of individual cells of 80%, a right of detainees violated since 1875. On 19 September, in a signed statement in particular with the Union of the judiciary and the League of human rights, the OIP had already estimated that this will create new prisons was “an old recipe that has already

proven its ineffectiveness”.

“to Renovate, rather than build”

“This walking, it is a social support,” adds the lawyer Sylvain Gauché. There should be more ways for the SPIP (penitentiary services of insertion and probation) and instead, we are going to make cuts in their budgets.” “In the prison located near Clermont-Ferrand, where I often work, the cost of one day per inmate amounts to 250 euros, while an electronic bracelet and its accompanying cost only 5 euros per day,” says the defender, who fears that France fits into “a criminal policy more repressive”. He also is bitter: “The justice finds himself, without means, and we’re going to put all those features in a decision to the questionable effectiveness”.

The CGT prison sharing his doubts. “Building places of prison has never solved the problem of the individual cells”, points out to Express the trade unionist Christopher Dorangeville, who was present Thursday morning during the announcements of Manuel Valls.

He regretted not having been consulted by the minister. “On the 1st of January 2015, 36% of detainees were convicted to sentences of less than one year in prison. It is especially necessary to move towards an alternative to incarceration, which could actually reduce the level of overcrowding criminal”, avance-t-il. The trade unionist also regrets that these ads relate to the horizon 2024: “during the six or seven years, no concrete solutions are being made.”

According to him, the money advanced by Manuel Valls, between 2.2 and 3.5 billion euros “could be used to repair the fleet prison old. It is necessary to renovate, rather than build”. The only announcement that was hailed by the SGC is the creation of 28 districts in preparation for release. “It is well to prepare the release of inmates,” says Christopher Dorangeville, but it is still better to think of their entry into prison.”


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