The school of chemistry of strasbourg has yet hit the minds of the jury Nobel for its quality. After Jean-Marie Lehn in 1987, then Martin Karplus in 2013, the French Jean-Pierre Sauvage, professor emeritus of the university of Strasbourg and director of research emeritus, CNRS), received the Nobel prize in chemistry. He shares with the Scot James Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern university, Usa) and the Dutch Bernard Feringa (university of Groningen).
Jean-Pierre Sauvage, 72 years old, former student of Jean-Marie Lehn, university of Strasbourg, is the ninth French to receive this distinction in this discipline. It is also the fourth professor nobélisé of the university of Strasbourg,
The three chemists honored this year have continued to perform tours de force, assembling the atoms – that is their job – to make real molecular machines : elevators, muscles, wheels, car… Or at least some similar mechanics of these objects, at microscopic scales, with a size of the order of a billionth of a meter.
” These are the supporters of the clear line. Their chemistry is easy to imagine and it seems easy to “, explains Jean-Pierre Launay, of the Centre for the development of materials and structural studies (Cemes) in Toulouse, france. the ” Nine times out of ten, we had still three times longer than expected and some of the molecules have made ten years ago to be synthesized ! “,…
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