Monday, October 10, 2016

Reims : a high school student seriously injured, possibly stabbed – to The Point

A student of first has been seriously injured, probably with a knife, Monday, October 10, at Reims in front of his high school, Franklin-Delano-Roosevelt, according to several sources in the AFP. A fight reportedly broke out at 10 o’clock in the morning on the outskirts of the establishment. In a press release, the academy of Reims states that ” the emergency services worked quickly to take care of the victim.” The local newspaper, The Union reports that the prognosis for the adolescent is engaged. Transported to the university hospital of Reims in a serious condition, the student would have received a blow with a knife, according to police. According to BFM TV, the alleged perpetrator of the assault would have surrendered to the police.

Cell psychological

according To several witness statements collected by the AFP on the spot, the assault allegedly occurred after a fight that allegedly escalated between the two high school students, on a background of rivalry between the two difficult neighborhoods of the city. “It is part of a look, it started with punches, and then I saw him pull out a knife and give a blow in the stomach “, described a high school student witness of the scene, which took place in front of the entrance to the biggest high school rémois, with more than 2,000 students. The hotel is well-known calm.

In a press release, the rector’s office expressed “its deep emotion,” and announced the establishment of a ” cellule médico-psychologique, which will remain available to students and the educational community as a need.”


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